Some of my forecasts

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Re: 3 for 1 special

Hills, the nice thing about the tenken and kijun being so strongly divergent from each other is that the tenken becomes a much easier obstacle to get around. AAMAF, the tenken could hardly be viewed as any type of R, because with as deep as the pair has gotten, the tenken is nothing but a coffee stop on the journey north. Considering the kijun is near the cloud, we could also view it as a magnate. It will draw price towards it. Price will probably try and sneak around it, and then find a fresh cloud there, then decide it is better to go south again.

Excellent observation on the 3 higher TF's. I'll combine a thought with your observation. The 4-hour, daily, weekly, and monthly are all suggesting a move north. You don't need to know anything else than to get off that freight train that blew this bad boy all the way down the hill, and catch the flight north.

Specifically, the daily might be less of an obviation on your chart, but on mine is shows the SD channel extreme being hit. That tells me it is in for a strong reversal. It also got buried under the channel after a fresh correction. Now, it gets better!!!

The bottom of the weekly cloud was hit, along with the bottom of the SD channel, and it was simultaneous. The channel still has its upward proclivity. That tells me that, possibly, the trip to .9000 may have only been delayed. The monthly snuck its way in the cloud, and that could be the wick for the month.

Everything added up tells me that 4-hour cloud might be fresh when its hit, but this pair could be ready to beat it up a little.

BTW, I'm in.

HI Paul.. The Euro/G on the daily has taken support of the weekly and monthly before and today has commenced retreating before it reached those lines. The TS and the KS are also up north. However , there is strong likley hood of the TS/KS xover below the cloud. So does one expect a bounce here or a further downside.

On the 4H the TS and KS look poised downwards towards the candles though the cloud is quite up. So should one take a long trade here ?

Trying to understand. :)
Re: Aud/chf

There was some talk about this pair in Saif's thread.

The pair, even though camped under the weekly cloud appeared vulnerable to break through and heed to the top. Significant momentum has been lost, at least intraday, and the pair is also camped out at my WS1 at .9160. I'm now looking for a move to the WS2 at .9087. This move could also lend itself to some additional momentum that would take the pair to the daily kijun at .8986, and then then daily top of the cloud at .8884.
Regardless of the outcome, a much more sure and powerful move would have been gotten if the pair had broken through that thin weekly cloud then reversed. At that point, we would be talking radar to .8356.
MR PAUL, ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I seriously got a carpal tunnel after reading this again I will get you for this - LOL
Re: Aud/chf

It's Saif that may not like it, because he got out. Still, it is risky in spite of what the downside would suggest.
Mr paul I closed it to because you gave me a carpal tunnel to - lol that it could go 400 pips more above! I had a talk with him though He told me he closed his trade on 30 pips green because he was talking to you via emails! Should I look for selling re -entry on this one?
Re: Aud/chf

That's what I meant by the risk. If it makes that upmove, risk is over. Just jump on board.

Mr paul I closed it to because you gave me a carpal tunnel to - lol that it could go 400 pips more above! I had a talk with him though He told me he closed his trade on 30 pips green because he was talking to you via emails! Should I look for re -entry on his one?


Well-Known Member
1.6360...Wow ! that didn't even fig in my imagination... OK , since on the weekly we haven't even been close to the cloud , ok close nough but still not quite , should one even consider cloud penetration to the upside levels you've mentioned. ?

Do explain.

PS: Mumbai ..dont know whether to love it or hate it. The sea doesn't fascinate me as much as the mountains do.

Or Mumbai to Nashik to Andrha Pradesh.

I would like that pair better if it would head to circa 1.6360 first, then head south.

But then, why would you want to leave Mumbai? It seems so nice on the Ocean.
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I'm with you there. I love the ocean, but I'm a mountain climber at heart.

Heading north. I don't see any clouds to penetrate, so let me make sure we are talking about the GBP/CAD.

1.6360...Wow ! that didn't even fig in my imagination... OK , since on the weekly we haven't even been close to the cloud , ok close nough but still not quite , should one even consider cloud penetration to the upside levels you've mentioned. ?

Do explain.

PS: Mumbai ..dont know whether to love it or hate it. The sea doesn't fascinate me as much as the mountains do.
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