Some of my forecasts

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FW, as I mentioned over coming days, it looks bearish. OTT, it looks highly volatile. MT, this pair could end up below the weekly kijun just as likely as it could hit the top of the weekly cloud.

Hi Mr paul, The weekly kinjun appears to be a strong S area sooner or later I am confident we should see a move there ! I was talking about the correction getting completed on the daily chart! I don't see any north move from this point but If the pair is moving more north from here I am also confident it is limited as far as what I see in the your WF and the weekly chart!
The pair is still fighting a losing battle with the weekly TL. Having said that, and as per my view in the Weekly Forecast, 106.27 needs to contain, or it is time for reevaluation. The dip to this point is 106.48, therefore, this circa area should contain the move south and bring another attempt to break the weekly TL.
Headroom? You got that right! If that TL is broken, it has a clear view of 114.37.

Paul what do you say abt a long on the E/J since there is abounce of the KS on the daily and plenty of headroom on the weekly?

Want your opinion as to why this is right /wrong . :)
Re: 3 for 1 special

I think it is very clear with this pair. The TL corrective process will be complete at the point it was broken, then the DOWN resumes. So, from this point, it looks safe for a move to circa 1.3954, and possibly 1.4000. The longer it takes the higher the upside possibility.
That didn't say much. Minimum expectations is circa 1.3954, regardless of the route.

Do u see a downside move after a pullback..
i went long on this pair and closed it also. A quicker one

Re: 3 for 1 special

I think it is very clear with this pair. The TL corrective process will be complete at the point it was broken, then the DOWN resumes. So, from this point, it looks safe for a move to circa 1.3954, and possibly 1.4000. The longer it takes the higher the upside possibility.
That didn't say much. Minimum expectations is circa 1.3954, regardless of the route.
Thank you for the detailed explanation.
Good nite. I think I should move to US for trading. :)

Re: 3 for 1 special

As I mentioned, money management is a deep subject.
I got one live account that I use for hedging that I'm willing to take more risks on than the more traditional account. After all, I'm always protected if the initial trade goes against me by winning in the wrong direction.
I also have an account reserved completely for MT--LT trading. I make a trade on it, and literally shut the platform up. Margining is much more conservative there.
As a rule, I use 10%, which is 1 lot per $10,000 in the account. I've adjusted my margining practices over the years as my confidence has grown.
As far as stops are concerned, I think outside the box there too. Stops are always place on the other side of cluster events giving no account for the amount of the stop. OTT, I don't want o get to deep into in in an open venue like this one. Simply put, many people read this, and then they want to copy what is being said, without giving account to their own methodological approach.
Bottom line give conservative valor the benefit of the doubt. You seem to be doing very well in your trading. Make sure when you place a trade you can just walk away and feel good about it. Have no regrets. As long as you are winning consistently, which means a net profit gain over a substantiated period of time, including the losses, then you are doing very well.

If I'm still sound vague, I have to be, because of this being an open venue and trading is so personal.


I am still interested to know how do u position size. I have become so conservative that I would like to use not more than 10% Margin and will try to keep it under 5%.

Last time when I got bankrupt I have used min 25% and max no limit :D Even for the worst trade, the maximum drawdown should not be more than 5% I have come up with set of rules but still finetuning it.

Re: 3 for 1 special

We'll have a red carpet welcome for you.

It's kind of funny you mentioned that. I've been wanting to visit my friends in Andrha Pradesh. I just don't know if I can make it happen. If that does happen, we can wave at each other in the air as we are headed opposite directions.

Thank you for the detailed explanation.
Good nite. I think I should move to US for trading. :)

Re: Indian market S&R's--103011

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I wanted to post the chart to show that in evaluating the weeklies, it is best to use the hourly. The candle closing below the level usually confirms the market is headed lower.

Also, for whatever the reason, my chart closed at 5287. The trade you see posted is only my demo account. I like to post a trade on my demo just to let the broker know I am around. Also, it does me good to practice trade on markets I don't normally trade.

Today NIFTY Future closed @ 5294 i.e. above 5288 (WS1)

So now next support is 5215 (with ichimoku as you said) & then 5197.

Let see

There was some talk about this pair in Saif's thread.

The pair, even though camped under the weekly cloud appeared vulnerable to break through and heed to the top. Significant momentum has been lost, at least intraday, and the pair is also camped out at my WS1 at .9160. I'm now looking for a move to the WS2 at .9087. This move could also lend itself to some additional momentum that would take the pair to the daily kijun at .8986, and then then daily top of the cloud at .8884.
Regardless of the outcome, a much more sure and powerful move would have been gotten if the pair had broken through that thin weekly cloud then reversed. At that point, we would be talking radar to .8356.


Well-Known Member
Re: 3 for 1 special

HI Paul.. The Euro/G on the daily has taken support of the weekly and monthly before and today has commenced retreating before it reached those lines. The TS and the KS are also up north. However , there is strong likley hood of the TS/KS xover below the cloud. So does one expect a bounce here or a further downside.

On the 4H the TS and KS look poised downwards towards the candles though the cloud is quite up. So should one take a long trade here ?

Trying to understand. :)

If it is cable you are referring to, I think it is locked into 1.5777. I think it just joined the USD northward party late. A cross check of the EUR/GBP also gives us an idea of how the EUR/USD and GBP/USD will perform over coming days.
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