Zerodha - Number One Discount Broker in India

Yes, it is giving 502 error even on logging through Kite.

Logged in to Kite ok this morning.

Edit : Just spoke to their cust care. They said it is working now... just clear your cookies etc.. etc.. I said I did that but not working. He kept on insisting that it is working. I said thanks.
TP it is working for me. Can see the ledger.
Re: sector indices

These sectors are there in ZT. But for some reason they dont show up until after 9:15 missing the open. I had to open index dialog again to refresh index box. This is what i see last few days after shifting temporarily to Nest. Maybe a bug. NOW does not have this issue, but it also does not have BSE indices. Didnt check pi/kite but they may have similar behaviour
TB, I have just signed with RKSV, there too, I have noticed this problem with their NEST. I think this is happening since last two weeks or so. The indices shows up in the indices dialog box, only after the market opens. Since I use link to excel for indices data, I have to now restart my excel and other macros once again AFTER the market starts, which was not the case earlier. A bit bothersome.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is giving 502 error even on logging through Kite.

Logged in to Kite ok this morning.

Edit : Just spoke to their cust care. They said it is working now... just clear your cookies etc.. etc.. I said I did that but not working. He kept on insisting that it is working. I said thanks.
They never accepts their fault. At their end everything works fine always :mad: :( :annoyed:


Well-Known Member
Now working for me too. But it wasn't working at 9am when I posted :mad:
There is a statement which shows up:
Please be patient while we are syncing your latest data.

...but it is not clear how long this sync will take as last week it showed the same statement .. however, the TAX P&L cannot be seen / generated.

The solution to 502 BAD GATEWAY is :
Open another window as soon as you get the error without closing the error windows. It seems to be an authentication issue.

It has worked for me on several occasions.
Can log in, but the ledger shows 502 error
There is a statement which shows up:
Please be patient while we are syncing your latest data.

...but it is not clear how long this sync will take as last week it showed the same statement .. however, the TAX P&L cannot be seen / generated.

The solution to 502 BAD GATEWAY is :
Open another window as soon as you get the error without closing the error windows. It seems to be an authentication issue.

It has worked for me on several occasions.

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