Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts MS

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Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M


Thanks. I finally managed to get things working by reinstalling :clap:

I am guessing it had something to do with permissions. The only thing I did differently was to NOT make my folders PRIVATE.

Thanks for your support. I really appreciate the fantastic job you are doing.

Did u reinstalled windows or ms office?
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

I am using nest trader so I am using RTNest excel file. It has two sheets Nest and RTD and the Nest sheet says "Link to Excel Should be done in the next Sheet that is RTD
" so if i do like that my nest trader showing scrip exceeded limit. If I have 10 scrips in my trader and same 10 linked to the excel that is RTD Sheet and it comes in Nest Sheet. The trader is considering it as, Nest trader 10+ RTD Sheet 10+ Nest sheet 10 = 30 and my trader says scrip limit exceeded. how to solve this?
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

Dear Josh, Gabler n other senior members...

Trying feed from Nest but in RTD I am getting this

Uploaded with

any thing Am I missing???:annoyed::annoyed:


Well-Known Member
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

I am using nest trader so I am using RTNest excel file. It has two sheets Nest and RTD and the Nest sheet says "Link to Excel Should be done in the next Sheet that is RTD
" so if i do like that my nest trader showing scrip exceeded limit. If I have 10 scrips in my trader and same 10 linked to the excel that is RTD Sheet and it comes in Nest Sheet. The trader is considering it as, Nest trader 10+ RTD Sheet 10+ Nest sheet 10 = 30 and my trader says scrip limit exceeded. how to solve this?
Save n Close Excel. Delete your Mktwatch and recreate. Close everything and start in order - Nest -Excel -RTNest.


Well-Known Member
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

Dear Josh, Gabler n other senior members...

Trying feed from Nest but in RTD I am getting this

Uploaded with

any thing Am I missing???:annoyed::annoyed:
Yes. Click on the Paste icon at right side. Start Text import wizard and check against Tab as delimiter.
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

It doesn't working josh1:confused::confused::confused:

Could You or Any other Senior Member...!!! please check remotely??

if so- I don't have pm facility here so shoot me blank mail on rani8286 at yahoo dot com so I can send u tv password



Well-Known Member
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

It doesn't working josh1:confused::confused::confused:
"It doesn't working" means what???

Don't waste time in linking. Copy formula from any original Row below and find/replace scrip name with the scrip you want. (in RTD Sheet)

For example- Original scrip name is ITC and you want TATAMOTORS,
=rtd("nest.scriprtd",,"nse_cm|ITC-EQ","Trading Symbol")

will become
=rtd("nest.scriprtd",,"nse_cm|TATAMOTORS-EQ","Trading Symbol")

If you want Nifty July future
=RTD("nest.scriprtd",,"nse_fo|NIFTY13JULFUT","Trading Symbol")

See the bold part
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