Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max


Well-Known Member

Do you have RTD feature enabled by default in NEST, if no is it possible to enable? Please advise.


Do you have RTD feature enabled by default in NEST, if no is it possible to enable? Please advise.

Hi amsin,

RTD is called "Link to Excel" in NEST.

You can use this feature by selecting the scrips from Market watch, right click and select 'Link to Excel' option. Open excel and press paste.

You might need to make changes to Excel to allow Data Connections through Excel Options - Trust Center - External Content - Prompt user about data connections.
got email from Rksv .. Finally they enabled Bracket order.

I see a new option "bracket order" but when i click on it nothing happens...
Is it enabled for only f&o or will it work for mcx too ?

It wil be nice if rksv make a short video how to Place a bracket order .. as i am unable to figure how do i place a bracket order.
got email from Rksv .. Finally they enabled Bracket order.

I see a new option "bracket order" but when i click on it nothing happens...
Is it enabled for only f&o or will it work for mcx too ?

It wil be nice if rksv make a short video how to Place a bracket order .. as i am unable to figure how do i place a bracket order.
We will work on an instructional video. Bracket Order only works for NSE Cash, Futures and Currency Futures as of now. We are rolling it out for BSE next followed by options. Nothing on MCX yet.


Well-Known Member
How many days chart intraday data you are providing? 22 days or 30 days ?


Well-Known Member
got email from Rksv .. Finally they enabled Bracket order.

I see a new option "bracket order" but when i click on it nothing happens...
Is it enabled for only f&o or will it work for mcx too ?

It wil be nice if rksv make a short video how to Place a bracket order .. as i am unable to figure how do i place a bracket order.
Same thing is happening with me. I am trying on BNF & Nifty but till now no result.