how much return you expect from commodity market

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sir ..waiting for email and more lessons ..

to explain each,concept of 4-hour perfect trading system-i still require a very long series of lessons-other wise no body will reach ,at a level ,to take his independent decisions ,while trading-these lessons may continue for next month-if i will leave some space in between two lessons,then it will become a cause of confusion for all of you, at a later stage-so i will cover, one to two lessons every day-but will try that i clear every concept
as far as e.mail is concerned.i am going to cover, that concept of support and resistance also, at this series of lessons on ,four hour trading system
to explain each,concept of 4-hour perfect trading system-i still require a very long series of lessons-other wise no body will reach ,at a level ,to take his independent decisions ,while trading-these lessons may continue for next month-if i will leave some space in between two lessons,then it will become a cause of confusion for all of you, at a later stage-so i will cover, one to two lessons every day-but will try that i clear every concept
as far as e.mail is concerned.i am going to cover, that concept of support and resistance also, at this series of lessons on ,four hour trading system

Beautifully explained "One eye should be 50% mechanical trading and the other eye 50% price action - leads to a pro pro trader" this itself is a fact Sir !

But, Sir being a beginner It's getting messed up in my head which way to go and learn first, so just to go step by step and with clarity I'm currently focusing on learning price and volume action and simultaneously going through ur posts.

Sir, as ur trading pattern is a advanced form its taking time to understand the same, so I'm not active in discussions but silently going through the same.

I am actively going through ur's 4hr TF session and will put up questions whenever in doubt and for price and volume strategy I'm following NJ posts.



Well-Known Member
Sir I think we have all understood the first lesson , else there would have been questions. So I'd request you to continue with the next lesson , provided ofcourse that you are not pre occupied with other matters. I am really enjoying this learning process.


to explain each,concept of 4-hour perfect trading system-i still require a very long series of lessons-other wise no body will reach ,at a level ,to take his independent decisions ,while trading-these lessons may continue for next month-if i will leave some space in between two lessons,then it will become a cause of confusion for all of you, at a later stage-so i will cover, one to two lessons every day-but will try that i clear every concept
as far as e.mail is concerned.i am going to cover, that concept of support and resistance also, at this series of lessons on ,four hour trading system

Doubts from the session till now:

1. how to calculate eod S/R "in the morning ,once market open,know the eod lower support and eod upper resistance" ?

2. How to calculate lower support and upper resistance from perspective of 4HR TF ?

3. What is the difference b/w support/resistance (I know this) and lower support/upper ressitance (don't know this) ?

4. From lesson 3 "once move crosses ,4 hour resi by 100 point in silver,lock up to resi
if 200 up from resi lock resi+100 point
repeat process with every 100 point" Not clear Sir

5. what is momentum bar ?

May be some of my questions may sound idiotic, but since I'm beginner spare me for the same:)

I am sure all my questions must have been answered before, requesting seniors to answer my Q's.




Well-Known Member
Hi AP,

Will attempt :)

1. EOD S/R . Sir has a unique formula. For the time being you are to use pivots. Post it here and ask Sir for confirmation.

2. Same as above. According to Sir , 4H is just a way of us being happy . Actual S/R are on EOD basis. However , you could again use pivots using previous 4H values.

3. For this go to post number 155 ( or thereabouts). You need to understand the concept first and then you will be clear abt lower S and upper R. Make sure you read that.

4. Take values. Assume lower S is 52000 and upper R is 53k. You take a position based on 4 hrly ( RSI gives direction) . Assume you took a long near 52400 on the close of a 4 hrly. Now once price reaches 53100 your TSl is 53K , price reaches 53200 your TSl is 53100 , and so on.

5. Momentum bar is a bar with a big candle with supporting volumes during which price moved in a particular direction.

Sir I hope my understanding is correct.


Doubts from the session till now:

1. how to calculate eod S/R "in the morning ,once market open,know the eod lower support and eod upper resistance" ?

2. How to calculate lower support and upper resistance from perspective of 4HR TF ?

3. What is the difference b/w support/resistance (I know this) and lower support/upper ressitance (don't know this) ?

4. From lesson 3 "once move crosses ,4 hour resi by 100 point in silver,lock up to resi
if 200 up from resi lock resi+100 point
repeat process with every 100 point" Not clear Sir

5. what is momentum bar ?

May be some of my questions may sound idiotic, but since I'm beginner spare me for the same:)

I am sure all my questions must have been answered before, requesting seniors to answer my Q's.



Beautifully explained "One eye should be 50% mechanical trading and the other eye 50% price action - leads to a pro pro trader" this itself is a fact Sir !

But, Sir being a beginner It's getting messed up in my head which way to go and learn first, so just to go step by step and with clarity I'm currently focusing on learning price and volume action and simultaneously going through ur posts.

Sir, as ur trading pattern is a advanced form its taking time to understand the same, so I'm not active in discussions but silently going through the same.

I am actively going through ur's 4hr TF session and will put up questions whenever in doubt and for price and volume strategy I'm following NJ posts.

you are most welcome
to explain each,concept of 4-hour perfect trading system-i still require a very long series of lessons-other wise no body will reach ,at a level ,to take his independent decisions ,while trading-these lessons may continue for next month-if i will leave some space in between two lessons,then it will become a cause of confusion for all of you, at a later stage-so i will cover, one to two lessons every day-but will try that i clear every concept
as far as e.mail is concerned.i am going to cover, that concept of support and resistance also, at this series of lessons on ,four hour trading system
Thanks a lot Ashwani sir for taking the initiative to teach all of us.
Hi AP,

Will attempt :)

1. EOD S/R . Sir has a unique formula. For the time being you are to use pivots. Post it here and ask Sir for confirmation.

2. Same as above. According to Sir , 4H is just a way of us being happy . Actual S/R are on EOD basis. However , you could again use pivots using previous 4H values.

3. For this go to post number 155 ( or thereabouts). You need to understand the concept first and then you will be clear abt lower S and upper R. Make sure you read that.

4. Take values. Assume lower S is 52000 and upper R is 53k. You take a position based on 4 hrly ( RSI gives direction) . Assume you took a long near 52400 on the close of a 4 hrly. Now once price reaches 53100 your TSl is 53K , price reaches 53200 your TSl is 53100 , and so on.

5. Momentum bar is a bar with a big candle with supporting volumes during which price moved in a particular direction.

Sir I hope my understanding is correct.
dear apradhan.hills 5000 has given perfect explanation.but still i request u ,as and when you get time,you will have to go through my thread ,from the very beginning,their are at least 40 post on confirmed and non confirmed trend and concept of no mans land,once you will go through all of these posts ,every thing will be clear to you,if still any doubt ,you are most welcome to ask.
as for as mathematics of support and resistance on eod and four hour is concerned,i will be giving preliminary formula from where i started,that will be your base for starting.but as after that i spent app five further years,so u will also have to go through the same process of traveling in depth of the things
Hi AP,

Will attempt :)

1. EOD S/R . Sir has a unique formula. For the time being you are to use pivots. Post it here and ask Sir for confirmation.

2. Same as above. According to Sir , 4H is just a way of us being happy . Actual S/R are on EOD basis. However , you could again use pivots using previous 4H values.

3. For this go to post number 155 ( or thereabouts). You need to understand the concept first and then you will be clear abt lower S and upper R. Make sure you read that.

4. Take values. Assume lower S is 52000 and upper R is 53k. You take a position based on 4 hrly ( RSI gives direction) . Assume you took a long near 52400 on the close of a 4 hrly. Now once price reaches 53100 your TSl is 53K , price reaches 53200 your TSl is 53100 , and so on.

5. Momentum bar is a bar with a big candle with supporting volumes during which price moved in a particular direction.

Sir I hope my understanding is correct.

Thanks hills_5000 you made me understand it so easily:)

Sincerely, appreciate ur efforts.
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