Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts MS

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Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

Josh Ji,

Will it not work with excel 2003? I have win xp with office 2003.

Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

tick in amibroker are coming too slow,
1 min 1 tick,
changed refresh to 1 sec but not working,
in excel refreshing correctly


Well-Known Member
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

tick in amibroker are coming too slow,
1 min 1 tick,
changed refresh to 1 sec but not working,
in excel refreshing correctly
look at ur ami database - base time interval must be set at tick and the interday preference - time stamp of compressed bars - 1st or last tick. set it properly and it will refresh in 1 sec or 2 sec what u provide



Well-Known Member
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

Please see the picture .My doubt is in Database settings should it be DDE plugin or local database ? Mr Kanitkar's file it is said as local database.

Mr. Kanitkar has given a video. No file. There is a document called 'Setup Instructions' along with the utilities. Read it and do all settings strictly according to it. Cloumns after SYMBOL should be empty.
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Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M


I have used (tested) this utility without the RAM Disk and is working smoothly on WinXP SP3, without any performance issues.

I have also tried to simultaneously use the back fill utility, initially I was having some issues with the back fill, specially with getting incorrect volume data.
This was because of the back fill process was duplicating the data which was already present in the database.

The solution for this is

1. Select only the data (minutes) which is missing and paste it in the NowBackfil.xlsm, the duplication happens if we try to update all the backdata (15 days or even all the data from today)

- - - or - - -

2. First delete all the data from today or last week or so, and then replace it with minute data from the NEST data table.

Option 2 is useful if we are doing it after the market hours (3:30 PM).
I recommend all should do this on weekends. This helps us maintain a clean version of data.

Agreed the process is manual / semi-auto and takes some time, but this will also help the trader to get acquainted with the data / chart patterns etc.

My view is, getting involved in backup / maintaining the data helps me in better understanding the flow of trend for that ticker.

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Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

Hello Josh

Thanks for a great data utility.

I have installed it on my standby system, and last few days its been running smoothly.

Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

If you are using RTGoogle, log into your google account That may be hanging. Change refresh period to 10 seconds and see. In cas of NOW, do not open Nestplus.
Josh Sir,
Did as instructed to both rt google n rt now, no luck sir,
fol error is given all the time

( cooltool.dll 5.60.3, mfc42.dll 6.6.8064, msvcrt.dll 7.0.7601 )

Microsoft Windows 7 version 6.1 (Build 7601)
Service Pack 1.0
Common Controls: 6.16

Unhandled exception
Type: CSysException
Code: c0000005
Address: 004D3D53

Detailed exception information:
Broker.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module Broker.exe at 0023:004D3D53

Call Stack:
0023:004D3D53 Broker.exe
0023:004D4D70 Broker.exe
0023:0048CC7D Broker.exe
0023:00427CC0 Broker.exe
0023:0048AE3C Broker.exe
0023:0048AE70 Broker.exe
0023:00484438 Broker.exe
0023:004842BD Broker.exe
0023:00429FAA Broker.exe

CPU Registers:
EAX=FFFFFFFF EBX=00000000 ECX=00000287 EDX=0970FFF8 ESI=03FAE560
EDI=054D9230 EBP=00000000 ESP=0785FEDC EIP=6A69ADB5 FLG=00010286
CS=0023 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B

Additional information:

Multi-threaded charts - ENABLED

Number of stock loaded: 2239
Currently selected stock: AXISBANK-EQ
Number of quotes (current stock): 56137

Data source = (default), Data local mode = 1, NumBars = 10000

Data source = (local), Data local mode = 1, NumBars = 1000

Command history:
5004 - Hourly chart--Hourly
5006 - Displays 5-minute intraday chart--5-minute
2934 - Left extend--Left extend
2935 - Right extend trend line--Right extend
2935 - Right extend trend line--Right extend
2929 - Snap trend line start and end points to High/Low prices--Snap to price
2935 - Right extend trend line--Right extend
2935 - Right extend trend line--Right extend
57637 - Insert Clipboard contents--Paste
57634 - Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard--Copy
2987 - Draw left and right extended line--Extended
5014 - Custom periodicity 3
5015 - Custom periodicity 4
2938 - Shows database settings--Database settings
5015 - Custom periodicity 4
5004 - Hourly chart--Hourly

Cache manager stats:
Number of list elements: 36
Number of map elements: 36
Hash table size: 5987

Memory status:
MemoryLoad: 44 %
TotalPhys: 4193392K AvailPhys: 2333588K
TotalPageFile: 4194303K AvailPageFile: 4194303K
TotalVirtual: 4194176K AvailVirtual: 4001948K
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

choose 8 stock from excel to amibroker,
in amibroker their are only 6 stock where only one is updating per 30sec,
other 2-3 are at 3-4 mins,
main problem is that data from excel to amibroker coming too slow
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

choose 8 stock from excel to amibroker,
in amibroker their are only 6 stock where only one is updating per 30sec,
other 2-3 are at 3-4 mins,
main problem is that data from excel to amibroker coming too slow
Shiv are you saying that theres an issue with connecting excel ami via in terms of speed ???
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

yes, in ami via excel tick coming too slow like 30sec to 1min
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