Some of my forecasts

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Forexworld, it is the Indian markets that are of main interest in this forum. Things, for me, came to a screeching halt when all my demos that contained these markets were shut down, so we are now working at a way to bring them back up, so I can plot my methodology for them and resume forecasting.

Wow so much of you are interested in these Indian markets nifty, usd/inr, reliance, infosys, !
why not in international pairs ? btw talking aobut these markets do you trade them on mt4 ? so does any indian bank demat account offers trading these in mt4 type platforms ?
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Weeklies--Tata Steel--102311

Tata Steel 452.95 443.07 437.11 425.28 419.40 -409.37

That's it for now. I'll be back about 4 hours from this post.

I still look forward to getting the program going in order to bring in the charts to do the analysis on these markets.

I should have Nifty analysis when I get back. I'm waiting on one particular e-mail to be able to complete it

I do not have the live charts with me. I have copied charts that were sent to me from Hills. Some of the levels I give may not be as accurate as I like because I am not looking at the exact levels.
Of course, I will let you all know as soon as I get the live charts working.

The WS2 4984 is presenting a strong confluence of S. As long as it holds, then this market should be on its way to 5225<>. The weekly tenken at <>5180 is also presenting a strong R to look for. If 4984 is taken out, then it is going to be a very sharp drop back to the 4700's, and possibly to my original targets at 4666 and 4592.
Those targets were subject to change because they are dynamic targets by nature.

<> More or less, yet very close to the posted amount.
i sent the data from my private mail id.
in my other mail id's i used to get lot of mails from my brokers and i will miss some important mails. so i preferred to send it from my private one.on USDINR i totally agree with you on the drop that is going to come.but for the RBI intervention the drop would have happened already.that was the point i was putting across.
definitely i wont be going long on this now.i prefer to wait for it to take a turn and then enter.even if it goes to 52+ i prefer to let it run because i dont want to put my finger in something where i dont have conviction.
tangentially if we think countries like india and china are still protected from the financial chaos of the west due to the protection/control of their currencies.this is just my opinion from a laymans point of view,i dont have great experience in analysing the currencies or the economical situations
TTG, I'm getting lost in all the e-mails I've been getting. I don't want to give away your real name for privacy purposes, but I believe you were the one to send me the 4-hour data. Between the time of this post and the opening of the market, I should be bale to get the other weeklies posted.

With regards to your opinion, and let's be clear, I totally respect it, my answer to that would be try going long on this pair, then come back 6 months from now and let me know how it is doing. Even though my data is limited, that is how confident this pair is in for a huge drop.

I also think a lot of that kind of fundamental information creates biases where traders cannot make the proper educated trading decisions that are needed
I'll give one of my examples: Back in May 2007, I had been foretelling of a great plunge that was about to take place for the USD/CHF. That was when it was trading around 1.1700. Along come the fundamental biases. Someone e-mailed me and told me I did not know what I was talking about. The SNB was going to continue weakening its currency and that it was headed to 1.3200. I told him I didn't pay attention to that info too much and that I only read my charts, and they say we are headed to 1.0943 and could be 1.0320. Either one of those would have been huge drops from that point. As it turned out the drop ended up at .7066.

The USD/INR is at SD extremes, even though there is still room to move up to 52.60 within that standard deviation cycle. A feeder problem is preventing the candles from showing correctly, and the cloud is a mess. I could give a better idea if the rest of the components were accurate. I do see enough room for a drop to 47.09. That's not saying it couldn't drop much lower.

With regards to equilibrium, even the weather (of which no one could possibly control) moves within a cyclical ebb and flow. This is why temperatures are predictable using my S&R's along with applying other techniques to it. If that is the case with weather, then I guarantee you that is the case with the INR, or nay other financial market.
though you addressed to paul i thought i will put in some of my thoughts.
indian government does not allow resident indians to trade in international pairs.many of us are looking for ways to trade on international pairs,i am one of them,if anyone reading this could be of any help that would be highly appreciated.

and mt4 type platforms from indian banks- you are asking too much my friend.even if they offer how many takers will be there considering their huge charges.i dont have any hope on that.
brokers are better than banks in indian context

Wow so much of you are interested in these Indian markets nifty, usd/inr, reliance, infosys, !
why not in international pairs ? btw talking aobut these markets do you trade them on mt4 ? so does any indian bank demat account offers trading these in mt4 type platforms ?
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TTG, please keep in mind, when I share an opinion, it is just that. Even though I may sound dogmatic (I do tend to be, at times.), I understand it is only opinions we are sharing.
I think my reputation in using FA's is known by most. All I really do is just back up what I say from my personal experience to support my view on having no regard for FA's. It is still only an opinion, and I still respect yours.

i sent the data from my private mail id.
in my other mail id's i used to get lot of mails from my brokers and i will miss some important mails. so i preferred to send it from my private one.on USDINR i totally agree with you on the drop that is going to come.but for the RBI intervention the drop would have happened already.that was the point i was putting across.
definitely i wont be going long on this now.i prefer to wait for it to take a turn and then enter.even if it goes to 52+ i prefer to let it run because i dont want to put my finger in something where i dont have conviction.
tangentially if we think countries like india and china are still protected from the financial chaos of the west due to the protection/control of their currencies.this is just my opinion from a laymans point of view,i dont have great experience in analysing the currencies or the economical situations
He is from India and has MT4 platform on all the international markets, so maybe he can share how he does it.

though you addressed to paul i thought i will put in some of my thoughts.
indian government does not allow resident indians to trade in international pairs.many of us are looking for ways to trade on international pairs,i am one of them,if anyone reading this could be of any help that would be highly appreciated.

and mt4 type platforms from indian banks- you are asking too much my friend.even if they offer how many takers will be there considering their huge charges.i dont have any hope on that.
brokers are better than banks in indian context
Mr paul the peak was 1.3953 which was near the yearly trend cycle according to your WF and also your bottom of the weekly cloud! from there it went all the way south! moreover looks like a reversal
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