Zerodha - Number One Discount Broker in India


Well-Known Member
@Smart, our idea is to keep the business simple. We dont' want to start complicating by things like x brokerage for trading a particular contract. Also I guess you'd agree, the person who was buying 50 nifty, will still end up buying 50 nifty in one order.

Also, don't know if it makes any difference Rs 20 or Rs 10 in today's world where minimum coin in the Indian economy will probably be Rs 10.
If we are reducing any more, Hopefully we will find a way to reduce it to 0 ;)..
As ST had mentioned rightly, in any business, it is the cost - cutting that matters. If I will be able to reduce my cost to half, I will be as good as reaching my destination a half way. So if I demand to reduce my cost, I am on the right track. And I have full right for such demand.

As far as your above comment(in red) is concerned, this is not the right excuse for the cause. There is a difference of 100% between Rs. 20 and Rs. 10. And this difference will be huge for a small novice trader. Although this may not be affecting some big traders, but you must certainly think about the majority of the small traders who are part of your huge customer base.

An alternative ( as I think ) could be to reduce the brokerage to Rs. 10 for all those traders who are trading single lot of the new lot size. This would be increased to the usual rates if they are trading multiple lots. (just my suggestion in case)

@Thanks ST for raising such concern in the interest of all traders.



Impatient Trader
We will be putting up another installer today, and yes cleaning the data today/tomorrow. We are working on like I had said earlier, a super charged data streaming server.

Its all right that cleaning data and all...

But why NEW installer?

Is it having anything changed?


Well-Known Member
When will you release PI-Amibroker Bridge ?
Guys we have put up the new installer on Q. Do uninstall all the previous versions.

So there are two things
1. If you are not able to login, that means Pi has not been enabled yet, so do send an email to [email protected] and [email protected] asking him to enable Pi.

2. A bug that is causing issues is if you have a special character in your password. Do change the special character by logging into NEST and then login to Pi. We will have this fixed soon.

3. We are running the data cleaning/syncing now.

Do post any bugs you might spot on the Zconnect blog. Like I was saying earlier, if you are comfortable with it, there is no need to use NEST anymore.

About the data on charts, it will take atleast 10 more days before our own data streaming servers are up, so if you find any data going missing, excuse us.
The previous version had a similar problem.

That problem was somehow resolved by changing the windows theme. If your windows theme is "windows basic", it doesn't load; if you change the theme to anything else, it logs in.

Try it and revert with your feedback.
There was a weird problem with ZT for me... After ZT was installed, when I created a shortcut to my desktop with the main exe being checked to run as administrator and compatibility changed to Windows 7, if I opened ZT from the desktop shortcut, the two green buttons that display the connection status would be red. But if I directly opened it from the installation folder, the connection would be green. Weird. I don't even know how this is technically possible. We could have a Ph.D in solving Nest problems and even win a Nobel Prize in debugging, first time ever...

And, surprisingly I haven't faced a login issue at all with Pi...

Probably this would help... Once Pi is installed, go to the installation directory, change the compatibility of Pi executable to Windows 7 or your current windows version. In addition, check the run as administrator box...
If the shortcut still has a problem, run it from the installation directory...

Please post how this works out...

Thank you, my Fibs are fixed...:) I don't know what I would be doing without it...:-D

Two more features request, small ones....

Please make the horizontal line moveable and introduce SL-L for the chart trading... And if possible one cancels the other order from the chart....


Impatient Trader

PLZ keep option to select while login... LIKE BSE FO, NSE, NSE FO, MCX... so that it will download only that selected segment scrips....

and not others that we dont want...

COZ it is taking too much time to download all scrips...When we reinstall it.

Also keep option of MINIMIZE window to that AVANT GARDE TRADING..... COZ... it does not goes till you login....

Its too much annoying...

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