Workshop with LIVE TRADES



For any begginer like me,does this Help (if you have bigger Stop).

Do we need any indicator or we need active Money Mgmt. principle.
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This is an eternal way how Mkt was functioning & is still functioning; HH / LH,LH / LL .True for ALL time-frame.Occasionally a vertical Up or Down but mostly in wave like form.

If one can identify the same (though the Stop is more than my personal tolerance limit & trading style) with Stop & Position sizing one can EARN.

Why are we having a mind-set that Himalaya can ONLY be scaled from Indian side,well it can be scaled from Russian/Chinese/Etc any side.
If i had a mentor (unfortunately i did'nt had that divine blessings) he/she may have guided me to use Oxygen Cylindar & other equipments ,while scaling Himalaya ,which might have helped me to reduce the Learning Curve,but did'nt an Indian went to the Top without Oxygen Cylindar.
My & only My Self Understanding & Daily Interaction with Mkt & Myself is the only way to Grasp,all Prescribed path until understood conceptually is all waste of Time & Money.
A simple Concept can ignite a vista of knowledge,we are most of the time searching for Codes or Systems (made by others),it is not going to work until we understand the basic concept.

Saint's method is not Discovered by him ,it was & will be there in the Mkt,he has & still relentlessly trying to Teach us.For beginners like me this is the THE BEST & SIMPLE method.
A subjective feeling just wanted to share my 2 bits without hurting anyone.
There are more to that than HL and HH...but u r correct > one doesn't need a mentor to understand everything.And Martin Pring has also some stuff like that of Saint's.
U r a constant winner,u r running a very successful thread on nifty,u organized a great meet first of it's kind in traderji's history,which I couldn't make for some reason,u r earning in both hands from market.....still if u will say u r a beginner,then I am not born yet,I am in my mother's womb.
Hi Guys,
Just joined the forum today and this seems to be the happening place. I must say I enjoyed myself immensely :)

I am from Kolkata , did not learn technicals from "the one" ::p, watch "the one" regularly on TV and have benefited from his advice

What I understand is that people here are broadly divided into three categories. 1.People for "the one"
2.People against "the one"
3.Voices of moderation

I wish to be the fourth type... "the critic/analyser" :D

Enjoy my posts and kindly take them in good spirit.....


Well-Known Member
Ha ha:D:D

As far as I know,they have solid ground in South.And one of the seminars are going to be arranged in Chennai.Why don't u attend the seminar and share it with us? If 5 members here are ready,then we can share those 5,200/- in equal amounts.I am just excited about 90% day trading system.So should the members be.U pm me ur bank details,I will send u my part by netbanking money transfer.If the technique is foolish,it will be proved for once and all and if it is really sound,then we can have a great way to make papers printed with Gandhiji's photo.The risk is small.For 5 members,the risk is 1040/-.Please go and attend the seminar for our behalf.He is saying 90% successful days......guys please make oxus give consent to my proposal.If u want I can bear half or full of the fees also.But please consider this.Who else are interested? The time is limited.Hurry up friends.Raise your hands now.
Although it sounds good, not sure it is worthwhile. The burden of proof doesn't lie with us, it lies with the marketer ;)
He learnt TA from the father of the viratech guy Rahul Mohinder.In 6 months.

Now let me explain one of his techniques which he teaches(when he taught this to me and a 'roomful' of few other students,he told that he teaches these things in his seminars also):
Take a 50 day SMA.Make a band envelope of x percent(I forgot the number,as it was more than a year back....but it was below 10 surely).
Now plot a 7 period SMA on the same chart.When the 7 period SMA will cut the upper band of the envelope,this triggers a buy with (or without may be)several subjective parameters,like the surge in volume while the break out,the downward slant of the envelope.The exits will be cut of the SMA(7) and the upper band of the envelope in the downward direction.

The name of the company used to be 'trendrider'.He split his business with his partner, Bipul, named it 'trendkraft';and guess what they used to call people what their main business was? Software.Means? They are a data provider.That's ok.But they are 'system' seller.When I was their subscriber,they used to take 3000/-(+vat) annually for EOD and 24000/-(may be + other tax) yearly for realtime. But they sell their trading systems also,cost of which I forgot,but it was high 5 figure,annually.Now u get why the interest in organizing the seminars and selling the data service?
Dear Sir Hariom,
These quotes are collected from your posts . I have a strong feeling that you will be posting the name of his pet dog/cat and how "the one" treats it badly.
It seems that you know way too much about him which may be totally right or totally wrong. In both cases, I wonder......
Let me explain..
1. You are totally wrong about the info on Mr.nandi :: This means that you are criticising someone due to some personal vendetta . In which case none of your comments can be trusted
2.You are very accurate about the info about Mr.Nandi :: How and why did u gather so much info about someone you clearly detest as a snake oil seller ? You are not his jilted lover I suppose? :p As Shakespeare once said "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" :D:D:D
To oxymorouz, biyasc, deb, hariom and all, ( who are asking for one year ledger)-

I fully agree on the idea of you guys that it is the best way to prove. However, it seems that all if you guys are "forum tigers", happy , contented to shout in this forum in typical Indian fashion ( yeh mangta hai, woh mangta hai)
Why don't you guys email or call up mr.nandi and ask for the same??? If you guys go on shouting here, will it serve any purpose other that congratulatory messages from fellow "forum tigers"? Or is it the only thing you guys want?


Although it sounds good, not sure it is worthwhile. The burden of proof doesn't lie with us, it lies with the marketer ;)
When there is tall claim,we can give a chance to prove the beholder.Specially when it is the straight cut way of getting a system or not.Although we supposedly have our ways of trading,but we are the benefitter if the marketer is proved right.


To oxymorouz, biyasc, deb, hariom and all, ( who are asking for one year ledger)-

I fully agree on the idea of you guys that it is the best way to prove. However, it seems that all if you guys are "forum tigers", happy , contented to shout in this forum in typical Indian fashion ( yeh mangta hai, woh mangta hai)
Why don't you guys email or call up mr.nandi and ask for the same??? If you guys go on shouting here, will it serve any purpose other that congratulatory messages from fellow "forum tigers"? Or is it the only thing you guys want?
Believe me Sir,I don't want any ledger,any public-awareness,any bashing of analyst....I want to make money from the market.So do every other trader.Still the majority lose.One extremely capable personality here was saying 45,145 members out of 45,149 members in traderji (and he doesn't restrict to this forum for delineating the failures))don't know to trade for a living.51 % is a majority to 49%.....70% is a majority 30%.....but 99.99% to 0.01%???? Isn't it implying that the whole idea of trading for a living is hell-tough than just a few profitable trades? Attend the seminar yar and share the technique with us......We will cheer up.No need for any ledger.Give us the proof of 'trading for a living'.
Forum tiger......that's nice naming.Thanks for the name.Where is Ratan?
When there is tall claim,we can give a chance to prove the beholder.Specially when it is the straight cut way of getting a system or not.Although we supposedly have our ways of trading,but we are the benefitter if the marketer is proved right.
A sudden change of heart ???:confused:

Your previous posts are filled with info on mr.nandi, both professional and personal. You seem to know so much about someone you detest :D:D

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