Zerodha - Number One Discount Broker in India

See the problem is with people. knowing all these issue exist , yet they continue using it.

I still fail to see how this can be called BETA ready...LOL.

For any software , first thing is the bare minimum requirement should work.

I ask Zerodha, does Pi do that? if it does , please explain what were the minimum requirement for Pi?.
I am not trading on Pi either... Stopped trading on it couple of weeks ago when i realized there's no hope for getting proper feeds at all. We are light years away from getting smooth clean data on Pi. And Zerodha should have worked on their servers and feeds way before the beta or even alpha testing of Pi....Like you said, its the least requirement...
I just keep posting whats required in Pi..


Well-Known Member
I am not trading on Pi either... Stopped trading on it couple of weeks ago when i realized there's no hope for getting proper feeds at all. We are light years away from getting smooth clean data on Pi. And Zerodha should have worked on their servers and feeds way before the beta or even alpha testing of Pi....Like you said, its the least requirement...
I just keep posting whats required in Pi..
Knew a Beta release would be a problem.Not installed PI on system after reading all the posts in this thread.
See the problem is with people. knowing all these issue exist , yet they continue using it.

I still fail to see how this can be called BETA ready...LOL.

For any software , first thing is the bare minimum requirement should work.

I ask Zerodha, does Pi do that? if it does , please explain what were the minimum requirement for Pi?.
Dont know why its taking so long for them to fix this basic issues.
It reminds me of a quote :

“Money doesn’t buy brains but it usually buys stupidity. Keep things simple. [Don't bring in 'Experts]‘”.
Did all that. Called them. They said "10 minutes". Now it's working ok :).

My ISP is YouTele.
YouTele ..hearing it for first time..
about nest plus charts issue, was told that by default charts open with 3d style and volume, we cannot change it... so we cannot change shortcuts for nest plus charts, we cannot open a chart the way we want...omnesys should get award for making one of most user unfriendly applications..


Well-Known Member
About Pi, guys this is a massive project (it is a full fledged trading application) and the reason for putting it out was to ensure that when we have the final release, we don't miss out on any expectations.

@throwaway, we will call this pre-alpha/alpha release from now, if the question is all about calling it something.

It was also important to have this out, to see how our backend systems work. We have just put an entire new rack of servers which we will be migrating to in the next week.

So yeah, like we have said before, Pi is not something anyone is compelled to use. If you want to test it and help us spot/fix bugs, it will be helpful to have the final release out soon. We will put up another release early next week, and yeah will inform when the data server is completely functional.

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