Some of my forecasts

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In hindsight, you AUD/CHF worked out well.
I got a lot on my table right now between e-mails, and getting everything up-to-date on this computer. My broker got my live account working.
My updates should becoming before Tokyo hits the midway point.

Let me cut to the chase for now. Explosive reversals are now about to happen, albeit every strong corrections only

Hi Mr paul your again late - lol, glad to see you! What is going on with the markets I got smoked on my short positions!
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In hindsight, you AUD/CHF worked out well.
I got a lot on my table right now between e-mails, and getting everything up-to-date on this computer. My broker got my live account working.
My updates should becoming before Tokyo hits the midway point.
Mr paul , I am holding on the short on my aud/chf and looking for the weekly tenken sen minimum that is a almost 500 pip target but with the recent strong move of the aud, It got me worried and I was almost 100 pips in red today!! I am glad to hear I would be hearing updates I was desperate to hear them from 2 days !
Adityasara, I responded way back in this thread somewhere, but I'll bring my response up-to-date. I know this thread moves fast.
I am getting a server error, which was exactly what I got this time.
If that can be resolved, then I'll give it another shot.
I guess there is some confusion over here..... You must be referring to downloading the files from Google with the help of the software called "Data Downloader"...... If this is the case, then please don't waste any further of time on this..... It would download the files in 1-min format.... and MT4 would just show up 1-min charts... It would not use up the same data to create the charts of 5min, 1Hr, 4Hr, Daily, Weekly, etc....

Because of this, it won't solve our problem.... So instead, we can send the data files of MT4 periodically, which would show up the charts in your MT4 platform..... For this:

1. Check all the Trendlines and Objects which you have created on the chart of Nifty.... We would get to know if they remain afterwards or not....
2. Download the data of Nifty from here...
3. Now, go to the History folder of GCI on your Hard Drive..... It should be located in "C:\Program Files\GCI MT4\history\GCI-Demo"...
4. Extract the contents of the rar file which you have downloaded and put them in this folder... Old files relating to Nifty should already be present there.... It would ask you to replace them... Click Yes....
5. Start MT4 and notice if all the Trendlines and Objects are still present in the chart of Nifty or not....
You got the strong move on Swissy too. Any forex pair you have 2 currencies moving it. The JPY still has not been moving, which is why its contrary part has been moving the respective crosses .

AUD/CHF still might be in for a further bump north. The weekly cloud could get pierced towards .9397 before it is ready to return south.

Mr paul , I am holding on the short on my aud/chf and looking for the weekly tenken sen minimum that is a almost 500 pip target but with the recent strong move of the aud, It got me worried and I was almost 100 pips in red today!! I am glad to hear I would be hearing updates I was desperate to hear them from 2 days !

This pair has flown high above every cloud from the 4-hour on down. It has shot through every extreme from the daily on down. Is OB or virtually OB on every TF from the daily DOWN. The weekly kijun at 1.4041 was taken out like it is not there. We still have one more day in the week for that move to be corrected. This pair has to be headed south to close the week. There is now cluster S at 1.3966. If that is broken, then there is no mistaken the fact we are headed much lower. The daily kijun at 1.3659 should still contain the correction.

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With regard to the cloud, this was one ugly head fake. With regard to the TL, it performed perfectly, with the exception of the stronger than expected move north.
Again, there was no TL break. A TL break could be predicted, and quite frankly, along with the EUR/USD, I thought it was going to be broken on this move. Nevertheless, the trade would have been executed based on the prediction. The way to trade the break is after it has broken the TL, and then corrected back to it. I mentioned a few times the plight of the USD/CAD. That is what it is going through now. I talked about how it was headed to the bottom of the monthly cloud, but that trip is being delayed. This is because it is going through a correction of a TL break back around .9580.
Thanks for the explanation Paul. I was referring to trendline break of H4 charts where I entered after corrected to the TL.


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The AUD/USD was next on my updates, so I'm adding the chart, and responding to Raj's question at the same time.

Raj, correct me if I am mistaken somewhere, but I don't see where the TL was broken. Like the rest of the USD pairs, when the TL was hit, I was expecting for it to be broken.
If I am mistaken, then please post your chart, then we can take a look at it.

This pair broke through the WR1 at 1.0641, and like most of the USD pairs it is in extreme territory, and in the case of the secondary USD pairs, it is OB. There is cluster S at 1.0529. It is favorable to see the drop to possibly be contained at 1.0351, and then see some consolidation after that.
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