Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max

Re: RKSV - Unlimited Online Trading @ 1947/-

the phone is samsung corby 2 model is GT-S3850 with java
please reply soon.
Ahh ok.. this is the java version. We have good experience with Android. With Java, it can be hit or miss, since it's built to support all phones and sometimes fails on some models.

It's not possible for you to "restore" your phone is it?
FYI - NSE Cash segment is down. Market data feeds are unavailable for Pro and Retail traders... Exchange wide issue... we picked a nice day to launch our currency offerings :eek:
FYI - NSE Cash segment is down. Market data feeds are unavailable for Pro and Retail traders... Exchange wide issue... we picked a nice day to launch our currency offerings :eek:
What currency offerings ?? :confused:

I must've missed that post :(
Hey guys!

We just launched our next unlimited plan and it's for the NSE Currency segment! Introducing the RKSV Currency 999 Plan where you pay Rs. 999 a month for unlimited trading, zero brokerage on NSE CDS Futures and Options.

This is a separate plan from the existing Freedom Plan. So you can choose to subscribe to one or both of the plans. Also, the same refund principle applies :) -- if you don't trade on CDS you get your 999 back. If you trade on the Freedom Plan but don't trade on CDS on a particular month, then you still get your 999 back. We will also pro-rate the first month's bill just like the Freedom Plan.

Website has been updated with all the full details. For existing clients, all you have to do is fill out the segment addition form here:

Of course, let's not forget the transaction costs since we know many of you guys here are keen on knowing that. It's Rs. 160 per crore on CDS futures and Rs. 7,500 per crore on CDS options. Our calculator has been updated for CDS at

On a side note, we are going to start sending all of our clients a daily SMS at the end of the day summarizing your trades. There is no cost to this -- it's more of a security mechanism so you know that trading activity was or was not done on your account every day.

Additionally our back office has been updated to give you taxation reports. More info here:

One thing to note: There are a few changes on our BSE CM plan. NSE has begun charging brokers an additional Rs. 150 per client per foreign segment as a software fee starting November. If you are a subscriber of the BSE CM plan, this will be an additional fee :( However, a very small percentage of our clients are enabled for the BSE CM segment (<5%) so I doubt it will affect most of you. Additionally, BSE wants us to charge a minimum brokerage per day as per their rules so if you trade on BSE CM on a particular day, we are adding a fixed amount of 1 paisa on the contract note for that (not 1 paisa brokerage, just 1 paisa).

All in all, it's been a hectic day with the NSE Cash segment going down for several minutes but our team is happy to announce the new segment addition and ready to answer your questions :)
1) The subscribers will simply see a new segment in the NOW menu or is there some other software arrangement ?

2) The same funds can be used for this segment or separate provision has to be made ?

3) Boss, declare some discounts for the existing customers, something like first 3 months free or something. At Rs. 2187, it was Rs. 100 per session and that is fine, affordable. At Rs. 3300, it will call for some recalculating.
1) The subscribers will simply see a new segment in the NOW menu or is there some other software arrangement ?

2) The same funds can be used for this segment or separate provision has to be made ?

3) Boss, declare some discounts for the existing customers, something like first 3 months free or something. At Rs. 2187, it was Rs. 100 per session and that is fine, affordable. At Rs. 3300, it will call for some recalculating.
Hi TP!

1) Yes, it will within NOW. No other software is needed

2) Same funds can be used.

3) We are targeting the folks who do quite a bit of intraday trading on CDS to gain from this. Not mandatory that you have to pay for both and even if you are subscribed to both, you can choose to only trade in CDS on the months you want to. Rest of the months you'll get a refund. Again with pricing, we always shoot for lower pricing if we can do it.
Congrats and Good luck :thumb:
Hi TP!

1) Yes, it will within NOW. No other software is needed

2) Same funds can be used.

3) We are targeting the folks who do quite a bit of intraday trading on CDS to gain from this. Not mandatory that you have to pay for both and even if you are subscribed to both, you can choose to only trade in CDS on the months you want to. Rest of the months you'll get a refund. Again with pricing, we always shoot for lower pricing if we can do it.
One newbie question.

If I trade 1 lot bank nifty intraday what will the total cost be per transaction
Lets say I buy at 11400 and sell at 11410. What will be the total transaction cost and what will my net profit be?