Zerodha Part 2

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Jai Mata Di

Well-Known Member
As of now nearly 2000 people have finished the first round of challenge, around 300 winners till now, so around 13% breakeven and more.
70% of the winners have more than 5lks in their accounts.
Average trade size of the winners: around 27% of the capital.
Bearish trades makes more money than bullish.
Average trades/day of the winners : around 6
Zerodha has about 15,000+ clients. Only confident peoples taken the challenge.
It is clear that, most of these 70% winners (only 210 out of 2000) are professional traders. :lol:


Well-Known Member
For future Zerodha challenge the rewards could be on a graded system as below :

For gains 0.01 to 10 % ......refund of brokerage

For 10 % to 20 % ........ refund of 2 times the brokerage

For 20-30 % ......... refund of 3 times the brokerage.

This will give incentive to trade in one account and maximise the gains as against tendency of shifting accounts when one comes in nominal profits.

Also call it as reward for performance, so that your competitors cannot raise any objection.

Just a suggestion.


To make it fair if you loose 1 to 10 % u loose brokerage

10 -20 % you loose 2 times brokerage

20 - 30 % you loose 3 times brokerage

If you add this incentive as well ..there will be no flies near the honey comb atleast be thankful to zerodha for giving you the offer
Is this true...or is it that people open account in their wife's/mom's name?
Of course it is true. This happens because they they don't trust their girlfriends :D
Girlfriends dont make money....they help in spending money.

Obviously, that's why they don't open the accounts in the name of girlfriends, only in the names of their sister/mothers/wife. The money is safer that way :lol:


Well-Known Member

Thanks for the info.

When you say average trade size of the winners - are you saying that on an average traders made 27% of the capital on a given winning trade...if yes, wow...if no, please elaborate.

Would you also let us know the Average risk per trade of winners (for eg: 0.5%, 1% or 2%..etc)?

Looks like people make 6 trades on an average..that is around 360 trades for 3 months...thats some good frequency trading!!

Please keep the stats coming :)
The data could seem a little skewed because I am not really giving it a weighted average, calculating it as a simple average for now.

By average trade size, I meant the average bet size for every trade. Again there are a bunch of guys who keep taking 100% of capital as bet size which skews the data, but 15 to 20% should be the true bet size data once I can clean out these spikes.

As smart trade has put up, with 6 trades/day is skewed because some of the traders who are trading 20 to 30 trades a day. 60% of the winners are in the 1 to 2 trades/day range.


Well-Known Member
Many accounts will be marginally profitable. Or just done a few trades and came in small profit. It will be interesting to know how many accounts were with above 10 % of the capital in profits.

1 crazy boy has gotten 800% return on a 5lk+ account. he has gotten most of the 6100 to 5600 to 6100. Doesn't look like a fluke and we are trying to profile him. Trader from delhi.

We should be able to profile a trader who is up 480% by being consistent on his day trading. a 1lk account at around 5lk, software engineer from Bangalore, we are meeting him tomorrow to see if he is looking at a trading opportunity. Follows technicals apparently, we are looking forward to put up his interview on zconnect by next week.

Out of those 300, 200 are sub 10% for 3 months, 100 are over this. around 20 are at around 100% and plus.
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