how much return you expect from commodity market

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Hi ashwaniji,
can u pls pls tell us the way how u calculate support and resistance once again even if u have told us before.we will be very very grateful.
Its been 10months now... are you close to your target?
just curious :)
in stead of 10000,i just started trading with 4300/-on 1.4 2011,i am still in the range of 30000/- and need 6.5 fold jump more to convert it 2 lakh,and i have 5.5 month more with me to achieve the target set for me,i will try my level best,rest i leave to god,my job is to do hard work,that i am doing
when i started my thread ,then i was of the view that i will be able to convert 10000 to 2 lakh in a year
but on 1.4.2011 i actually started doing practical with 4300/- and then my target was to convert it to 4.3 lakh 100 fold jump in a year,now i am running for 4.3 lakh another 15 fold is required to achieve the target.i am just trading in five mini lots-no main lot as my funds dont permit me-thanks for the post


Well-Known Member

A case of breakdown failure at support area.The price breaks supports and then buyers push the price back .Now the price breaks the high of that breakdown bar thereby trapping shortsellers.

The resistance is at 5800 .Lets see how well it goes.

Our 1st target of 5800 is reached!!!.

Ashwani Sir- other day you have asked me on what basis I have made entry.I will explain it with this same chart in our other thread along with our usual discussion.


Well-Known Member

Above is an hourly chart of Silver Mic.

When The Silver was going towards Gujri,Bargain hunters came with good no of buy orders to fight with Beers.

I have drawn 3 lines. We shall go from Bottom

1.yellow line :52500 was first hurdle and its been crossed by Bulls and the same is now hit twice which remains a good support.

1.Magnetta line;54500.Again its been hit by bulls twice to end up with beers dominating with basket of orders.As of now it remains a strong res.

3.Blue line:56000:If at all we cross the res of 54500.Bulls next target will be 56000.

A strong bulls day ,then a deep retracement shows that No party is in a position to dominate.Both are strong within their territory.The one whose weapon lasts long will be winner.

Above is an hourly chart of Silver Mic.

When The Silver was going towards Gujri,Bargain hunters came with good no of buy orders to fight with Beers.

I have drawn 3 lines. We shall go from Bottom

1.yellow line :52500 was first hurdle and its been crossed by Bulls and the same is now hit twice which remains a good support.

1.Magnetta line;54500.Again its been hit by bulls twice to end up with beers dominating with basket of orders.As of now it remains a strong res.

3.Blue line:56000:If at all we cross the res of 54500.Bulls next target will be 56000.

A strong bulls day ,then a deep retracement shows that No party is in a position to dominate.Both are strong within their territory.The one whose weapon lasts long will be winner.
100 % perfect reading of the charts,one thing which i will add,bulls started accumulating at 49945,by the time war started ,they were quite comfortable
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