My Yahoo RealTime Data Viewer

Hi All,

One more Update on Stock Tools. I am making changes based on the regular feedback,I receive from the forum members.

I am happy to be part of such forum, who always encourgage me to do better things.

I am attaching screen shots and will post the latest Executable shortly after adding couple of more features (possbily in 2-3 days time).

the screen shots are

1. Real-Time Viewer is enhanced to show data in colors
2. Maintaining portfolio.txt file is now through maintenance screen.

some more features (coming soon):
1. PIB as Primary RT Streamer
2. Portfolio scrips Auto Sync with PIB Scrips



srisara said:

I'm not sure of what could be the problem. from others who are using havent probably encountered the problem.

try this, if luck helps

first Open AmiBroker and then Yahoo RT.

Dear Satya,

Don't worry. it is not your software's problem. Actually the lag we r facing in Amibroker is just for delayed update of PIB 'data' folder. The 'data' folder is not simultaneously updated along with the PIB software. it takes 1 to 3 minutes to update.

Thanks & Best Regards,
soumya_b said:
Dear Srisara,

it is my QM, Portfolio & Screenshot.
eagerly waiting for your remedy.

thanks & best regards,

great! everything looks quite ok for me. Can you do the below 2 things?

1. open stock tools folder and check for today's data file created by my application. e.g. RTDataBFYahoo_Jul_31_2006.txt

if file exists, open it and see the time, basically my app logs all data that is retrieved from Yahoo, just in case if u need it as backfill.

If this file has today's yahoo quotes, then the application is working fine.

2. open stock tools folder and check for test.html file, if found just open it using I.E or double clicking. you should find today's last quotes.

If above two actions are ok, then application is working fine, the problem could be with in-build web control.

You have provided me with auto clicked, what happens when you click on Manual? you can see the quotes in the DashBoard, would like to see the screen shot of it too.

Also, I recommend 10 seconds auto refresh. i.e almost 6 ticks per minute.

can you adress me as satya? please...!
Dear SATYA :)

As per your instruction i have checked everything and didn't find any wrong.

thanks & best regards,
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soumya_b said:
Hi Satya,

:eek: Auto refresh is still not working.

best regards,
probably, dash board is not getting display (reason beyond my knowledge). But, looks like you have a data refresh every 5 sec (as per ur settings).

Am i correct? Anyhow, I'm planning to give a new look to DashBoard like Grid Display.

Just give me few more days to code. :)


Time for One More Update to Stock Tools.

Below is the list of Changes carried out on Stock Tools

1. Real-Time Data Viewer has a new look which include, color grid display (alternating colors), colored Change Value with Up and down arrows.

2. Now CASH Segment can be empty. This is for those who donot require Yahoo data

3. Added a new maintenance screen for portfolio.txt. You can add, delete scrips for CASH and Futures sections using maintenance screen. Also, you can synchronize your Futures list with PIB List (through a simple click).

You can download the latest version from

For those, who already installed Stock Tools and hope using it. Just check the Upgrade section

For New Users, please go through Complete Install.

The general link for download is

If you encounter any problem, please post it here for immeidate fix.
