how much return you expect from commodity market

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Recently I started Forex Trading. Please advice whether you have some good strategies to trade Forex.:)
as in my knowledge for forex trading,we are not permitted to convert rs to doller,so i never opened an a/c and my knowledge as a farex trader is nil
but most of the indicator which we use in trading were developed for commodity trading,few for stock trading and very few for forex
but still these are commonly used for all forex comm stock-so technical is common in all the three
stock trading is simple,commodity is difficult,forex is very difficult-reason diff in leverage of all the three
if u want to become an expert,learn the difficult thing first.
so i learnt every thing from expert forex traders
in forex low risk low reward strategy work, due to high leverage.
your knowledge is sufficient to handle forex,but still i will give you low risk low reward,specific strategy formed for forex trading
these are opportunity based ,and as availability of lot of pairs is there,so one are the second opportunity come,so these work and these will work in commodity trading and nifty also,although formed for mainly forex.
use strategy 315,at two hour time frame,53800 where u gone long was a clear short,as per this strategy.if you have under stood 315 its ok.if u dont under stand then u can ask how it was a clear sell,i will also give some brief detail of basic of 315 that how we can take benifit of 315 in our normal trading
SH himself does not use 315 for commodities. More than an year back he wrote that he tried commodities but did not persist.

I have back tested taking long-only trades on gold etc. using 315 on EOD basis. It did not appear to be good combination.

We could better bank on the 10sma system mentioned by Ashwani, if he choses to throw more light on it.


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Well-Known Member
as in my knowledge for forex trading,we are not permitted to convert rs to doller,so i never opened an a/c and my knowledge as a farex trader is nil
but most of the indicator which we use in trading were developed for commodity trading,few for stock trading and very few for forex
but still these are commonly used for all forex comm stock-so technical is common in all the three
stock trading is simple,commodity is difficult,forex is very difficult-reason diff in leverage of all the three
if u want to become an expert,learn the difficult thing first.
so i learnt every thing from expert forex traders
in forex low risk low reward strategy work, due to high leverage.
your knowledge is sufficient to handle forex,but still i will give you low risk low reward,specific strategy formed for forex trading
these are opportunity based ,and as availability of lot of pairs is there,so one are the second opportunity come,so these work and these will work in commodity trading and nifty also,although formed for mainly forex.
hello Boss, i have seen some strategy here only..who r perfectly working on 30 min time frame..but due to demo onlyy i left trading in currency.. i also wanted to trade some days back.. but....... :confused:
SH himself does not use 315 for commodities. More than an year back he wrote that he tried commodities but did not persist.

I have back tested taking long-only trades on gold etc. using 315 on EOD basis. It did not appear to be good combination.

We could better bank on the 10sma system mentioned by Ashwani, if he choses to throw more light on it.


dear rajeev,strategy 315 is a lagging indicator,like macd is a lagging indicator.i use very high system of trading,as compare to 315,but how i developed this system.i just concentrated on feature of others strategy and ignored their shortcoming and i go on in-corporating these features as part of my mts
at present i am not going to add any thing in my mts,from 315 as my mts already have every thing
but i just wanted to point out one main feature of strategy 315,which can be of some help for learners of my thread and i used it as second view for silver short decision even at two hour time frame,but not the strategy as a whole but its one feature only
hello Boss, i have seen some strategy here only..who r perfectly working on 30 min time frame..but due to demo onlyy i left trading in currency.. i also wanted to trade some days back.. but....... :confused:
dear ayush.if u have any thing to share at forex,then u can share it here,atleast one of us is going to trade in forex,so this discussion will add to our knowledge also
i am going to share a strategy at one hour in forex
sharekhan server is down,i will give its answer tommorow
one-at four hour on friday last bar is a red bar,as niranjana pointed out,at four hour this red bar was our momentum bar,and we were supposed to carry short ,with stop loss as high of momentum bar,saturday trading we dont count,so as move to move trader,short was required to be carried on saturday on four hour bar time frame
two-suppose i was an eod trader,then i would have gone long at 49945 on 5th oct,on break of lower resistance,and from fifth i was holding with stop loss for monday as 51172,a long position(was having opportunity to square up long at break of upper support at eod at 53531 on friday and again to re enter long on 52078 from eod pivot support on saturday,you can under stand ,just after one move on two hour how confused i will be)
you can under stand,in between fight of eod time frame and time frame up to four hour,their is a chance lower time frame will be beaten
so we can be either of two
but we can be nine hour time frame trader and eod trader at a time,what i was,these two dont contradict each other
at my first move at two hour which is short,but which was supposed to be long at eod,i am going to be caught by the eod traders on monday that i am expecting
i think now every thing is clear to you
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On Monthly,It is a clear DBHLC.Now bulls in the first week tried to make some recovery BUT NOT SUBSTANTIAL.

On weekly its a green inside bar.Since its a conflicting signal with daily I am not carrying any overnight position.

Again on a daily we have a DBHLC. On top of bar 2, bulls will do some good as bar no 1 & 2 are of same high.Rule:2 or or more bars with same high or low,if broken will lead to big move.

Again if the bar 2 is broken downside it will lead to "BREAKOUT FAILURE" and beers will on rampage.We should be ready for next week to make some good pips.
so niranjana as far as your moves on two hour time frame are concerned,i was aware of the strategy which u have adpoted,and i am confident you will be able to gain more pips at two hour as compare to eod,but due to your extraordinary skill of manageing the trades I advise you to stick to two hour only,it is better then one and four hour both,due to the reason you explained,.their is just one flaw in your two hour time frame trading system,but i will point out just after two week,at present your managing the trade ,at two hour is more difficult,due to that flaw in your basic strategy,BUT I WANT ,YOU ALSO DO THE DIFFICULT THING FIRST,AS I DID, IN MY LEARNING STAGE,BEFORE I MAKE IT SIMPLE FOR YOU AFTER TWO WEEKS-THESE TWO WEEKS WILL BE SUFFICIENT TO BRUSH UP YOUR MIND AT TWO HOUR-ONCE THIS FLAW WILL BE REMOVED,YOUR WAY OF TRADING WILL BECOME A COMPLETE MECHANICAL TRADING SYSTEM AT TWO HOUR AND BASICALLY AT EOD-TO BE CONTINUED
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how it happened yday.i did post 2 hour chart.this one is 5 min chart.

Green line represents breakout failure i.e;breaking high of day then not sustaining.

Arrow no 1 represents the momentum bar from line represents the resistance at the opening of momentum bar and then price falls.

Pink line represents the breaking of swing low confirming beers are coming represented by 2nd arrow.the beauty of this bar is that it happenned around 9.50 pm. We know at 10pm we have both 4 hourly and 2 hourly bars are forming.if that bar closed above 53000 levels. The 4 hour and 2 hour bulls would have come with heavy buy orders and took markets to high.thats where beers made strategy/tactics and around 9.50 they put a bi order and below chart shows where the 4 hour and 2 hour bar closed.bulls could not do anything thereafter.

We should be placing advance order just below our lower support and we should not chase mkt once it falls heavy .no here our order is caught at 52930-52850.stop should be above the top of that big red bar or momentum bar because that is point of no return.. That is at 53250.s/l is 300-400 points and we got very big pips .very good.

Below is 4 hour and 2 hour chart.relate it with 5 min chart and note what happen at 10 o clock close and how beers have made systematic plan to catch bulls.

as far as your reading of five minute time frame is concerned.i am surprised how perfect your understanding level is on five minute time frame !!!!i do cong to raghavcee also for your these outstanding achievements
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Sir , I had written that because of the big red bar in 4 hrly on friday , should we not consider that we now have short bias ? Meaning EOD friday we are short . And unless bulls do some big buying on monday at pivot levels price will go down to lower support.

kindly clarify if I have written correct since you have mentioned EOD as long...
once the move is long on eod but not confirmed long on eod,in that case move is useally not stopped at eod pivot resi but will be stoped at upper resistance.
but once bear are very strong then they dont leave chance to have some small effort to stop them at eod pivot resi,but if dont succeed then will use their full force to stop bulls at upper resistance
this the accurate answer of your question
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