Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max

Just updated your mobile app.

1. Only 09 colours for indicator colour choice.
Seriously just 09 colours?

2. No buy sell buttons on landscape mode, may we know why?

3. No crosshair values in portrait mode, Who take these decisions?

4. Also, you have given only 2x2 inch space to charts on portrait mode. Pls let us view full screen charts on mobile. No nonsense. Pure clean full screen chart with our choice of indicators only pls.

Can't understand, why you have crippled the mobile app like this?

Bugs: In this latest version the loading circle Animation Still running even after charts get loaded fully.

What's happening rksv? don't you want us to trade on your app?
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Well-Known Member

Say I am selling an options contract in delivery and the margin blocked for that is 1,00,000. The next day can I convert that position into intraday so that it utilizes intraday margin and I can take some intraday trades.

I use to do this always with your competitor. In the morning I convert the overnight position into intraday, then use the margin to take some position intraday and at the end of the day I square off the intraday positions and convert the overnight position into delivery again so that, that position continues as it is.

Is this facility available with you?

Say I am selling an options contract in delivery and the margin blocked for that is 1,00,000. The next day can I convert that position into intraday so that it utilizes intraday margin and I can take some intraday trades.

I use to do this always with your competitor. In the morning I convert the overnight position into intraday, then use the margin to take some position intraday and at the end of the day I square off the intraday positions and convert the overnight position into delivery again so that, that position continues as it is.

Is this facility available with you?
Hi soft_trader,

Yes this is possible. You can convert it to intraday from positions and the margin will be released.


Well-Known Member
In NEST I recently saw a change related to SL-M orders. Earlier if the LTP was above my SL-M then the order went through which was good. Now NEST is blocking those orders if LTP moves above SL-M "Rejected Reason: RMS: Resule Check Trigger Price vs LTP for SL-M orders"
Why the blocking of trades? SL-M is my default setting in NEST and I rarely look in the NEST logs whether my trade was rejected. Earlier working was fine. The new NEST version 3.11.4 allows to place orders even if LTP is above SL-M (checked with other broker account)
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Well-Known Member
In NEST I recently saw a change related to SL-M orders. Earlier if the LTP was above my SL-M then the order went through which was good. Now NEST is blocking those orders if LTP moves above SL-M "Rejected Reason: RMS: Resule Check Trigger Price vs LTP for SL-M orders"
Why the blocking of trades? SL-M is my default setting in NEST and I rarely look in the NEST logs whether my trade was rejected. Earlier working was fine. The new NEST version 3.11.4 allows to place orders even if LTP is above SL-M (checked with other broker account)
Happen with me yesterday
It used work before now getting this order rejected
In NEST I recently saw a change related to SL-M orders. Earlier if the LTP was above my SL-M then the order went through which was good. Now NEST is blocking those orders if LTP moves above SL-M "Rejected Reason: RMS: Resule Check Trigger Price vs LTP for SL-M orders"
Why the blocking of trades? SL-M is my default setting in NEST and I rarely look in the NEST logs whether my trade was rejected. Earlier working was fine. The new NEST version 3.11.4 allows to place orders even if LTP is above SL-M (checked with other broker account)

Hi gansal,

Due to a change in RMS policy we have blocked SL-M if the trigger price placed is lesser than LTP on buy side with immediate effect.