Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max


Well-Known Member
Again Awesome. And now few questions :)

1. Will it be semi-automated or fully automated order placement via API?
2. Seems documentation is in progress for the API? I didn't see code sample for placeorder on the documentation page. Or for example, if I say getOrders then need the all possible values for message/status returned.
3. Confusion between INTERACTIVE and Historical subscriptions for intraday trading. If I am trading intraday and want to refer to last candle data, or data for a candle on 5 min time frame/any time frame of the same day then do I have to subscribe to both INTERACTIVE and Historical plans ?


Well-Known Member

I am facing minor problems since last few days. I have taken the screenshot and I am posting that below.

Also I saw your Webinar about Option Chains & Option Strategies, that was good one. I am trying to find out in Upstox web to add the Option Chain but there is no link for it in the Add Widgets Window.

Note: I have Hard Refreshed my Browser several times to check whether it helps but it did not. I am using Mozilla Firefox latest version.



Well-Known Member
Will take a look. Looking to overhaul the way we deliver chart data to fix it once and for all. Will happen in next 3-4 weeks.
Dear RKSV,

Thanks very much for the positive responses. It is very encouraging.
The issue is that the last candle of the chart (current forming candle) does not have the correct Open-High-Low-Close values and therefore shows part candle formation.
It is risky because the trader needs to take decision based on current candle.. which could be misleading.

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work !!! :thumb::thumb::thumb:


Well-Known Member
Brilliant! We love you RKSV. :cheers:
Thanks NJ23 ji for posting the info ... on APIs which is Rs 750 presently offered by RKSV. (If it was Rs 250 like omnesys offers for nest plus for Amibroker, would have taken it immediately)

But still .. well done RSKV !!!
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Yeah... second that. Please give some detailed info about it.
Hey folks,

It's a monthly subscription program where you get WAY better intraday leverage.


Our intraday leverage is quite competitive by its own. We get many requests from traders who want a bit more so we've introduced a subscription program for pro traders who need that.

One big benefit is that you get 2x leverage intraday when placing an option buy with CO or OCO.