Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max

We have gotten approvals from the exchange for Bracket and Trailing SL orders, and this should be available on ZT in the next couple of weeks for NSE – Equity and F&O. We will be the first brokerage to offer this on both the exchange segments
Got that letter from zerodha wondering if my rksv will launch such feature o_O


Well-Known Member

Feedback :

Guys, can you think of asking the trading password at the time of system login.? The reason is that say for overnight positions, or if loggin in with an open position, there is time delay where in a volatile market, it can make a significant different. Saw my MTM of 6K turn to 4K by the time, I could punch in the trading password. :( Also, at open, have to wait for the market to start before order can be placed. This takes time, and is detrimental to a trader.
Hello RKSV,

Can you please define "5 Free Trades per month"?
Is one trade means one lot of nifty option or future? OR
Is one trade means one basket order of 100 lots of options+10 lots of futures?
Hello RKSV,

(ignore my previous post if it gets approved)

Can you please define "5 Free Trades per month"?

Is one trade means only 200 lots of nifty option?
Is one trade means basket order of 4,000 lots of nifty options?
yeah good point DSM .. nothing rksv can do ..

It;s NEST programmer that made it that way ...
they needed to collect all login pass and trading pass same time when it allows you to login .
instead they want to fill transaction pass when u place order lol wasting your 30 sec lol

How to overcome what i do is .....
I log to nest at 9:00 am lol
and i place a buy nifty 50 buy order it, it will ask me transaction pass and order will get rejected as pre session is activated :)
so when market starts at 9:15 i am all set

i hope if rksv is making new software they can make a login pass and trading pass entry at startup
That would be great ^^^

Question for rksv:--

How do u unsubscribe to Mobile trade alerts . you guys flood fill inbox with my trade lol I need a opt out .how do i stop the alerts on mobile . interesting story is i gave my moms mobile number lol
Members have the flexibility to subscribe to or unsubscribe any message alerts.
clicks form NOT found jai ho nse

so how do i stop trade alerts ....

Apart from that i can proudly say :--
Power on my side ... Economical and reliable Best broker in Mumbai Rksv :)
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Well-Known Member
Yep Test123, I too place a dummy order in the morning..... though at open (9.15) and then cancel it immediately. It's a waste of time, but will take up your idea of placing pre-market order. So that will help. But the issue is actually not resolved, since I log in again (evening) for 2nd session for trading commodities. So I need to ensure that I place a dummy order and then cancel it, if I am supposed to be trading live... without the nuisance of being requested a password..... :( All my trades (99% atleast) are 'market orders' So this password issue becomes a nuisance after loggin in.

As RKSV have mentioned that they are going to introduce new software (whenever it happens - no release date mentioned) they need to ensure it is designed so that the login and trading password is asked simultenaously... and not when wanting to execute the order. It's system design flaw....

Another feedback : Could RKSV 'invite' traders to do 'dummy' or 'dry runs' on their software before release? At a stage when it is in early beta testing? If they do this, they will be able to get feedback from traders and not by some theoritician sitting in the office. The timing of asking password at the time of wanting to execute a trade is in my view similar to requiring one before using a fire extinguisher..... So rather than designing a system and then correcting it later, with a beta version, they can get rid of flaws or have improvements that need not be worked out later. I hope somebody in RKSV is listening.... :(

yeah good point DSM .. nothing rksv can do ..

It;s NEST programmer that made it that way ...
they needed to collect all login pass and trading pass same time when it allows you to login .
instead they want to ask you for transaction pass when u place order lol wasting your 30 sec lol

How to overcome what i do is .....
I log to nest at 9:00 am lol
and i place a buy nifty 50 buy order it, it will ask me transaction pass and order will get rejected as pre session is activated :)
so when market starts at 9:15 i am all set

i hope if rksv is making new software they can make a login pass and trading pass entry at startup
That would be great ^^^
Yep Test123, I too place a dummy order in the morning..... though at open (9.15) and then cancel it immediately. It's a waste of time, but will take up your idea of placing pre-market order. So that will help. But the issue is actually not resolved, since I log in again (evening) for 2nd session for trading commodities. So I need to ensure that I place a dummy order and then cancel it, if I am supposed to be trading live... without the nuisance of being requested a password..... :( All my trades (99% atleast) are 'market orders' So this password issue becomes a nuisance after loggin in.

As RKSV have mentioned that they are going to introduce new software (whenever it happens - no release date mentioned) they need to ensure it is designed so that the login and trading password is asked simultenaously... and not when wanting to execute the order. It's system design flaw....

Another feedback : Could RKSV 'invite' traders to do 'dummy' or 'dry runs' on their software before release? At a stage when it is in early beta testing? If they do this, they will be able to get feedback from traders and not by some theoritician sitting in the office. The timing of asking password at the time of wanting to execute a trade is in my view similar to requiring one before using a fire extinguisher..... So rather than designing a system and then correcting it later, with a beta version, they can get rid of flaws or have improvements that need not be worked out later. I hope somebody in RKSV is listening.... :(
Hey DSM,

Thanks for the feedback. As the other poster mentioned, NEST isn't "owned" by us. We can definitely send your feedback to them and push to have them find a better solution.

Yes, when we design our own software, we will push it out in beta so that you can suggest your changes. What we did with Keystone was push it into beta. We test it internally but customer user testing is still a great way to elicit feedback and enhance products continually.
@rksv what do these 2x, 3x margins mean? Is it like with the standard margin requirement for 1 lot, you can buy 2,3 lots?
Broadly speaking yeah. Say Product A is priced at Rs. 10,000 per lot and we give 1X leverage and Product B is priced at Rs. 10,000 per lot and we give 2X leverage. For Rs. 10,000, you can buy 1 lot of Product A and 2 lots of Product B.