Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max

Hi Megapixel,
I saw you have an Option Strategy builder in your site ( are the option premiums real time or EOD?)
Yes, it is EOD.

....but there is no Option Strategy performance monitoring ?
Yes, it is there with respect to expiry price of the strategy.

Is there any way to monitor Option Strategy in the trading platform / back office or any other source ?
I am sorry there is no other way, however you can create the same on the tool available of Option Strategy Builder. Do let us know if this helps.
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Well-Known Member

Inconveniences are as follows...

1. Option Strategy premium prices needs to be real time . ...should be able to save the Strategy.

2. There is no way I can monitor my CNC holding portfolio worth in real time. I would love to exit portfolio based on real time worth.....this is a stopper.

Is there any workaround you suggest here ?
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Inconveniences are as follows...

1. Option Strategy premium prices needs to be real time . ...should be able to save the Strategy.
Got it.. Something we can think of doing on our trading software but not on the tool online at the site.

2. There is no way I can monitor my CNC holding portfolio worth in real time. I would love to exit portfolio based on real time worth.....this is a stopper.

Is there any workaround you suggest here ?
It's there in NEST in View Holdings. Or am I mis-understanding something?


Well-Known Member
Do NSE allow GTC orders?? if it does when RKSV is introducing it??