Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max


IN F&O margin list, there 5 column,

1. span margin - ?
2. exposure margin - ?
3. intraday margin - (trading in MIS intraday - squareoff on same day)
4. carry forward margin - (keeping position till expiry)
5. cover order margin - (trading cover order and squareoff on same day)

i understand 3, 4, 5. pls explain 1 and 2.


IN F&O margin list, there 5 column,

1. span margin - ?
2. exposure margin - ?
3. intraday margin - (trading in MIS intraday - squareoff on same day)
4. carry forward margin - (keeping position till expiry)
5. cover order margin - (trading cover order and squareoff on same day)

i understand 3, 4, 5. pls explain 1 and 2.

Hey gvr,

1 and 2 are specified by the exchange and daily. 3, 4, and 5 are computed using 1 & 2. For example, Carry Forward Margin = Span + Exposure.

Span Margin and Exposure Margin explanation:

Your BO going to be "full feature" or is that not possible presently?

hi rksv,

i am day trader in nse cash market, i plan to trade in NSE FUTURES scrip (not options) day trading,,,,

so what difference between nse cash equity market day trading and FUTURE scrip day trading under MIS..

in my view, the only difference is scrip size,

in nse equity market - one quantity..

in f&o market - one lot
this is the only one difference i think,.

if any other difference is there,, pls tell me (like price fluctuation, order book, square off, etc.. etc.)

hi rksv,

i am day trader in nse cash market, i plan to trade in NSE FUTURES scrip (not options) day trading,,,,

so what difference between nse cash equity market day trading and FUTURE scrip day trading under MIS..

in my view, the only difference is scrip size,

in nse equity market - one quantity..

in f&o market - one lot
this is the only one difference i think,.

if any other difference is there,, pls tell me (like price fluctuation, order book, square off, etc.. etc.)

Futures and Equity are not the same products but, yes, they behave similarly. If equity moves up, the future does too, and vice-versa. Futures let you do a few things that equity can't -- you can short sell Futures but you can't do the same with Equities.

Also, margining for futures works differently than it does for Equities -- we will put up a full featured SPAN calculator shortly on our site for all products, you can see the difference there.

Square off, order book, price fluctuation -- all are similar to Equities.

If any other member on TJ wants to shed light on this subject or add more points, please do :)