Incisive Nifty Trend Analysis

Mansi, for attaching images, upload them on an external website and post the link here. Using "Manage Attachments" you will run out of attachment space (100kb) very soon.

Check my signature for instructions on uploading images on external websites.


Well-Known Member
O.k Mansi, you have provided some good entertainment with your bizarre post and rants, so people will miss your shrill and abusive post. Frankly, you have made yourself a laughing stock (Pun intended) Do read your post, nothing other than some fisherwoman language. (Apologies to the fisherwomen, they may feel offended)

Since I have not been intimidated by your torrent of abuses, you can always catch some other poor soul to berate and show off your self proclaimed sense of superior trading ability.

Ah, when you are in a hole, you really dig yourself more in. Regards your bad experience with middlemen, my sampathies are with you. I am not sure what profession you are in, but if you are referring to brokerage houses, I am sure you will find RKSV, Zerodha, Kotak to be of help. You can check them out in the forum itself, no need to Google ; )

As far as you calling me a middleman, thats fine. I guess you buy stocks and sell them to somebody else. So that makes you a middle-woman . :) Ah, I hope you now dont take on an English teachers persona and tell me that the word does not exist. Am just kidding.

Thanks for providing the forum with entertainment while you were here. Take care, and as always, wish you more of happy spiral trades.

Well i prepared a very good reply for ur not so surprising Zero Value post, but in the end decided to keep it short . And thanks to u for that. U have accepted u have not much capability(infact u accept that u r a looser) as a trader , so y waste even seconds on replying to a person like u. Now u r free to conitnue with ur favorite time pass of posting useless posts(nothing more be expected of u ). CARRY ON. :clapping:

I sincerely hope ur family is not dependent on ur trading skills ;) and u r atleast good in one skill (writing stupid posts).

And plz do keep posting those useless posts(whatever u want) but dont expect that i will be replying to the posts of a joker(who comes to a forum to lighten himself up from time to time). And good luck to a middleman like u(u can be nothing more than that).

Thanks for even thinking of relating me to Detective Karamchand and investigation of some scientific mystery etc etc but i m sorry , to be very frank i dont think u to be capable of doing anything noteworthy. And i do hope u r able to carry out ur middleman job nicely enough(ewwww: these .........)

Thanks to one traderji feature : A simple Ignore list, thank GOD now i can visit traderji again without seeing any of ur crap(I have added u in my ignore list).
Now u can pass ur time and lighten urself up(the disappointment of loosing in mkt) by seeing my posts but it is other way round for me : I wont be able to waste my time replying ur stupid posts. Now just post as many replies as u want to my this post to lighten urself up, but sadly for u i wont be able to see those replies even if i want to and when i cant see ur replies then u wont get any reply back from me which means u will not be able to lighten urself up and so onnnnnnnnn :) Now u have to vent ur frust by finding some other member here. BEST OF LUCK :thumb:

And since u find things difficult to understand i m posting a screenshot(of how my browser wont be able to see ur posts :) ) specially for u, enjoy

I hope that now u will be a happy jumping kid bcoz u have finally won :)


Well-Known Member

What is the purpose of u drawing trend lines form pivot within various swings, is it to compare waves of same degree & proportion or is it for gann SQL, kindly enlighten


Normal lines are channels within which nifty is moving. You can see that Nifty. You can see the 45 degree angled channel in which Nifty is moving since its bottom of 4770 in June 2012.

The dotted lines are simple support resistance lines joining adjacent tops and bottoms and projected ahead so that tentative support/resistance can be determined. For example-

Line 1 drawn by joining tops of 10 Jul and 23 Aug was breached on the upper side by Nifty when it gapped up on 14 Sep. The same became support on 20 Sep.

Line 2 is top of 21 Sep (5720) which will act as support now.

Line 3 is bottom of 26 Sep (5638) which has become major support now. Nifty turned up three times from their intra day.

Line 4 is purple, drawn parallel to recent up trend line drawn from bottom of 4th June. This will also act as support line. Notice the dotted support line drawn up from bottom of 26 Jul. The up trend to 23 Aug followed the same angle.

The purple dotted line 5 drawn from Friday 5th Oct top to the TL below is parallel to the down TL from 5 May to 26 Jul. It is indicating that the reversal if any from Friday's Top has potential to reach up to 5500. If it goes below that, then we will have a bearish trend due to break of rising channel downwards.

The TL at the bottom right and Top left are for long term.

There is no pivot or Gan SQL. I am not that Gyanee. (ग्यानी). Though I am curious about pivot points and looking for an AFL that plots pivots points automatically from previous day's OHLC.
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Well-Known Member


Weekly chart shows the classic Diamond Top made by Nifty from Oct 10 to Jan 2011 and the channel it made while falling to 4531.

The TL at Bottom right and Top left in my previous post are seen here as joining bottoms of 4531 of Oct 11 and 4770 of June 12 and tops of 5400 of Oct 11 and 5630 of 24 Feb 12.

Current channel extended upwards indicates that current up move has potential to go 6000 plus may be up to 6200.

In Technical analysis, everything modifies everything. If market makes unexpected moves breaking trendlines, we have to refine charts and find next tentative target.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Josh for the chart and the insightful commentry. Much appreciated.


Weekly chart shows the classic Diamond Top made by Nifty from Oct 10 to Jan 2011 and the channel it made while falling to 4531.

The TL at Bottom right and Top left in my previous post are seen here as joining bottoms of 4531 of Oct 11 and 4770 of June 12 and tops of 5400 of Oct 11 and 5630 of 24 Feb 12.

Current channel extended upwards indicates that current up move has potential to go 6000 plus may be up to 6200.

In Technical analysis, everything modifies everything. If market makes unexpected moves breaking trendlines, we have to refine charts and find next tentative target.
Let me clarify this for the last time. The time frame I was using just until recently was a large one which until today gives me a bearish picture about the market. Even with such a time frame I was able to pick potential tops correctly. Now I have shifted to a smaller time frame so that I could analyse the market with respect to current scenario which is what everyone needs. With respect to logic, every post of mine was based on some logic at that point of time. I was extremely bearish as I had posted in one my posts and that policy paralysis was the main reason for the same. Just a few measures were announced by the government and you saw what happened there after. This might change for the worse at any given point and the need of the hour is to be alert in picking the same.
At the end of the day, none of us can be 100 percent perfect either with our analysis or with our system. Each one of us here have the freedom to express his/her own view and there is no compulsion in being correct each time.
Clarifications result in further arguments.You have been remarkably dignified in your posts often completely ignoring jibes most of the times. Best to give your views & step aside.

Regards & Trade safely

Recent strength seen in Rupee can maximum extend to 53 and I don't see this level being breached that easily. In any case, 52 should provide rock solid support to the pair. It is just a matter of time before we start seeing renewed strength in USD and all time lows for INR. 60 is a given target for the pair and it is only a question of time.

P.S: Currency movement normally gives a hint for future direction in equities. Prolonged weakness seen in rupee has been one of the reasons for my apprehension with respect to our markets. Even at this juncture I don't see rupee gaining much from these levels and this only makes me wonder if the upside in our markets is going to be limited. In any case, we need to be well prepared for a surprise reversal at a given point.
Any revision in your view on usd inr?


Active Member
Mr Reggie ,

Looking at your joining date it seems like you must be a very knowledgeable person but your language really smells cheapness in it.
Mansi did a great job in ignoring you, else you wont stop wasting this valuable thread space. And moreover if a person like you talks in such a childish manner, i feel you are the laughing stock.
You were telling Mr Prada for not replying to useless posts and look at yourself.
Whatever Mansi said about you i second that because you seemed very eager to start a fight.
And now I suppose after this post I am also due to receive some good threatenings from your side.
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Well-Known Member
Since I have not been intimidated by your torrent of abuses, you can always catch some other poor soul to berate and show off your self proclaimed sense of superior trading ability.


Thanks for providing the forum with entertainment while you were here. Take care, and as always, wish you more of happy spiral trades.
Hi Reggie, i did a little bit of searching on Google for "spiral upmove" of nifty ...

And guess what ? The ONLY HIT that Google came up with was

Spiral upmove of Nifty

Similar Searches for "Spiral upmoves" for other World markets returned zilch ! :annoyed:

So err .... Entertainment ? yep .... :D Some education too ....

Would like to request you to NOT challenge such sheer brilliance for the sake of :clapping: for rest of the readers .... :D

Thanks. ;)

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