Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max

All... we have heard what you have said. Few changes to mark our nation's independence day.

1) MCX Freedom Plan dropped to 1947/month. Pricing will automatically switch from 2999 to 1947 starting Sep 1.
2) MCX margins have been increased to 2X as of today.
3) NEST software migration will start soon to include market orders and direct bank transfer to over 25 banks.
4) You will also get BSE Cash segment for no charge (presently it's an additional Rs. 150/mo charge on NSE NOW).

More stuff coming soon next month :D
Seems a good move but ................... not too impressed. Very marginal modifications. :(

Can't score it as a great move.

Now waiting for the More stuff next month .
I came to know about your firm a few days back(I am new to the trading scene),went through your site,your brokerage plans,etc.

I was impressed with the way you keep things simple,your site is simple(but effective),your plans are simple(doesn't take too long to understand).Its very hard to find Indian sites(or firms) that follow simplicity in their approach.It was refreshing to come across your's.

I came across a post where someone suggested to design your site,in the lines of other brokering sites where they display almost their entire site in the home page :D.We Indians grow shopping in cluttered bazaars,dwelling in cluttered streets,so its not surprising to see someone finding things "simple" unauthentic.They want the sites they visit to be like a bazaar too(no offense to the guy who posted that suggestion).

I just want to say that you guys are doing a great job:thumb: and please don't compromise your values,quality of service, in the pursuit of lower brokerage charges,other charges,etc.I know its easier said than done,but I really like your core values(simplicity,transparency,flexible enough to bring changes,assertiveness),that I want you guys to do well in the coming years.

Again I would like to emphasize on "Simplicity".This is one quality which took "Apple" to the top(Its sad to see Apple guys moving away from this quality after the death of Steve:().Its much more important to sustain a quality which takes you to the top ,even in bad times,a lesson Apple would learn very soon(I hope).

I am not sure if anyone here has asked this before,what's your idea behind designing your LOGO,what does that stand for?.It would be interesting to know this ,since a logo says so much about the organisation

P.S_ sorry for being too preachy..:p


Well-Known Member
Don't know about the logo, but I thought the founders were deeply religious and selected the name RKSV for their firm - the initials of the Hindu Gods - Rama, Krishna, Shiva and Vishnu to be on their side.

RKSV - HGLS would have got them four more powerful dities on their side : Hanuman, Ganpati, Laxmi and Saraswati.


I came to know about your firm a few days back(I am new to the trading scene),went through your site,your brokerage plans,etc.

I was impressed with the way you keep things simple,your site is simple(but effective),your plans are simple(doesn't take too long to understand).Its very hard to find Indian sites(or firms) that follow simplicity in their approach.It was refreshing to come across your's.

I came across a post where someone suggested to design your site,in the lines of other brokering sites where they display almost their entire site in the home page :D.We Indians grow shopping in cluttered bazaars,dwelling in cluttered streets,so its not surprising to see someone finding things "simple" unauthentic.They want the sites they visit to be like a bazaar too(no offense to the guy who posted that suggestion).

I just want to say that you guys are doing a great job:thumb: and please don't compromise your values,quality of service, in the pursuit of lower brokerage charges,other charges,etc.I know its easier said than done,but I really like your core values(simplicity,transparency,flexible enough to bring changes,assertiveness),that I want you guys to do well in the coming years.

Again I would like to emphasize on "Simplicity".This is one quality which took "Apple" to the top(Its sad to see Apple guys moving away from this quality after the death of Steve:().Its much more important to sustain a quality which takes you to the top ,even in bad times,a lesson Apple would learn very soon(I hope).

I am not sure if anyone here has asked this before,what's your idea behind designing your LOGO,what does that stand for?.It would be interesting to know this ,since a logo says so much about the organisation

P.S_ sorry for being too preachy..:p
I came to know about your firm a few days back(I am new to the trading scene),went through your site,your brokerage plans,etc.

I was impressed with the way you keep things simple,your site is simple(but effective),your plans are simple(doesn't take too long to understand).Its very hard to find Indian sites(or firms) that follow simplicity in their approach.It was refreshing to come across your's.

I came across a post where someone suggested to design your site,in the lines of other brokering sites where they display almost their entire site in the home page :D.We Indians grow shopping in cluttered bazaars,dwelling in cluttered streets,so its not surprising to see someone finding things "simple" unauthentic.They want the sites they visit to be like a bazaar too(no offense to the guy who posted that suggestion).

I just want to say that you guys are doing a great job:thumb: and please don't compromise your values,quality of service, in the pursuit of lower brokerage charges,other charges,etc.I know its easier said than done,but I really like your core values(simplicity,transparency,flexible enough to bring changes,assertiveness),that I want you guys to do well in the coming years.

Again I would like to emphasize on "Simplicity".This is one quality which took "Apple" to the top(Its sad to see Apple guys moving away from this quality after the death of Steve:().Its much more important to sustain a quality which takes you to the top ,even in bad times,a lesson Apple would learn very soon(I hope).

I am not sure if anyone here has asked this before,what's your idea behind designing your LOGO,what does that stand for?.It would be interesting to know this ,since a logo says so much about the organisation

P.S_ sorry for being too preachy..:p

Thanks for the notes! We're doing our best to make the website simpler. In fact, we're going to consolidate all of our freedom plans into one page soon. That way, you guys can just understand it as the Freedom Plan or the Dream Plan.

Regarding the logo, it was created around 2009. At the time, we were a prop trading shop and wanted something to symbolize:

- new age / different
- a knack for risk taking
- creating wealth and success

Obviously it's hard to identify something abstract with values such as above :D but we settled on this logo after a few other iterations. This is also something we are looking at -- the logo should stand for values that are deep, symbolic, and representing the ideals of the firm in place. Maybe we will refresh it later on :)
Don't know about the logo, but I thought the founders were deeply religious and selected the name RKSV for their firm - the initials of the Hindu Gods - Rama, Krishna, Shiva and Vishnu to be on their side.

RKSV - HGLS would have got them four more powerful dities on their side : Hanuman, Ganpati, Laxmi and Saraswati.

Ha! Never thought of that.. we get this question quite a bit over the phone. Dedicated a page on our FAQ to it:
Obviously it's hard to identify something abstract with values such as above :D but we settled on this logo after a few other iterations. This is also something we are looking at -- the logo should stand for values that are deep, symbolic, and representing the ideals of the firm in place. Maybe we will refresh it later on :)
The logo of your's has some resemblance to that of Firefox and Reuters.It looks good too.
Was the website designed by guys in your organisation or did you get the help from outside?.I would like to know the name of the firm which helped you in creating this nice website(if you are comfortable revealing it...).I am not sure if this can be asked in a trading forum,but I just can't ignore my curiosity.

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Hello RKSV,

I have traded earlier with religare n reliance..i was trading in commodities.I have stopped trading from last one year.

Now again i plan to start trading.Need to know from you that can i trade on mcx through mobile phone.I want know that can i trade in currency (both mcx n nse) through mobile phone?

Do i need to fill separate forms for NSE n MCX...Secondly will the funding in case of nse n mcx will be different i.e. do i need to transfer money from my bank account to nse account and mcx account or one fund transfer will take care of both as no delivery is involved?

Request you to please clear my doubts.

Thank You