Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts MS

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Well-Known Member
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

pls josh..
update these steps in your setup instructions..(administrative privilage and installation in d drive)..its painful to read all posts to figure out solution..
i dont know how to delete post..?pls sm1 tell me
Updated and done.

Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

josh ..u must have good idea of nest trader market watch is not displaying trend abruptly stopped displaying color today..i unistalled it with revo uninstaller and reinstalled but nothing changed..even same scrips appeared again in market watch..
cud u tell me where it stores preference setting..

if any1 knows pls tell me


Well-Known Member
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

josh ..u must have good idea of nest trader market watch is not displaying trend abruptly stopped displaying color today..i unistalled it with revo uninstaller and reinstalled but nothing changed..even same scrips appeared again in market watch..
cud u tell me where it stores preference setting..

if any1 knows pls tell me
Preferences -- User Settings -- Market watch
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

Hi Josh

I am able to get live quote from RTGoogle but can't get hold for RTnest.xlm. :annoyed::annoyed::annoyed::annoyed:

can't rectify what's wrong I m doing. I m attaching both images.

Pls give any suggestion

Many Thanks

In RTNest.xlm I have tried import tax wizard and check tab delimiters but this is where I was

No offense but newbies like me so much bothering you....
I really appreciate:clapping::clapping::clapping: what you developed/done from which traders are getting benefited..!!!
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

just to add previous post I haven't run both simultaneously.


Well-Known Member
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

Hi Josh

In RTNest.xlm I have tried import tax wizard and check tab delimiters but this is where I was
Do not link anything. All your formulae in RTD sheet are wrong.

Take fresh copy of RTNest. Go to RTD Sheet.

Replace scrip names in the formulae in entire row. for example

=RTD("nest.scriprtd",,"nse_cm|ITC-EQ","Trading Symbol") is for ITC.

If you want other scrip, replace ITC by name of that scrip as it appears in Nesttrader. Say Graphite. nse_cm means cash market.

In case of futures/options
=rtd("nest.scriprtd",,"nse_fo|NIFTY13JUNFUT","Trading Symbol") is for June future.
it will become
=rtd("nest.scriprtd",,"nse_fo|NIFTY13JULFUT","Trading Symbol") for July future.
=rtd("nest.scriprtd",,"nse_fo|NIFTY13JUL5800PE","Trading Symbol") for Nifty July 5800 put.

If you see rates changing in RTD sheet, they are simply linked in Nest Sheet.
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M


In RTNow, I have still not figured out how to get Nifty Spot data into Amibroker using Josh utility :confused: While I know that we can make it appear in the Indices window, I was not sure how to link it. Can someone please help me?

I can get Futures data but not the spot data. Any help would be appreciated.

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M


In RTNow, I have still not figured out how to get Nifty Spot data into Amibroker using Josh utility :confused: While I know that we can make it appear in the Indices window, I was not sure how to link it. Can someone please help me?

I can get Futures data but not the spot data. Any help would be appreciated.

You will not get it in RTNow. It is available in Nest Trader. NSENOW does not provide spot index rates. Right click on index in indices window and see if Link to Excel appears.
Re: Free RealTime Data NOW Nest ODIN Trade Tiger Google Yahoo to AmiBroker, Fcharts M

You will not get it in RTNow. It is available in Nest Trader. NSENOW does not provide spot index rates. Right click on index in indices window and see if Link to Excel appears.
Thanks once again for the express response!!! Nope I do not see Link to Excel option in the indices window :(
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