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Well-Known Member
I'm just posting this to keep up the daily routine, and obviously there's nothing to report nor assess at this point.

The levels Im watching today are 2758-2746-2434-2722-2710-2696-2679-2661.
2625 area is critical going ahead.

As this is for documentation alone, to the up 2795-2810 is the basic minimum to be done.


Well-Known Member
amitt29 said:
I think we shud stabilize around the lows of today.Then we may see some volatility.
Keep posting Amitji.
have been a silent spectator for long..the maximum nifty drift from this point would be 140 points..currently trading at 2671......2531 should be the bottom (this time definetly, i personally believe the level would not be breached) in a couple of days, we could see bottom and then stability...

correct me if i am wrong....



Active Member
ganeshhity said:
2531 should be the bottom (this time definetly, i personally believe the level would not be breached) in a couple of days, we could see bottom and then stability...
Hello Ganesh,

Nice of you to share your view here. I think it also can be 2351. I am quite sure (as of now) it will not be 1523.
ganeshhity said:
correct me if i am wrong....
Don't worry the markets always do that, just keep very tight stop loss.

Hi Amitda,

Today I think I know how you got the name of this thread nifty fifty. I was reading through Martin Prings book and he talked about a group of talk in US which had stocks like xerox, mc donalds and they were called nifty fifty. Till now I always thought u had played with the word Nifty. :)

Hi All,

when we talk about that the market should stop or find a bottom at a particular level both markets have to find a bottom. So ganeshhity as per your level of nifty what level of sensex corresponds to it. Could you also explain how you came up with this level. u find support there because of previous price movement, or by calculating retracements %age. Look forward to your reply.


Rahul Gupta
ganeshhity said:
have been a silent spectator for long..the maximum nifty drift from this point would be 140 points..currently trading at 2671......2531 should be the bottom (this time definetly, i personally believe the level would not be breached) in a couple of days, we could see bottom and then stability...

correct me if i am wrong....


Dont forget that if we are in a bear market .. as against an intermediate 'reaction' or correction in the 3 yr old bull market... then the bottom you talk about will be merely the bottom of the first (down) leg of the bear market .

Subsequent legs will reach lower bottoms ... Until the primary trend reverses. And typically , bear markets will have at least a couple of such 'legs'

See chart attached for what happened during the 2000-2002 bear market, when each of three bottoms was followed by an intermediate rally, only to be finally 'floored' by the lowest bottom towards the end of 2001



Well-Known Member
adilsaleem said:
Hi Amit
Wont u say anything ? Any analysis would help, Anything from the technical point of view that you would have observed would help a lot. Hope to hear from you soon
Hi Adilthe reason Im not posting a whole lot here at this point, is obviously theres not a lot to say.
The markets are broadly adhering to technicals, yet it would be futile to call any reversal points, bottoms etc. There will be sharp rallies intermittently followed by vicious selling.
This is clearly a spooked out bear market.
At this time generally its more pertinent to follow the fundamental story as it unfolds, and Pankaj is doing a great job of it.
In the meanwhile Ill continue to post the levels as I have been doing.
As for comments or commentary, well, whats there really to say, eh!? :)

From Pankajs posting one can see how the domestic MFs have been pulling out money.
Sure, redemption pressures must be there.
But could it also mean there is much more downside to come.
They have been investing in recent times, but then the Nifty has fallen off a couple of hundred points and more since then, with no halt in sight.
It does make sense to go cash in anticipation of another shave off, to buy lower.

I personally dont see anything resembling a bottom till well into July at least.
It may come as a short term rally in a bear phase.
Ill follow up on this going ahead.

In the here and now, the close yesterday resembled the close last Thursday, which was followed by a strong reactive rally.
It would be interesting to see how the Nifty runs today, and of course at this point the Asian markets are all in green.
This is an important day for the markets in the short term.
The commitment to test the 200 DMA is still pending action from a TA point of view.

To the up theres congestion coming ahead.
The line is 2668-2674-2680-2686-2690.
Then the line is 2694-2698-2702-2706-2710-2714.
Will call more once this is taken out.

Supports are 2659-2654-2648-2642-2636-2630-2624-2618-2612-2606-2599.
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