General Elections 2019

What will happen ?

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Well-Known Member
that's what the article is ' divide and rule' either you are bhakt or you are chaplus. There is no middle way I'm afraid :(

BJP should have stick to their development agenda rather than talking about rubbish stuff. If only they highlighted roads, electricity people would have respected them a better. Instead Modi keeps attacking personally against all political leaders as if he has nothing to show for last 5 years other than Balakot!!!

I don't think article is against Indians. Indians have tendency to get angry if someone shows them mirror. I had been to western countries and realised how much racist we are, how filthy we like to live or how bad driver on road we are and all of this has nothing to do with any corruption or political dynasty. Every time I told such things I get standard response "you have become foreigners after living just few months there". And no one is willing to accept the faults we have.
As said before bro, modi is doing tit for tat politics... he is punching bag of all parties leaders/ even party workers abusing him like anything...

India is changing for sure..i have seen people respecting public property not spitting or not throwing the dirt on road.. yes it was the attitude before few years... and everything is linked to each other ..

dirty roads/areas -underpaid cleaning workers- people's attitude towards cleaning as well

people not filling the taxes -even if some portions do - it is not reaching for nation as corrupt politicians do some scam and all money is gone...

driving rules not followed - because one can bribe a policeman - - he takes bribe as he is underpaid or just corrupt - the cut goes to the highest policeman in traffic who is ias or ips... they are not scared of licence being suspended

western countries - been in one for around 6 years UK - the cleanliness / driving rules - depends on which area you are visiting - if you see bradford;s particular area -filthiest area no driving sense- dirtiest street - paki flags around many houses ... why
number one - people's attitude , the mp of the area is with highest corruption rate and the people's attitude working in that council..

India is changing for sure .. and it will take time to change peoples attitude, corruption and other things..

I am sure after visiting western countries, one must have refrained from throwing stuff on road, not to give bribe etc.
But trust me if one need something done quickly, they will follow the bribe path and not think again ..
Lulz. Clutching at straws. As always expected the whole hate Modi brigade has come out to punch him on his cloud- radar statement - without seeing and reading the whole statement. :D

He himself used the word in his "raw wisdom" and more importantly stressed upon the need to maintain "secrecy". There were 5000 airmen involved in this operation. His fear was genuine. Besides there was always the need of surprise factor in these types of operations, which may also be the reason he chose a rainy and cloudy day. Everything need not be said and told. Its an interview, not a detail account.

He took a big risk for the safety and pride of India. We must be proud that we have such a decisive and bold leader and such a brave and skilled airforce.

Just imagine what would happened had the operation got failed? IAF plane being shot down during the airstrike?

Who would be responsible? Laugh as you much. But Modi put his whole political career and power at stake by taking unthinkable risk for India's security. He put everything aside for India's interests.

Pity on blind haters. May you one day get Lalua, Mayawati or your dream guy who cannot string together a sentence properly as PM one day!! Then, perhaps not even then, you will realise what is quality, self-less, non-corrupt leadership is.
Since I write so much in defense, I would like to make clear that BJP is NOT the best party in my view. It is just the best of the worst and Modi is overall a decent man.

He was did in by Jai-italy/Jhootley...worst worst man to have as FM. Full of ego and totally clueless.

What we have is actually a TINA problem and also a person like Modi is needed as PM given the kind of situation we have in terms of politics, economics and surrounding security scenario. Also it helps that He is Not 1 millimeter into corruption and have many other good traits.

Former PM PV Narshimba Rao also has many great things to his credit. I like this learned wily guy also, but he was a shady character. But anyway he was a patriot. Did many great great things for India.

Problem with India is it doesn't have a REAL right-wing, pro-market, pro-capitalism party like in the West.

I feel so jealous and burn so much everytime I see and hear decisive, visionary, ruthless, politically-incorrect, driven-solely-by-his-country's interests Donald Trump.

Powerful Leftist media troika of CNN, NYT, WaPo etc have damaged his global perception successfully, but he remains immensely popular locally. Masses matters, classes can shove up.

The masses care about their country and themselves - and it is here doer Trump has been so successful like no US president in history.

Just see his miraculous achievements : Record wage growth, lowest unemployment in US history, very low inflation, great US favouring trade deals, foreign policy successes etc etc - all this despite the patently fake investigation and vendetta by the Left-liberal media from the day he announced that he is running for presidency.

Due to the perception created by hate-Trump media, people are simply ignoring the miracle happening in America - but, thankfully, the smartest machine on earth called the market is not.

From a giant superpower on decline, thanks to ruinous eight year rule of clueless high-on-talk Obama, Trump has re-established the global US primacy and dominance in just four years thru his economic decisions and maverick foreign policies!! What a neta!! Take a bow!!

This is what happens when a businessman runs a country - they are already deeply into decision making, deal making and risk taking. They are not idealistic fool.

Mark my words : history will be very kind to Trump. If gets successful in bending China to do a trade deal which is more favourable to USA, he will be remembered in history as the US president equivalent of great Ronald Reagan.

Masses don't care about what "liberal" columnist writes or care about like speaking manners and all that sort of things. The masses want results and positive meaningful change in their life - and it is here Donald trump has delivered big time.

Sadly, outside USA, most people consider him as joke, unhinged, unbalanced type as most people don't care to go by data and facts but by the perception created by media and from what they hear from others.

Donald and PVN Rao are my hero.... they must be the ideal of EVERY neta - they believe in getting the job done for what they are elected for... instead of managing perception or trying to impress others....


Well-Known Member
Since I write so much in defense, I would like to make clear that BJP is NOT the best party in my view. It is just the best of the worst and Modi is overall a decent man.

He was did in by Jai-italy/Jhootley...worst worst man to have as FM. Full of ego and totally clueless.

What we have is actually a TINA problem and also a person like Modi is needed as PM given the kind of situation we have in terms of politics, economics and surrounding security scenario. Also it helps that He is Not 1 millimeter into corruption and have many other good traits.

Former PM PV Narshimba Rao also has many great things to his credit. I like this learned wily guy also, but he was a shady character. But anyway he was a patriot. Did many great great things for India.

Problem with India is it doesn't have a REAL right-wing, pro-market, pro-capitalism party like in the West.

I feel so jealous and burn so much everytime I see and hear decisive, visionary, ruthless, politically-incorrect, driven-solely-by-his-country's interests Donald Trump.

Powerful Leftist media troika of CNN, NYT, WaPo etc have damaged his global perception successfully, but he remains immensely popular locally. Masses matters, classes can shove up.

The masses care about their country and themselves - and it is here doer Trump has been so successful like no US president in history.

Just see his miraculous achievements : Record wage growth, lowest unemployment in US history, very low inflation, great US favouring trade deals, foreign policy successes etc etc - all this despite the patently fake investigation and vendetta by the Left-liberal media from the day he announced that he is running for presidency.

Due to the perception created by hate-Trump media, people are simply ignoring the miracle happening in America - but, thankfully, the smartest machine on earth called the market is not.

From a giant superpower on decline, thanks to ruinous eight year rule of clueless high-on-talk Obama, Trump has re-established the global US primacy and dominance in just four years thru his economic decisions and maverick foreign policies!! What a neta!! Take a bow!!

This is what happens when a businessman runs a country - they are already deeply into decision making, deal making and risk taking. They are not idealistic fool.

Mark my words : history will be very kind to Trump. If gets successful in bending China to do a trade deal which is more favourable to USA, he will be remembered in history as the US president equivalent of great Ronald Reagan.

Masses don't care about what "liberal" columnist writes or care about like speaking manners and all that sort of things. The masses want results and positive meaningful change in their life - and it is here Donald trump has delivered big time.

Sadly, outside USA, most people consider him as joke, unhinged, unbalanced type as most people don't care to go by data and facts but by the perception created by media and from what they hear from others.

Donald and PVN Rao are my hero.... they must be the ideal of EVERY neta - they believe in getting the job done for what they are elected for... instead of managing perception or trying to impress others....
lovely write up and very very true too......
Since I write so much in defense, I would like to make clear that BJP is NOT the best party in my view. It is just the best of the worst and Modi is overall a decent man.

He was did in by Jai-italy/Jhootley...worst worst man to have as FM. Full of ego and totally clueless.

What we have is actually a TINA problem and also a person like Modi is needed as PM given the kind of situation we have in terms of politics, economics and surrounding security scenario. Also it helps that He is Not 1 millimeter into corruption and have many other good traits.

Former PM PV Narshimba Rao also has many great things to his credit. I like this learned wily guy also, but he was a shady character. But anyway he was a patriot. Did many great great things for India.

Problem with India is it doesn't have a REAL right-wing, pro-market, pro-capitalism party like in the West.

I feel so jealous and burn so much everytime I see and hear decisive, visionary, ruthless, politically-incorrect, driven-solely-by-his-country's interests Donald Trump.

Powerful Leftist media troika of CNN, NYT, WaPo etc have damaged his global perception successfully, but he remains immensely popular locally. Masses matters, classes can shove up.

The masses care about their country and themselves - and it is here doer Trump has been so successful like no US president in history.

Just see his miraculous achievements : Record wage growth, lowest unemployment in US history, very low inflation, great US favouring trade deals, foreign policy successes etc etc - all this despite the patently fake investigation and vendetta by the Left-liberal media from the day he announced that he is running for presidency.

Due to the perception created by hate-Trump media, people are simply ignoring the miracle happening in America - but, thankfully, the smartest machine on earth called the market is not.

From a giant superpower on decline, thanks to ruinous eight year rule of clueless high-on-talk Obama, Trump has re-established the global US primacy and dominance in just four years thru his economic decisions and maverick foreign policies!! What a neta!! Take a bow!!

This is what happens when a businessman runs a country - they are already deeply into decision making, deal making and risk taking. They are not idealistic fool.

Mark my words : history will be very kind to Trump. If gets successful in bending China to do a trade deal which is more favourable to USA, he will be remembered in history as the US president equivalent of great Ronald Reagan.

Masses don't care about what "liberal" columnist writes or care about like speaking manners and all that sort of things. The masses want results and positive meaningful change in their life - and it is here Donald trump has delivered big time.

Sadly, outside USA, most people consider him as joke, unhinged, unbalanced type as most people don't care to go by data and facts but by the perception created by media and from what they hear from others.

Donald and PVN Rao are my hero.... they must be the ideal of EVERY neta - they believe in getting the job done for what they are elected for... instead of managing perception or trying to impress others....
Nobel Peace for Trump, :up:

Anyone . . .

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