I will HELP You with Anything you ASK in Forex

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Well-Known Member
I am expecting a thermo nuclear war to begin on November 8th, as per the visions I get during meditation.
Dear freind

if u are serious on this I guess I should polish off all my bottles of single malt that I have stacked away.....



On the contrary mate, stash it in a swiss vault .Post war it would be worth a fortune if u make it..:)


My first vision has come true

America has ordered mass evacuation of gulf region on July 5th and 6th
try it... it's on site meant for people believing in conspiracy theories, dooms day, ufo etc.... and the guy who first broke this rumor can be found here


When you read it from the first link watch out for the date 20th June, a few days before preet made his predictions :) and also read the reaction from the peoples comment...

do u have any link? no news abt it on CNN website.


try it... it's on site meant for people believing in conspiracy theories, dooms day, ufo etc.... and the guy who first broke this rumor can be found here


When you read it from the first link watch out for the date 20th June, a few days before preet made his predictions :) and also read the reaction from the peoples comment...

May month, before any blog anywhere on the net
No no rajsingh, you are not seeing the bigger picture...
The Illuminati has taken over, and everyone who is in some kind of authority is in fact a Free mason.... you are surrounded with Illuminati and free masons, but no body knows... sometimes even the free masons don't know that they are free masons...

Forget about this evacuation,... everything that happens is because of conspiracy, the haiti earthquake was triggered by free masons, tsunami, katrina.... oops I am revealing too much and guess what..... i too am surrounded by the Illuminati...

:lol:This refers to the gulf of Mexico and the BP oil spill. Nothing to do with any war.



This confirms my second vision of dollar collapsing, or dollar loosing value

and this is also my current trade plan for cable

Meditation and Predictions

Hey Preet,

I just had this idea, instead of getting anxious yourself looking at what the Illuminati is doing and also scaring everyone else a bit, I suggest you direct your meditative & creative horses along with your sixth sense to just 'predict' tomorrow's high and low on a daily basis, just meditate on one pair and that's enough.... I am ready to pay you half the profits that I will make, and I sure everyone here will readily oblige....

I would like to hear from everyone who is following this thread, if preet predicts tomorrows high and low, or todays in advance, are you ready to pay 50 % of the profits to preet...

Lets get this thing running without any delay.. I am really exited about this proposal preet,,, just try it for a week...
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