Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max

But, can RKSV provide such type of platform to Indian traders? or it will be same old recipe of either NEST or ODIN?
First iteration won't be too crazy. We are just getting out of NSE NOW. Then we'll add trading tools on it.

You'll see brokers trying to differentiate themselves either by software or other means. We have heard others starting to add a layer on top of Facebook or modifying a social network platform to center around trading... It will be interesting to see what comes out of this year :)
Please tell me required margin to carry for next day with you if I have following positions as they are hedge so risk factor is low.
1. buy 1 lot of Nifty Future at 5900 and buy 1 lot PE of 5800 at 55

2. Covered Call of nifty Buy 1 lot of 5900 at 90 and sell 1 lot of 6100 at 23

I get to carry the above said position from other broker at lower cost so would like to know your offer for same....
Please tell me required margin to carry for next day with you if I have following positions as they are hedge so risk factor is low.
1. buy 1 lot of Nifty Future at 5900 and buy 1 lot PE of 5800 at 55

2. Covered Call of nifty Buy 1 lot of 5900 at 90 and sell 1 lot of 6100 at 23

I get to carry the above said position from other broker at lower cost so would like to know your offer for same....
1. For buying the future, you'd need span + exposure (today's values it would use around Rs. 29,400). Once you buy the put, you'd get the premium amount (Rs. 2,750). Totals to Rs. 26,650 (29,400 - 2,750) for carry forward next day.

2. About Rs. 4,500 for buying the call. To short sell the call, you'd need Rs. 19,400 required for short selling. Once you do both, the final margin would Rs. 19,400 - 4,500 = Rs. 14,900 for carry forward.
Hello RSKV!

I would like to open an account in your company. Before I would like to know:

1. Do you provide margin against stock?

2. What is your fees?

3. Do you provide 3 in 1 account (Bank, Demat, Broker)?

Best regards,
Hello RSKV!

I would like to open an account in your company. Before I would like to know:

1. Do you provide margin against stock?

2. What is your fees?

3. Do you provide 3 in 1 account (Bank, Demat, Broker)?

Best regards,
Hey Wilku,

1. No, not at the moment

2. We have two plans. Dream Plan - pay Rs. 25 per order traded. Freedom Plan - Unlimited trading @ Rs. 1947 per month (gets you NSE Cash, BSE Cash and NSE F&O) or Rs. 999 per month for NSE Currency Derivatives. If you don't trade for a particular month, we refund the full amount.

3. We tie up with IL&FS, one of India's largest depositories, to give you demat service. We are not a bank but transferring money in and out of your trading account won't take longer than a few hours.
Hello ,

Just wanted to clear a doubt . Some confusion as I have not placed any such order yet.

If I buy 1 lot of Banknifty near month and at the same time I sell 1 lot of Nifty near month then do we get any benefit of less margin blocked on account of kind of hedged position or full margin is blocked for both contracts.

Thnx.... :)
Hello ,

Just wanted to clear a doubt . Some confusion as I have not placed any such order yet.

If I buy 1 lot of Banknifty near month and at the same time I sell 1 lot of Nifty near month then do we get any benefit of less margin blocked on account of kind of hedged position or full margin is blocked for both contracts.

Thnx.... :)
Hi traderite!

For margin benefits from the exchange, the two future contracts should have the same underlying.

Hope that helps.
Hi traderite!

For margin benefits from the exchange, the two future contracts should have the same underlying.

Hope that helps.
Thanks for clarifying.

I want to join a Discount Broker in near future .

I am comparing costs of various discount brokers .

Are you considering slashing rates of your plans in near future

as the brokerage charges in unlimited monthly plans by some

other discount brokers have gone down

way beyond what I could see on your website.

Just thinking why is this difference so making up my mind.

PS: also do you have any plans to launch a Hybrid plan ?

Thanks for clarifying.

I want to join a Discount Broker in near future .

I am comparing costs of various discount brokers .

Are you considering slashing rates of your plans in near future

as the brokerage charges in unlimited monthly plans by some

other discount brokers have gone down

way beyond what I could see on your website.

Just thinking why is this difference so making up my mind.

PS: also do you have any plans to launch a Hybrid plan ?

Hey traderite,

No plans on slashing costs. Others have come after they see our model. We are migrating to a different platform soon. This allows us to offer trading in commodities and securities in a single platform. We've been offering the unlimited plan longer than the others and they're offering it for cheaper to woo customers away. If you wait for another 2 months, you'll see another broker beating these guys in costs and coming in. Discount brokerage is going to come in full force (

On our defense, I will say that we have reduced transaction costs over time and increased margins. However, if everyone starts reducing trading costs, there will be a point where you'll be running your business at a loss. We plan on reinvesting our capital on new software and processes. Reducing costs further will just limit any broker to offer standard trading software and average quality service.

In any case, let us know if you have any other questions :) Before signing up with a broker, make sure their vision, founders and alignment are correct. Most of the guys copy-paste the vision/mission statement and marketing messages of others and just cut the rates.

Good luck in your search!