Upstox - RKSV - Trade in Rs 20 Max

@ RKSV ,

In your Blog a few months back you made a post about Pair Trading. I read that post and liked it. The author had written the post in a nice manner. Author also mentioned that a further coverage about the topic of pair trading will be done in future.

I hope you will post something more interesting with greater depth about this arena of Pair Trading in near future.


Well-Known Member
After market orders not possible


In NOW online, I am able to place AMO (After market orders) seamlessly, and I liked that feature because I will be travelling to office when the market opens. So my AMOs get executed if the limits are reached, without my intervention during my travelling time.

But in NEST, I am not sure if we have the feature. If we have the feature, we are not able to use the feature because it gives 503 error (Service temporarily unavailable). This itself is a dampener for the product which got launched last week. Can you get your technical team to ensure that the server is started atleast by 6.30 AM so that we can place our AMO?

Note: Mostly my analysis happens during the morning hours, hence placing the AMO during evening hours is not possible for me.
Re: After market orders not possible


In NOW online, I am able to place AMO (After market orders) seamlessly, and I liked that feature because I will be travelling to office when the market opens. So my AMOs get executed if the limits are reached, without my intervention during my travelling time.

But in NEST, I am not sure if we have the feature. If we have the feature, we are not able to use the feature because it gives 503 error (Service temporarily unavailable). This itself is a dampener for the product which got launched last week. Can you get your technical team to ensure that the server is started atleast by 6.30 AM so that we can place our AMO?

Note: Mostly my analysis happens during the morning hours, hence placing the AMO during evening hours is not possible for me.
Thanks for the suggestion. Will talk to our tech team. I believe our processes start later than NSE NOW. We will change it so that it's the same time or earlier.


Well-Known Member
can anyone help me how to install NSE now on a TAB.. its asking for member id and user id...I know my user id but what's the member id???? BTW its android based TAB...
Hi madhan,

Sorry for the lack of update. We are trying to talk to the exchange to see what their plans are regarding this -- whether they are going to bring it back or not.

As we said earlier, the new platform is expected to come early to mid 2013. It will work on tablets, web, windows, and through your office...
Dear RKSV,

As you promised you have migrated me to the new system , but your trade express is not working in office. when contacted RKSV technical team they said there are lot of IP ports should open in the office to work this feature.

and Nest exe software ofcourse as usual its not working saying OS error.

and regarding the Mobile software, NSE NOW Mobile software was far better than this. NSE now was very fast and simple , Nest is very slow and confusing. also sometimes it closes saying error, so i have reenter with all details.

finally RKSV CC guys suggested me to use dongle or Mobile tether for this feature to work in office, which is bad idea because i cant connect to the office domain if i use dongle or tether.

i will trade in office only when i got the time and monitoring while doing my office work simultaneously.

any suggestions or work arounds ??? other brokers which are in NEST platform already giving one extra option( in Web software) next to Trade express, which is working perfectly for the realtime quotes.

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Dear RKSV,

As you promised you have migrated me to the new system , but your trade express is not working in office. when contacted RKSV technical team they said there are lot of IP ports should open in the office to work this feature.

and regarding the Mobile software, NSE NOW Mobile software was far better than this. NSE now was very fast and simple , Nest is very slow and confusing. also sometimes it closes saying error, so i have reenter with all details.

Hi Sir,

For parts of trade express, it does require ports to be opened on a business/corporate firewall. It uses multiple ports so not everything can be shifted to an allowed port.

We are working out some errors and problems with NEST. Our technical team is logging all the errors/frustrations with the migration and following up with them accordingly. After the migration is complete, we are planning on updating NEST with a few new features. Along with that, we will try to address most of the problems you all face.

Regarding mobile software, we will take a look and see what we can do to improve it. Will forward it to our product team.
Hi Sir,

For parts of trade express, it does require ports to be opened on a business/corporate firewall. It uses multiple ports so not everything can be shifted to an allowed port.

We are working out some errors and problems with NEST. Our technical team is logging all the errors/frustrations with the migration and following up with them accordingly. After the migration is complete, we are planning on updating NEST with a few new features. Along with that, we will try to address most of the problems you all face.

Regarding mobile software, we will take a look and see what we can do to improve it. Will forward it to our product team.
smart Answer ...!!! why haven't you tested all these problems before migrating . you want to test on live, do you know the cost of it is customers money. anyway i am least bothered now, enjoy with your whatever plans you have... let me know how to change the plan from Freedom to Dream in f&o and equities.
smart Answer ...!!! why haven't you tested all these problems before migrating . you want to test on live, do you know the cost of it is customers money. anyway i am least bothered now, enjoy with your whatever plans you have... let me know how to change the plan from Freedom to Dream in f&o and equities.
Hi Sir,

Most of the problems we get are of the nature:

- Login takes longer than normal (35 seconds)
- Closing the terminal does not happen smoothly
- Market watch doesn't show a column or two.

Many times, it's client facing, other times, it's a simple fix on our end.

NEST has been tested and we haven't had any major issues on our clients side that have led to losses. It's already up for MCX for over a month and we haven't had any serious complaints regarding losses -- so in that sense, it's stable. We are merely adding another segment to it.

However, if you do want to switch out of your plan, no issue. Just send an email to [email protected] with your UCC ID and request and we'll surely get it done. Not a problem.
Hi Sir,

Most of the problems we get are of the nature:

- Login takes longer than normal (35 seconds)
- Closing the terminal does not happen smoothly
- Market watch doesn't show a column or two.

Many times, it's client facing, other times, it's a simple fix on our end.

NEST has been tested and we haven't had any major issues on our clients side that have led to losses. It's already up for MCX for over a month and we haven't had any serious complaints regarding losses -- so in that sense, it's stable. We are merely adding another segment to it.

However, if you do want to switch out of your plan, no issue. Just send an email to [email protected] with your UCC ID and request and we'll surely get it done. Not a problem.
I havent mentioned about losses anywhere ... and sorry may be i am wrong in seeing that trade express not working as major issue.

also yesterday first i have sold USDINR future and then clicked on SQUAREoff it worked perfectly and bought the quantity. but by mistake i have again clicked on squareoff , surprsingly it bought again as per my knowledge it shouldnt buy anymore because i dont have any quantity to squareoff. You may see my logs in your backend. thanks for myself fortunately i have noticed immediately in the positions and again squared off. all this happend in web software and i already informed to your collegues about this.

if i havent seen that qty in my positions , then i might have got loss of 25*(65.27-64.7450 yesterday Close).