Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts MS

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Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M


If you are using Nest Terminal, use RTNest. That should solve your problem. Everything else seems okay. I cannot help you with older version of RTNow. I do not remember what code is inside since the utility has evolved thru many versions.

Thank you for all your help and time.
Finally it started working and showing volume. Did it step by step.
1. open nest and checked column order and saved it.
2. opened rtnow and pasted link to excel and clicked start.
3. RTnow started amibroker and now there is volume ticks also.

I tried today morning using RTNest. Configured exactly as for RTNow. Linked from nest terminal in sheet RTD but it does not show any values in Nest sheet when I click Start RT. So I am using old RTNow since its working fine now.

Really appreciate your help in solving the problem and for providing such fantastic program to capture RT data.

Thanks again. :)
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

josh ji ,

Today i tried older version of rtnow in which now link was pasted on single sheet and and data is changing

then why is data is not changing in the newer version
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

Josh ji
I have tried linking in new RTNOW many times but data is not changing(ie. Refreshing) in sheet May be i have done something wrong bytheway the file size of new downloaded RTNOW is 47,391 bytes(to check that whether i have messed with it).
Although i am able to get charts in Amibroker from older version of rtnow.
My PC specs are:
1) Operating System -XP SP3
2) MS office 2007
3) Pentium Dual core 2.2
4) 2GB Ram
5) 160 Gb HDD

I have also recently installed RAMDISK( used 300MB RAM Space). Kindly elaborate how to use it for faster data refresh.


Well-Known Member
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

Josh ji
I have tried linking in new RTNOW many times but data is not changing(ie. Refreshing) in sheet May be i have done something wrong bytheway the file size of new downloaded RTNOW is 47,391 bytes(to check that whether i have messed with it).
Although i am able to get charts in Amibroker from older version of rtnow.
My PC specs are:
1) Operating System -XP SP3
2) MS office 2007
3) Pentium Dual core 2.2
4) 2GB Ram
5) 160 Gb HDD

I have also recently installed RAMDISK( used 300MB RAM Space). Kindly elaborate how to use it for faster data refresh.
Specs are okay. RAM Disk of 5 MB is much more than sufficient for our purpose. Just give drive letter of RAM Disk in Cell B2.

You might have turned Auto Calculation off so data does not refresh. Check it in Excel Options
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Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

unable to get data from ODIN TO AMIBROKER
using Windows 8, office 2013
RTD does not work in 64 bit office. In windows 8, installing amibroker, nest or now or odin and office(32bit) in D drive will work. In C drive, program files folder is right protected.


Well-Known Member
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

First a HUGE thanks to Josh sir for providing this utility for us :clap::clap::clap:.

When back-filling we get this message:

Is it possible to automatically save the Amibroker DB (especially when RT feed is running) so that this message does not appear.


Well-Known Member
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

First a HUGE thanks to Josh sir for providing this utility for us :clap::clap::clap:.

When back-filling we get this message:

Is it possible to automatically save the Amibroker DB (especially when RT feed is running) so that this message does not appear.

We are using Microsoft's COM Automation technology to control AmiBroker from Excel. When we backfill, the utility takes over running instance of AmiBroker if any and if not found, it will invoke a new instance i.e. start AmiBroker. RTNOW/RTNest/RTODIN/RTTiger do the same thing. Since AmiBroker keeps all quotes in memory until saved, any takeover of running instance, removes all quotes for the day from memory, they are lost.

May be we can think of combining backfill with the RT utility. That will mean combining with all four. This will have to be done without disturbing RT Feed. That will take some time. Utilities are open source, any members knowing VBA can do it.

There is another idea. Suppose you want to backfill 20 Scrips. Copy there data one below the other in Nowbackfill. That will take about 5 minutes or less. Import them at once. You will have to go to AmiBroker and save database only once.
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