Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max

A new message pop up i just copy paste it
is my computer is attacked by hacker pls let me know

"The server's security certificate is revoked!
You attempted to reach, but the certificate that the server presented has been revoked by its issuer. This means that the security credentials the server presented absolutely should not be trusted. You may be communicating with an attacker.

Help me understand
When you connect to a secure website, the server hosting that site presents your browser with something called a "certificate" to verify its identity. This certificate contains identity information, such as the address of the website, which is verified by a third party that your computer trusts. By checking that the address in the certificate matches the address of the website, it is possible to verify that you are securely communicating with the website you intended, and not a third party (such as an attacker on your network).

In this case, the certificate presented to your browser has been revoked by its issuer. This usually means that the integrity of this certificate has been compromised, and that the certificate should not be trusted."
I got this certificate when I checked the certificate through Mozilla Browser. Image attached below.

Have you cleared your Browser's cookies and temporary internet files ?

If not then you may try .

RKSV Certificate.jpg


Today getting following error can u pls check the issue i am feeling really uncomfortable

403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
Today getting following error can u pls check the issue i am feeling really uncomfortable

403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
Hi santaji,

We're upgrading our systems right now (usually use the weekends to do that). They will be up shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I play banknifty futures 1 lot at a time .

Usually 1-2 trades per day times 5 trades happen.

Can anyone migrated from Zerodha to RKSV guide me ..

Would it make sense for a person like me who does 1-2 trades in bnf futures with single lot in a day to shift to RKSV ?

I have calculated brokerage paid by me to Zerodha from 1st aug 2012 till 8th Sep 2012 and it turns out to be only 2610-/.Am planning to wait till end of month to know how much I pay.

What are the other charges where we can make comparison for small traders like me ?

Hi All,

I play banknifty futures 1 lot at a time .

Usually 1-2 trades per day times 5 trades happen.

Can anyone migrated from Zerodha to RKSV guide me ..

Would it make sense for a person like me who does 1-2 trades in bnf futures with single lot in a day to shift to RKSV ?

I have calculated brokerage paid by me to Zerodha from 1st aug 2012 till 8th Sep 2012 and it turns out to be only 2610-/.Am planning to wait till end of month to know how much I pay.

What are the other charges where we can make comparison for small traders like me ?

Hey Buddy ,

I am a client of RKSV and so would like to share my personal views . This is totally my own analysis and therefore you should read it as an opinion , and not as any personal recommendation.

I trade mostly in Nifty options and do multiple trades involving both buying & writing of options each day. Some days I also prefer Futures trades too.

What makes me comfortable with RKSV is that after getting Rs. 2187 deducted from my trading account on the first day of the month I would not have to worry about the number of trades at all for the whole of the month . No matter, whether I trade as a scalper/jobber taking my trades to 10-12 per day [aggressive] or keeping it simple to 2-4 [conservative] trades per day I have no worries about brokerage.

To know breakeven points in various scripts you can check RKSV's calculator on their website to get a clear picture of how your trades should be handled.

One thing which makes somewhat difficult for me is that if for a particular month I am busy with some other work for a fortnight or so then I have to make decision about whether that month should I trade at all with RKSV, because just as I would make my first trade my Brokerage for that month is fixed to be taken even if I am unable to trade frequently that month. This kind of month can turn out to be expensive.

RKSV's plan offers that if we do not trade at all in a month then that month's brokerage will be credited back to the client's account.

Indisciplined and intermittent [not frequent] trading can turn out to be somewhat expensive. Nobody can imagine to give Rs. 2187 as charges for 8-10 trades for the whole month.

Full time or even part time traders who are disciplined can benefit a lot from RKSV's plan which is very impressive.

Wish You Luck !! :thumb:
100 % Agree on below points

"What makes me comfortable with RKSV is that after getting Rs. 2187 deducted from my trading account on the first day of the month I would not have to worry about the number of trades at all for the whole of the month . No matter, whether I trade as a scalper/jobber taking my trades to 10-12 per day [aggressive] or keeping it simple to 2-4 [conservative] trades per day I have no worries about brokerage. "

I want to add something

I am only trading in Nifty Options only & what is my observation is earlier RKSV trading is costly after Prem reach above 60 if u compare all other charges with ZERODHA, but now RKSV is taking clear lead in Breakeven race of unbeatable Points with 0.10 Paise difference with RKSV as Nifty Premium is

There call & trade facility is so fast that u will connect it within less than 10 second to a Dealer after u reach there IVR

And one thing i dont know RKSV is so much i love with me they didn't deduct my call & trade facility on same day

P.S. RKSV last week or may be last to last week in single day i did 3 call & trade but u debit me for only one can u pls debit the same pls

Raju do u know any other broker then RKSV where u have to ask u r broker to debit u r account :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Well-Known Member

Thanks a lot for sharing your experience.

I am not aware if such a broker.

Regards ,