My Yahoo RealTime Data Viewer

it should was working for me.


check the attached chart..!

Hi Satya,
I checked the symbols. It is correct from the beginning. I tried with other route. I changed the securities in the portfolio settings. I tried with first ^CNXIT and ^NSEBANK. It did not display in the symbol window in AB. Then I tried with ashokleyland and reliance capital by replacing it with ASHOKLEY.NS and RELCAPITA.NS respectively. Both of them that is Ashokleyland and reliance capital got updated correctly. I think the suffix which have ".NS" is getting updated whereas the prefix which have "^" is not getting updated. The display dash board shows all scripts with prefix of "^" or suffix of "NS" is getting updated correctly. But the symbols are not created in AB. Please clarify whether this can be corrected or not?
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thanks for the great RT-downloader software. could you please let me know if it can work with unregistered copy of metastock pro 8.0 ?

at present i am using amibroker 4.80 with rahul doshi's RT-PIB convertor which is working fine. however, it can't update metastock in real-time (as datafiles get locked).

re: EOD features of you software- i've found CEM's software more convenient and faster especially the favourite feature.

i've tried to send this message through, but it returned error message.
at present i am using amibroker 4.80 with rahul doshi's RT-PIB convertor which is working fine. however, it can't update metastock in real-time (as datafiles get locked).

Is RT-PIB to AB convertor, you are using is Freeware? What is time lagging?

I was also working on same project which was nearly completed but due to poor response the project was dropped.


K S Kachhwaha
sorry missed the price question.

i transferred Rs. 500 for the software. i guess this guy is rather brash - the way he replied to a member's question ( can i have the software free first then pay for it ? ) and his blatant selling pitch might have prompted the super moderator to erase all of his posts. afterall, datafetchers and nidhidatasystems are also selling their wares (at least the one's which are really useful) and,yes, Mr. Satya also plans to charge for his EOD data downloader - perhaps after it is tested and perfected by members to pay for the "virtual server".

But for Rs.500 the software is a bargain for real-time data update of amibroker.

Negatives are - no fancy screen menus, support or even e-mail responses from the vendor are rare. perhaps, the price does not include these "extras"

thanks and regards,

j c jain
Hi Satya

Thanks for a really useful software.
I was using it without any probs until the latest compulsory update on 31 Aug

First I could not install it as the prob shown in attached image cap1 ket on on recurring each time i ran setup despite restarting winxp

Second I tried just using the upgrade verson but it gives me a blank dashboard as shown in image cap2

could u help?




Hi Satya

Thanks for a really useful software.
I was using it without any probs until the latest compulsory update on 31 Aug

First I could not install it as the prob shown in attached image cap1 ket on on recurring each time i ran setup despite restarting winxp

Second I tried just using the upgrade verson but it gives me a blank dashboard as shown in image cap2

could u help?



the latest version is 2.0.48. download the exe from the downloads section of my website.

also, i check the screen shot 2, why everything is left blank? I mean you did not check the Cash option (Yahoo).

so, the data is not displaying...:d

please check the appropriate options :)

the latest version is 2.0.48. download the exe from the downloads section of my website.

also, i check the screen shot 2, why everything is left blank? I mean you did not check the Cash option (Yahoo).

so, the data is not displaying...:d

please check the appropriate options :)


thanks a lot for your reply.

i had dnloaded the upgrade version and was trying that.

as rgrds scr shot 2 where i was getting a blank screen i forgot to mention that i tried to click on the cash option and it was giving the error your portfolio file is empty despite there being quite a few cos in the list

yest finally i traced the error to the foll
in the portfolio list the line HDFC = HDFC.NS
had come as
which was giving the empty portfolio error

now am getting the dashboard with all details but no live update on amibroker.
tried creating a new database as well using the old one which was working with an older version of stocktools.

any ideas on why its not updating ami?

thanks again

Hi Satya ,

Fist of all I want to congratulate you for your stock tool utility . I am using ver 2.0.48 for last 2 days with amibroker and it is working fine .
-> Pls. give me details , how to back fill data from PIB using stock tool after market close .
-> Also when I click on PIB Auto update button it ask me for registration with message "Trial Version Expired , Please visit www.investbulls to register your version ! ".
Few suggestions :
-> Utility can be used to update data in other base interval other than tick for ex. 1 min or 5 min .
-> In traderji there is a link for Yahoo beta chart^bsesn;range=1d;indicator=volume;charttype=candlestick;crosshair=on;logscale=on;source=^bsesn;range=5d;indicator=volume;charttype=candlestick;crosshair=on;logscale=on;source=

If we open yahoo beta chart in Internet Explorer for 1 day or 5 day it save 1 min data in *.xml format in our temp internet file folder . For your reference I am attaching the xml file . Pls. see the attachment which can be used to back fill data for 1 day or last 5 day data in 1 min format for all cash stock on BSE , NSE and index in 1 min format
-> Utility can back fill data during real time update for single security or multiple security as per users choice .

Thanks and Regards
Harish Chheda
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