Zerodha - Number One Discount Broker in India


Impatient Trader

With Zerodha also have these...

But no OPTION of NEST INTRADAY (DEFAULT) (not NESTPLUS) Chart.(these can be opened without NESTPLUS... which is easy to load... not takes too much time... refreshes.. and not miss any hi-los... most of the time.


Well-Known Member
Happened to see a RKSV user's Nest. He had Plus 1.9 / 2.9 installed. That had the Nest Intraday Chart (Shift+P) and Nest Historical Chart (Shift+H) as part of the Plugin Commands menu. Plus Chart / Plus Historical Chart were separate options in the same menu, but with the same shortcuts.
We used to get even Index intraday charts in ZT by right clicking the Index Dialog. But it is sad that Zerodha has disabled the Intaday chart facility that comes default with NEST. :(:mad: (I am talking NOT about Plus charts)

Do not understand the reason.
Happened to see a RKSV user's Nest. He had Plus 1.9 / 2.9 installed. That had the Nest Intraday Chart (Shift+P) and Nest Historical Chart (Shift+H) as part of the Plugin Commands menu. Plus Chart / Plus Historical Chart were separate options in the same menu, but with the same shortcuts.
Those are available for us too but we are talking about intraday charts that used to open with shift+c , right click on any scrip and you could see an intraday chart option, now its not available. They were easy to load and use, dunno what these omnesys ppl are doing ZT is taking a lot longer time to load ...kuch bada karne ke chakkar mein hope they dont screw up simple things...


Well-Known Member
But no OPTION of NEST INTRADAY (DEFAULT) (not NESTPLUS) Chart.(these can be opened without NESTPLUS... which is easy to load... not takes too much time... refreshes.. and not miss any hi-los... most of the time.
I know that. Was just mentioning the change in RKSV where the default chart options were now available in the Plus menu and not separately as earlier. The likely change seems to be that Omnesys will merge the Plus and default intraday charts to be from the same data source.

As to your opinion about speed/accuracy... do not agree entirely. If Plus charts were set to 1 day, the speed / accuracy is comparable. But this does imply logging into Plus.


Impatient Trader

What I think...



3rd and 4th OPTION


So I think as the SHORTCUT KEYS are SAME... they DO the SAME FUNCTION...

ONLY they have PUT it two times... UNDER DIFFERENT NAMES...

this is what I think.....

BTW what version of NEST you are USING?

Mine is



Well-Known Member
So I think as the SHORTCUT KEYS are SAME... they DO the SAME FUNCTION...

ONLY they have PUT it two times... UNDER DIFFERENT NAMES...

this is what I think.....
Possible. Will have to ask the RKSV user to check.

Mostly use 3.10. Also have 3.11 in another machine. Of course, both have Plus 1.9.


Impatient Trader
I do have both.. 3.10 and also checked with 3.11

Both version of ZT...

Showing only these OPTIONS one TIME.. and not 2 times.. as you shown in the IMAGE..


Well-Known Member

if you are really serious about Pi. Below are few of my suggestions.

1. Look at esignal/ninjatrade/Ami. They have basic drawing tools. Notice how they all work the same. e.g a simple horizontal line or trendline or ray. Pi should have the same things and should work as expected. we should not be telling you that you need to include a horizontal line and how it should work.

2. Other features like pages/layouts..etc. Again they work the same way that we expect them. Pi should do the same.

3. Templates/cross hairs/chart default settings. Again they work and behave the same way in all these charting platforms. Pi should do the same.

I don't understand why we have to report these basic standard features to be added in PI as though they are something new.

But notice how these basic standard features don't even work as expected and we simply have to report it as an issue.

Bottom line : All the use case scenarios are available in Ami/Meta/Esignal/Ninja..take your pick and see how they work and simply make them work in Pi.

So why not release next Pi with all the basic standard features added and FIXED and then release. This will make using Pi much easier, otherwise there is no way people will switch to Pi if basic things don't work as expected even after 10 versions.

Finally the data issue which is again critical.
Zerodha are you listening to the voice of customer???
I want Zerodha to read this post as many time

Once again thanks throwawayacc123

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