Workshop with LIVE TRADES



Oxy, Hari, learning is a different ball game. Apart from lack of motivation for self learning, you learn by several methods like visual, auditory and hand on. Now some person may fall under one of the above categories and gain a lot by being hand held through the process. This does not in any way take away anything from your claims from asking the TA to post results.
Well BAV,u can observe,as oxus has mentioned,that no objection is made in this learning thing.The irritation comes when people are saying that the concerned person is a good trader and he practises what he teaches.

The name of the company used to be 'trendrider'.He split his business with his partner, Bipul, named it 'trendkraft';and guess what they used to call people what their main business was? Software.Means? They are a data provider.That's ok.But they are 'system' seller.When I was their subscriber,they used to take 3000/-(+vat) annually for EOD and 24000/-(may be + other tax) yearly for realtime. But they sell their trading systems also,cost of which I forgot,but it was high 5 figure,annually.Now u get why the interest in organizing the seminars and selling the data service?
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It looks like half of Calcutta has been trained by Mr.Nandy.....
Ha ha:D:D

As far as I know,they have solid ground in South.And one of the seminars are going to be arranged in Chennai.Why don't u attend the seminar and share it with us? If 5 members here are ready,then we can share those 5,200/- in equal amounts.I am just excited about 90% day trading system.So should the members be.U pm me ur bank details,I will send u my part by netbanking money transfer.If the technique is foolish,it will be proved for once and all and if it is really sound,then we can have a great way to make papers printed with Gandhiji's photo.The risk is small.For 5 members,the risk is 1040/-.Please go and attend the seminar for our behalf.He is saying 90% successful days......guys please make oxus give consent to my proposal.If u want I can bear half or full of the fees also.But please consider this.Who else are interested? The time is limited.Hurry up friends.Raise your hands now.


Active Member
Well BAV,u can observe,as oxus has mentioned,that no objection is made in this learning thing.The irritation comes when people are saying that the concerned person is a good trader and he practises what he teaches.

The name of the company used to be 'trendrider'.He split his business with his partner, Bipul, named it 'trendkraft';and And guess what they used to call people what their main business was? Software.Means? They are a data provider.That's ok.But they are 'system' seller.When I was their subscriber,they used to take 3000/-(+vat) annually for EOD and 24000/-(may be + other tax) yearly for realtime. But they sell their trading systems also,cost of which I forgot,but it was high 5 figure,annually.Now u get why the interest in organizing the seminars and selling the data service?
its bout 1.5 yrs ago
i used to use their rt data
btw that time their system was free with the rt data( costs 3500/pm that time)
a guy called sukanta tried a lot to convince me that the system itself is not that good
but a combination of 5min buy with 30 min buy etc. etc. is good ...
isnt this again a bakwas?
any thing to say?
may be now things have changed......................


Active Member
By backtesting the 'guidence' over more than 150 days of intraday data....and 10 years of EOD.Simple.
Yes Hari,

Point Taken, If this is what (a complete testable system) Ajay means when he said 'effective guidance'.

I don't know if that kind of learning opportunity (with a backtestable system without any discreationary mombo jumbo) is available out there. Atleast I did not find one, anyway just been looking for a couple of years, so maybe will know for sure after another couple of years or so :)

I remember vaguely reading in one of your old posts, where you have shared about ultimately finding someone to get guidance and having to go back to basics ... or something to that effect (will look 4 it after the mrkts) meanwhile heres another of Abhijit's post on the similar lines ..

You need a coach to deliver stuff in a manner suitable to you. there are people who may be good traders but wont have the ability to translate it into easily graspable concepts. poor communication skills, not being able to come down to a student's level etc may be some causes. deeper analysis like the preferred learning path for the student, optimal approach like visual, auditory or hands on etc are some other factors that very few would bother to think of.
anyway, till u find a teacher like that, happy searching.
Btw are you on a break or something ...



Active Member
Ha ha:D:D

As far as I know,they have solid ground in South.And one of the seminars are going to be arranged in Chennai.Why don't u attend the seminar and share it with us? If 5 members here are ready,then we can share those 5,200/- in equal amounts.I am just excited about 90% day trading system.So should the members be.U pm me ur bank details,I will send u my part by netbanking money transfer.If the technique is foolish,it will be proved for once and all and if it is really sound,then we can have a great way to make papers printed with Gandhiji's photo.The risk is small.For 5 members,the risk is 1040/-.Please go and attend the seminar for our behalf.He is saying 90% successful days......guys please make oxus give consent to my proposal.If u want I can bear half or full of the fees also.But please consider this.Who else are interested? The time is limited.Hurry up friends.Raise your hands now.

I Do, :D

hmm, a post needs min 10 Chars


I remember vaguely reading in one of your old posts, where you have shared about ultimately finding someone to get guidance and having to go back to basics ...

Btw are you on a break or something ...
Dear Sanjay,
well what can I say about that teacher! You serch the internet for hours for years and can't get a better writing on 'workable','profitable' method than that of our own Saint's.Now that man taught me almost the whole process of Saint's in one to three sentences.He is a gem.Yes it's all about the basics.I regret I couldn't get much time to interact with him.

No Break....not trading today.U guys had a great meeting here.Good to know that.All credit to that selfless person Asish Roychowdhury and Sunondo.Have a great day.



This is an eternal way how Mkt was functioning & is still functioning; HH / LH,LH / LL .True for ALL time-frame.Occasionally a vertical Up or Down but mostly in wave like form.

If one can identify the same (though the Stop is more than my personal tolerance limit & trading style) with Stop & Position sizing one can EARN.

Why are we having a mind-set that Himalaya can ONLY be scaled from Indian side,well it can be scaled from Russian/Chinese/Etc any side.
If i had a mentor (unfortunately i did'nt had that divine blessings) he/she may have guided me to use Oxygen Cylindar & other equipments ,while scaling Himalaya ,which might have helped me to reduce the Learning Curve,but did'nt an Indian went to the Top without Oxygen Cylindar.
My & only My Self Understanding & Daily Interaction with Mkt & Myself is the only way to Grasp,all Prescribed path until understood conceptually is all waste of Time & Money.
A simple Concept can ignite a vista of knowledge,we are most of the time searching for Codes or Systems (made by others),it is not going to work until we understand the basic concept.

Saint's method is not Discovered by him ,it was & will be there in the Mkt,he has & still relentlessly trying to Teach us.For beginners like me this is the THE BEST & SIMPLE method.
A subjective feeling just wanted to share my 2 bits without hurting anyone.
Great to find one companion.Come on guys.
How are you guys going to share what is learned in the meet.... in the sense, you can share the written material which is circulated... but what abt what is said...finer points to look etc. If there is a ready made formula, that can be shared... but what if he insists that you need to BUY data from him to apply his code/system. Are you getting my point?

Pl let me know. And i hope all this is abt intraday and not positional trading.


How are you guys going to share what is learned in the meet.... in the sense, you can share the written material which is circulated... but what abt what is said...finer points to look etc. If there is a ready made formula, that can be shared... but what if he insists that you need to BUY data from him to apply his code/system. Are you getting my point?

Pl let me know. And i hope all this is abt intraday and not positional trading.
If they say that the system is effective only in their data service,then it's not acceptable to the trading mind.It can be easily cross-questioned there in the seminar.
And it's more about tall claims than intraday or positional system.Let us know how he proves his claims.If he can,then it's us who will benefit,if he can't,then we will let the world know that he is a hype.That's my view.

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