Zerodha Part 2

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As i had mentioned earlier Madhav, we got into fixing some thing at the backend because of the complaints put by our competitors .

Anyways everything is in place, Just completed all the process, you guys should have the certificates tomorrow with a form to fill, once you have filled the forms, the refund should start from day after..

[email protected] is the person to contact for this, would also appreciate if the winners can share a note on the strategy they follow, we would like to share it on Zconnect to benefit everyone else..

A little late in the night, so will put up info on trading styles to winners and loser etc tomm..




Well-Known Member
60 day challenge has proven to be a bigger challenge for Zerodha than traders! :D
How I wish this was true,

Winning in the markets is the biggest challenge of them all.

As Richard dennis says “How much of a role does luck play in trading? In the long run,zero. Absolutely zero. I don’t think anybody winds up make money in this business because they started out lucky.”
60 day - 3 months is not a long enough time, but it is a decent time.

We are processing the 60 day challenge individually, if you need it in a hurry, send an email to [email protected] , special deal for traderji users :) .

As of now nearly 2000 people have finished the first round of challenge, around 2500 yet to complete, I guess the data will keep getting better as and when time passes.

But some of the info to share with you, around 300 winners till now, so around 13% breakeven and more. Following is the data that might interest all of you:

70% of the winners have more than 5lks in their accounts.

12% are women, but % of women traders winning to trading is almost 45% , much higher than the men who are at around 10 to 12%

Average trade size of the winners: around 27% of the capital.

Bearish trades makes more money than bullish.

Average trades/day of the winners : around 6

Have spoken to 30 till now, 10 follow technical analysis, around 14 just read the tape but claim to follow a system, 6 do arbitrage kind of strategies.

Will keep feeding you all with some interesting stuff, let me know if there is any particular info that you require..


Well-Known Member
Average trade size of the winners: around 27% of the capital.

Average trades/day of the winners : around 6

Thanks for the info.

When you say average trade size of the winners - are you saying that on an average traders made 27% of the capital on a given winning trade...if yes, wow...if no, please elaborate.

Would you also let us know the Average risk per trade of winners (for eg: 0.5%, 1% or 2%..etc)?

Looks like people make 6 trades on an average..that is around 360 trades for 3 months...thats some good frequency trading!!

Please keep the stats coming :)
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70 % of the winners have capital above Rs 5 Lacs but are there winners in good numbers in small traders ( capital less than 1.5 Lacs ) catagory ?

Average 6 trades /day for winners indicate that most of the winners are scalpers/ that true ? Actually I am sure that there will be many swing traders in winner catagory but this average gets distorted by high number of trades scalpers and daytraders do.

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For future Zerodha challenge the rewards could be on a graded system as below :

For gains 0.01 to 10 % ......refund of brokerage

For 10 % to 20 % ........ refund of 2 times the brokerage

For 20-30 % ......... refund of 3 times the brokerage.

This will give incentive to trade in one account and maximise the gains as against tendency of shifting accounts when one comes in nominal profits.

Also call it as reward for performance, so that your competitors cannot raise any objection.

Just a suggestion.

Many accounts will be marginally profitable. Or just done a few trades and came in small profit. It will be interesting to know how many accounts were with above 10 % of the capital in profits.



Well-Known Member
For future Zerodha challenge the rewards could be on a graded system as below :

For gains 0.01 to 10 % ......refund of brokerage

For 10 % to 20 % ........ refund of 2 times the brokerage

For 20-30 % ......... refund of 3 times the brokerage.

This will give incentive to trade in one account and maximise the gains as against tendency of shifting accounts when one comes in nominal profits.

and more than 40% return - reduction in transaction charge by 25% for all the trades in that 60 days period ... just an ambitious wish :)
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