Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max

Thanks Trade4Putuval,

While I do agree with you that this may be have been done on the basis of risk assessment, best practices etc, the real impact of this practice is detrimental to a trader, and the trader will be a loser. By necessitating password at the time of actual trade, risk is actually CREATED for a trader - with an unrequired layer of legal protection for the broker - (this is not mandated by law.) What happens in reality, is that many traders will enter dummy order and cancel, so as to be live. What if somebody forgets? And for a trader who logs in the evening session for MCX, this is a problem, as he is forced to make dummy orders in a live market.

So bringing this up, as everyday, twice I have to put in dummy order - just to cancel. Multiply this by the no. of traders who use this 'go around' - and you will have a small % of traders who would forget to cancel. So such practice, while ensuring no liability on part of the the broker who are insuring and 'double padding' themselves against non existing risk, this practice becomes detrimental and is against the interest of the trader. We as traders need ensure our concerns and problems are addressed by brokers - and not accept 'bad practices' from a trader's that is thrust upon us. The brokerage house will always ensure that they put their interest ahead. Sure. But not at the cost of or risk to the trader/customer. - Just my 2C.

Not a broker trying to "protect himself." These are just SEBI rules to have 2 passwords at logon, and transaction password before placing trades or during idle hours.

Can it be implemented in other ways? Sure -- instead of asking questions or popping up for passwords, we can have better ways of authentication (such as Android's method of drawing a pattern to unlock a phone). But we can't bypass SEBI rules that mandate throwing in extra authentication factors.


Well-Known Member
You are correct -- we haven't changed intraday leverage among the three plans yet. We are testing it out on our systems and will try to roll it out soon. Dream Plan will remain the same. The other two will get more intraday (MIS) leverage on Cash.
So if I move to Pro plan, then will I have to wait for the higher leverage till you test ? will you be giving some discount till you test yourself ? Because that is what is the major advantage of the pro plan and nothing else.
So if I move to Pro plan, then will I have to wait for the higher leverage till you test ? will you be giving some discount till you test yourself ? Because that is what is the major advantage of the pro plan and nothing else.
There's already higher leverage on F&O on Pro Plan versus Dream. If you only trade Cash and have no need for F&O then we suggest you wait until we push it out and we'll enable it for you.
We were always at 7150 for a long time. Obviously we will work on bringing that down :)
Anything on this?

One thing that I wanted to ask, if it can be brought down just because a competitor did, why isn't it brought down in the first place? Isn't it unethical to charge extra as taxes and then also be loud about being transparent?
Anything on this?

One thing that I wanted to ask, if it can be brought down just because a competitor did, why isn't it brought down in the first place? Isn't it unethical to charge extra as taxes and then also be loud about being transparent?
We go through IL&FS for clearing. That's where the transaction charges are. So whenever someone brings rates down, we go and negotiate.
we need Updated version of NEST that actually works with NEST PLUS

restarted 9 times still same error .

doesn;t matter me much as i use amibroker still it is nice to have default charting feature work
Last edited:
we need Updated version of NEST that actually works with NEST PLUS

restarted 9 times still same error .

doesn;t matter me much as i use amibroker still it is nice to have default charting feature work
Hmm.. if you want to open Nest Plus and you get that error try this:

Right click on any scrip click on plugin commands (last option) and click on Plus chart (keyboard shortcut is Shift + P).

If you try to open Nestplus from the Nest Plus menu - My Nest Plus account - and Launch Plus it will throw an error.