Going With The 60min Flow!!!

Which Futures do u all trade with real Money?

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    Votes: 18 26.1%
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  • JP asso

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • RIL

    Votes: 5 7.2%
  • Relcap

    Votes: 11 15.9%
  • Suzlon

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • Educomp

    Votes: 8 11.6%

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Well-Known Member
The 5 min rule was designed as a place to turn around if a gap up/dn goes against the preexisting trade.......not as a place to turn things around if the gap goes in the favour.In the 5min trades,yes,short the first bar low and so on so forth.....but not in the flow trades.Goes against the very spirit of the word "Flow"

Fault is mine:put too many different types of of trades with pivots in this forum with different sets of rules,etc...........And although have listed most rules,have failed to communicate regards gaps.Actually have put it up many times,but unable to get through.........

I never thought I would say this......I have failed,...... I give up!(hands in air,shoulders shrugged,resigned).


ps:Think this method is even more dangerous now than the high risk it already is........Many things being bandied about as the "Saint Method".Then seniors and friends,who themselves cannot understand,put it down as something useless,........one of many friends in this forum have been irritated about the pivot method giving signals later than many indicators.

All I can tell to all my friends and detractors is:I am still laughing all the way to the bank..........But from now on,am gonna do it silently.Silently because even the people who are benefitted too(except a few) are jumping the rules and will only burn themselves soon.Ah,and to my detractors who have been declaring that this method is too easy and subjective and failed in testing,etc etc.....and that it gives signals too late.....well,I have not the energy or will to fight back.For you all who declare this method as total hogwash......indeed it is.Those who have understood what I was trying to communicate,ask ur doubts via PM.

wishing you all the very best ......
Hi Saint,
I am a new trader just started trading my trading life very recently. My initial trading days were just Chasing the shares I made some and lost more money. I never understood what is systematic (technical) trading. I am very sure that there are lots of expert traders in this forum. But most of the people just do their trade very little have been taught or its very difficult for the beginners to understand. Where as you have done something no one has done in any of the trading forums I came across. You really showed how disciplined trading always works. You are the one showed always extraordinary patience when it came to replying to posts and questions. You are the true model master trader for this Forum (My personal view).

So please do not stop doing what you have been doing so far (on the back of mind its telling me that you CAN not stop, because helpfulness and patience is in your blood)

I am pretty sure sometimes the 60 Minutes flow was not followed by your disciples but its just the ignorance, teacher has the right to correct then by what ever means he/she chooses.

So my friend keep doing what you are good at:cool:

Thank you very much.:)


Active Member
The 5 min rule was designed as a place to turn around if a gap up/dn goes against the preexisting trade.......not as a place to turn things around if the gap goes in the favour.In the 5min trades,yes,short the first bar low and so on so forth.....but not in the flow trades.Goes against the very spirit of the word "Flow"

Fault is mine:put too many different types of of trades with pivots in this forum with different sets of rules,etc...........And although have listed most rules,have failed to communicate regards gaps.Actually have put it up many times,but unable to get through.........

I never thought I would say this......I have failed,...... I give up!(hands in air,shoulders shrugged,resigned).


ps:Think this method is even more dangerous now than the high risk it already is........Many things being bandied about as the "Saint Method".Then seniors and friends,who themselves cannot understand,put it down as something useless,........one of many friends in this forum have been irritated about the pivot method giving signals later than many indicators.

All I can tell to all my friends and detractors is:I am still laughing all the way to the bank..........But from now on,am gonna do it silently.Silently because even the people who are benefitted too(except a few) are jumping the rules and will only burn themselves soon.Ah,and to my detractors who have been declaring that this method is too easy and subjective and failed in testing,etc etc.....and that it gives signals too late.....well,I have not the energy or will to fight back.For you all who declare this method as total hogwash......indeed it is.Those who have understood what I was trying to communicate,ask ur doubts via PM.

wishing you all the very best ......
Dear Saint
Why are you resigning? Think of many who benifited from you (myself included) and forget or better still ignore the critics. Critics never made history. Nobody remembers critics. People remember only the players (even losing players). You are not a loser. You are a WINNER.


Well-Known Member
My feeling, Saint is not as much concerned about the 'distractors' or crtics.... he is more concerned about wrong interpretation of the system, the wrong assumptions of the rules to be followed.
He is more exasparated with our continued inability to understand a few basic things and repetitiveness of clarifications sought!!!!
Anybody else would have given up a long time back!!!! It was Saint that he did bear with us so long....
Saint, a lil bit more Please!!!!
R K Karnani


Dear saint,
I had a chance to thouroughly follow your "teach a man..." thread and i did not bother to go through your other threads as i did not want to follow too many strategies....my dad used to always tell me never can a man sail for too long having both his feet in 2 different boat's,if u are a localite(kannadiga)i am sure u would have heard the proverb...
I really dont know who irked u as i dont follow this thread on a daily basis...but what i can definitely tell u is"You are a human who is bound to be the light of a lot of lives"
all the best!

The 5 min rule was designed as a place to turn around if a gap up/dn goes against the preexisting trade.......not as a place to turn things around if the gap goes in the favour.In the 5min trades,yes,short the first bar low and so on so forth.....but not in the flow trades.Goes against the very spirit of the word "Flow"

Fault is mine:put too many different types of of trades with pivots in this forum with different sets of rules,etc...........And although have listed most rules,have failed to communicate regards gaps.Actually have put it up many times,but unable to get through.........

I never thought I would say this......I have failed,...... I give up!(hands in air,shoulders shrugged,resigned).


ps:Think this method is even more dangerous now than the high risk it already is........Many things being bandied about as the "Saint Method".Then seniors and friends,who themselves cannot understand,put it down as something useless,........one of many friends in this forum have been irritated about the pivot method giving signals later than many indicators.

All I can tell to all my friends and detractors is:I am still laughing all the way to the bank..........But from now on,am gonna do it silently.Silently because even the people who are benefitted too(except a few) are jumping the rules and will only burn themselves soon.Ah,and to my detractors who have been declaring that this method is too easy and subjective and failed in testing,etc etc.....and that it gives signals too late.....well,I have not the energy or will to fight back.For you all who declare this method as total hogwash......indeed it is.Those who have understood what I was trying to communicate,ask ur doubts via PM.

wishing you all the very best ......


I knew a Saint amongst us meager mortals was too good too be true, forgive the follies my dear friend... people are too eager to make a trade thus the misinterpretation i guess


The 5 min rule was designed as a place to turn around if a gap up/dn goes against the preexisting trade.......not as a place to turn things around if the gap goes in the favour.In the 5min trades,yes,short the first bar low and so on so forth.....but not in the flow trades.Goes against the very spirit of the word "Flow"

Fault is mine:put too many different types of of trades with pivots in this forum with different sets of rules,etc...........And although have listed most rules,have failed to communicate regards gaps.Actually have put it up many times,but unable to get through.........

I never thought I would say this......I have failed,...... I give up!(hands in air,shoulders shrugged,resigned).


ps:Think this method is even more dangerous now than the high risk it already is........Many things being bandied about as the "Saint Method".Then seniors and friends,who themselves cannot understand,put it down as something useless,........one of many friends in this forum have been irritated about the pivot method giving signals later than many indicators.

All I can tell to all my friends and detractors is:I am still laughing all the way to the bank..........But from now on,am gonna do it silently.Silently because even the people who are benefitted too(except a few) are jumping the rules and will only burn themselves soon.Ah,and to my detractors who have been declaring that this method is too easy and subjective and failed in testing,etc etc.....and that it gives signals too late.....well,I have not the energy or will to fight back.For you all who declare this method as total hogwash......indeed it is.Those who have understood what I was trying to communicate,ask ur doubts via PM.

wishing you all the very best ......
Have not gone through this post earlier,got few pms hence panic in mind searched this one.
I have never been hurt so deeply before; with any other post than this.
Allow me remind you something:=
1) Who else in this Forum (i include each & every member,junior/senior) has PUBLICLY GIVEN AWAY WITH WHAT he/she is EARNING,except You / Karthik (one time he was using MACD for earning)/Ashish/Amitbe.
All of us are having so meagre that we FEAR to give away.You have boldly taught us,it was in the book,who ; tell me who has invented or discovered anything,but we only RESPECT those who has shown us the Light,undeniable fact that Light was existing before,but YOU have shown us the Light.
2)There can be Gr8 / SUPERB ; Indicators/Osc/System/etc,the thing which is giving me money each & everyday is Best for me.I pay my bills at the end of the Month.This Knowledge which you are imparting Helps a Trader to pay his/her bills.Fact is 99.9 % of our member has an alternative source of income hence they browse through different 'Money Earning' ways,many a time this SIMPLE easy to follow Rules without any 'Hi-Fi Biz' may deter them to dedicate their Efforts to Learn this as a Methodology.
3)How many Human being can get this Divine satisfaction that he/she is Helping other to Earn.

It is true sometimes to get Motivation ; for protractedly continuing this Selfless service,is difficult.

Take a break if necessary but do not dishearten,i for one can say for myself,never ever has given anything except few Gyans ;no methodology.

Most of us are like me.
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With due respect to all members in traderji ..... This is the only thread that i come and check every few hours in traderji waiting for a new post from the teacher SAINT. You have shown many the way and not everyone is as gifted to put things into a tubelights head (me) like hair pulled out of milk. You cannot stop.


Well-Known Member

I do understand your feelings and also share similar feelings. Still I request you to reconsider for the benefit of the forum.

I am sure those few who are trying to trash your efforts to impart knowledge would soon learn their lessons the hardway as soon as they are able to earn the money to trade.:D

warm regards

Hi Saint,

I can understand your feelings. I do not know who is criticising but personally I have benefitted a lot from your guidance and this thread in particular.

I lost sizable amount in the last one year and by just following your method since June 16th, I have recovered nearly 40% of my losses (only a month+). That says a lot about how you have impacted people like me. My heartfelt thanks to you!!

Even if you decide to take a break or remain to be silent, there is one here who will continue to follow your method and always be grateful to you.

I am hopeful you would rethink and will be back soon for you may not know the difference you make for genuine learners like us.

May God bless you!! AND look forward to your posts soon.

Best Regards

Hi Saint,

I can understand how you must be feeling.But please do not stop this great work of yours.As many critics there are who are always trying to claw down something good,there are many,many more of us who are benefitting.

You had said once that even if there is one person who benefits,it's all been worth it.There are many more than one,Saint.

Please continue your great efforts in helping us.

Your Student.

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