New Intermed Uptrend!!

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Originally Posted by sathya
Hi, I am sathya.....
new in trading as well .....
Anyone ever makes money in stock market ??
I have heard of only losers....

Anyway Welcome me please.....

Hi Sathya,
A warm welcome to you,my friend.When I started out,I felt that the stock market is one dangerous place where I would be eaten alive.And so I thought and so it was.I felt that the mountain was just too difficult to climb....and so I thought and so it was.I lost ,lost ,lost ,lost and lost as I thought how could the small fry individual trader take money out of the pockets of the big players.......and so I thought and so it was.But I was not one to call it a day!!I went for seminars,bought books,met up with some professional traders.......drew up a Trading Plan,strategy,read books on psychology and tried to implement what I studied.I slowly began to feel that if others could,why couldn't I?And so I thought and so it was.I began to pull money out of the stock market with regularity.....why not?If the fund guys could do it,why couldn't I?And so I thought and so it was,my friend.

This thought of only losers in the stock market must go from your mind before you start actively trading or investing.Because your subconscious mind will make sure you lose,and then you get to go back to your family,friends and say that you were right.The market will give you whatever you want,the problem with most of us is what we want.So,first figure out what you want........if it is to lose because you've only seen losers,then why trade at all and waste money in the process?If you wnat to win,really want to win.......then educate yourself,books,seminars,whatever,draw up a Trading Plan,have a goal(weekly,monthly,annual).Begin with the end in mind.

I know of many winners in many stock markets around the world.Many of them are just normal people,married with 2-3 children,trading from home,trading for a living.You'd miss them in a shopping mall,normal people......but boy do they pull out in the millions from the stock market.They're not fund managers,analysts,tech analysts on tv channel,etc.....just normal people.If they can do it,why can't you,why can't we all?

Once again a warm welcome.........wishing you all the best!!

Hi Saint,
Was inspiring read from Introductions......hope you don't mind me transporting it into this thread.Was too good an advice to have got lost among the introductions.Once again,thank you!



Well-Known Member
Hi saint

Sorry to trouble you.... (Checking my eyes once again ;) )

My Observations..


1. Nahar Expo
2. Suven pharma
3. Ivp
4. Godavari fertilizer

Maybe we missed the bus.

1.Eicher - 103 to 138 in two session.
2.Euro textile industries 48 62 in four sessions

Ready to take off ?

1.Granules India
2.JB Chemical and Pharma
3.Rajastan spinning
4. Nahar spining

Under Microscope?

1.Alstom Projects India - Volume rising. Crossing 214 with volume can take it up.

2. Ajantha pharma Can move up if crosses 95 with volume

If I am off the mark, pardon my ignorance.

Thanks and regards

saint said:
Don't know much about it,neeraj......but I can tell you that VISHAL EXP is looking strong and that if it can take out 11 levels,then gradually raise stops at every pivot point and take the meat out of the run-up.Personal opinion--it's going muh higher than 14,but like everything else,just an way of finding the truth but by raising stops and seeing how high she can climb.

Happy Trading!
thanks Saint . ya raising stop loss seems to be the best way out.
karthikmarar said:
Maybe we missed the bus.

1.Eicher - 103 to 138 in two session.
2.Euro textile industries 48 62 in four sessions
I had bought Eicher at 154 and sold at 113!
I never saw it coming up after I bought.
After that also it went down.
But, yesterday it suddenly went up to 140!!

Why, what is the news!?

Nahar spinning has already gone up from 226 to 263 today and i am still holding. Can anybody tell what is the exit rate please.
Hi Karthik,
Sorry about the looooong delay in answeringyour question.Hope you don't mind the answer being in bits..... :)

My Observations..


1. Nahar Expo
2. Suven pharma
3. Ivp
4. Godavari fertilizer

Maybe we missed the bus.

1.Eicher - 103 to 138 in two session.
2.Euro textile industries 48 62 in four sessions
NAHAR EXPORTS:Nice one.......neat breakout from a symmetricall triangle and looking to resume its uptrend.Very nice.....keep a stop loss at 70 .Nice find!

SUVEN LIFE SCIENCES : Nice higher pivot low on the weekly before moving upwards.....but lots of resistance from 118 onwards.

GODAVARI FERT :Again a nice find,buy only if it takes out the 87 area and closes over the 87 area.Buy over that day's high with a stop loss of 70 .The target would be 113.....that gives us arisk reward of 1.5:1,so basically depends on your trading plan.There are traders who go for a 1.5:1......I usually go for >2:1.But nice find.Also careful on the low daily vols.

IVP :Looks like set to resume its uptrend.........Breakout day yesterday.Enter on a consolidation via price or time.

EICHER LTD:Karthik,don't think you missed anything here........this just took off after a long pullback to support,but could not take out resistance of 145-150area.Even if you do take this one over 150,still has tons of supply overhead......of course with great volume anything is possible.Chartswise,stay clear of it if not in.If in,keep tight stop losses and exit if any sign of a fall.

EUROTEX INDS:Nice breakout and looks set to go higher.Nice one!

More Later!!

Happy Trading!!
bhoovib said:
Nahar spinning has already gone up from 226 to 263 today and i am still holding. Can anybody tell what is the exit rate please.
Hi Bhoopal,
Nice entry at 226 on a pullback.Now at 263.Target is around the far looking good.Let's see how high this can the meantime,keep raising stop losses and ride the trend..... :)

Hi Saint, TIL again testing 171 mark. Last time it did so , was followed by decline till 145. Hope this time it clears it.
Anyways today was a nice move with increase in volumes.

Vishal exports continuing it's uptrend. The circuit was lockes within first 20 minutes of the start of day.

cheers :)
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