Zerodha - Number One Discount Broker in India


Impatient Trader
I have done that procedure... of regasm... for told it done successfully..

But that icon is still showing red... and not turning green


Well-Known Member
Ah cool, but you seem to have understood something that I can't get. I watched the tutorial video many times but can't understand how to resize the charts, have multiple chart windows etc.. Please help with "Resizing charts in Pi for dummies" kind of tutorial :)
Got it.. Hold the title bar of the chart and drag the cursor down, then you will see the guiding arrows :)

tp.. after u hv a chart open.. go to view nd click pop window. This will detach d chart from rest of d terminal. Resize.. then open another chart nd repeat d procesure :)


Well-Known Member
you don't have to worry about it because brokers are connected to exchanges via TAP(trading access point). Its like a single point of access for external entities(brokers & data vendors). Internally NSE can point it primary or DR servers. you won't know the difference.

unfortunately data vendors don't have TAP access, they have direct access to primary servers only. This is why GFDL will have data feed available on 5th and 7th. So no trading for me at least on those day.

Anyone else any ideas on getting a temporary alternate feed on 5th and 7th?

Looks like another week wasted.

That's the saddest part! October was filled with holidays and now a whole week of November. E-signal would also not work. This is where a broker providing APIs matters. IB clients who source data from their TWS would face no issues. We won't need to depend on Data Vendors.
hi guys a bit new to options trading. How is margin allocated in zerodha for option writing? is it automatically done when i sell an option or do i have to manually allocate the margin? can i allocate margin for option trading in the HTML Z5 trading platform?

tp.. after u hv a chart open.. go to view nd click pop window. This will detach d chart from rest of d terminal. Resize.. then open another chart nd repeat d procesure :)
I had tried that "pop window" option earlier, and somewhere along the way I got the following error.

However the procedure of holding the cursor at the title bar and then dragging it down is what is shown in the demo video, at least it seems to work better.

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