Creating wealth with 25000...impossible?? No...possible


Well-Known Member
#92 it not logical to buy reliance and sbi calls an hedge it with nifty puts?????

coz i feel these stocks are really hammered and over sold but if u look at nifty's charts you would feel we still have a free fall...
exited from calls @ 26 , now have 1 put 3500 @ 150
Hi Optimist,

Please always mention which month calls/puts you are buying.

I want to put some things in perspective. Please correct me if wrong. Here's a summary of your progress:

initial capital : Rs 25,000
Capital increased to : ~Rs 46,500 (3 trades)
Capital decreased to : ~Rs 16,000 (Bt 400 CE@100, Sld 400CE@26)

Until now you were trading with 60-100% of capital on one trade. Your last position employs 1% of your capital. This looks like a drastic change in strategy. Is it? Of course, I'm not pressuring you to reveal your strategy, please take your time if it's too early.

If I'm hoping correctly, this might be the best trade you've put on till date (even though IVs are way way up for option buying), results immaterial.

Mr. Optimistic.
I read all of your posts, and they are very interesting to see. Ok, even I am a new trader and want to experiment with the market. I am not that much of optimistic person like you, but some how I could speculate the market with high probability. This is my second month :) as a trader(investor). This is my first investment in options.
I bought ICICI call at 480 Rs, lot size 350 @8.9 (October) could please comment on this whether it is correct option or not. in the mean time if the premium is 20-25 could I square it off even though if it didn't touch the strike price.
Dear Senior citizens Please comment on this

Mr. Reality:D


Well-Known Member
Sorry Mr Optimist Don't think you can do it Your timing (even when you get the direction right) needs to improve a great deal. Hoping you are able to devise better timing tools.

Never mind At least you tried something the majority believes cannot be done (& the majority is often, if not always, wrong. So don't give up Keep improving your trading methodology & success will come)

I couldn't understand one thing,
let say there is a scrip X
call X 200 @8Rs premium and lot size is 400
so if we execrsize that transaction at 400Rs
we will get 200*400
but who is responsible to pay that amount
the writer or the broker

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