Zerodha - Number One Discount Broker in India


Well-Known Member
Guys, we have had a problem with the Nest Plus server today so a lot of you may experience issues like "Configuration Error" or loss of data on your charts.

For "Configuration Error" - go to Tools > Nest Auto Plugins (Ctrl + Shift + P) and click on Refresh.

For loss of data on charts - this will be resolved end of day today.
Guys, we have had a problem with the Nest Plus server today so a lot of you may experience issues like "Configuration Error" or loss of data on your charts.

For "Configuration Error" - go to Tools > Nest Auto Plugins (Ctrl + Shift + P) and click on Refresh.

For loss of data on charts - this will be resolved end of day today.
and the quotes are not updating in the "Snap Quote Dialogue", but the chart is updating ok...


Well-Known Member
ok, actually i have tried both and felt better with white background so stuck to that.

Nest plus charts are showing data from 1316 hr onwards only..anyone else facing this issue ?
Nest plus Datatable showing data from 1316 hr only for me also :(. I used VWAP data (Tools->VWAP Statistics) to backfill Ami.

Try Black background with bright colored bars this time. Keep trying different combinations of color/brightness for candles until you like Black background charts.
You will do your eyes a big favor with Black background charts.
Copy of Zerodha mail

Thank you for writing to Zerodha Support.

We regret for the inconvenience faced by you.

Kindly find the attached contract note for 14th and 17th November 2014.

Any further queries, kindly write back to us.

Received 17th contract note on 18th at 11.17 p.m. with this regret letter two hours after this reply that already sent on time.

No answer why bank nifty transaction was not in combined contract note

Zerodha why stoop to such low levels of false and incomplete reply

Now issue resolved by remote assistance.Thanks
Guys, we have had a problem with the Nest Plus server today so a lot of you may experience issues like "Configuration Error" or loss of data on your charts.

For "Configuration Error" - go to Tools > Nest Auto Plugins (Ctrl + Shift + P) and click on Refresh.

For loss of data on charts - this will be resolved end of day today.

Missing data is not resolved still!! :annoyed:
Nestplus not working yet again :mad: ... 3rd class software provided by 3rd class company .. Past generation Electronic trading system - PEST(it acts also like one) suits it better than NEST ..
and Zerodha you dont expect us to call you everyday and waste our time, do you ? provide us a better option or there are other brokers too in the market, dont take us for granted.

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