Some of my forecasts

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Ahh, that makes a difference.

It is ideal to see a move north to to circa 1.4606, or even 1.4848 before getting a move south. The only problem with this journey is that it is probably going to get stalled at the beginning. This is because the 4-hour is at extreme levels, and it completed the correction of the TL on the daily, so here's the route:
Initally, we are headed to the top of the daily cloud at 1.3688. Afterward, we get a thunderous move to the reversal zone, currently between 1.4606 and 1.4848. Once there, then hold on to your seatbelts. The move south from that point is going to be huge, as it will take us back to around 1.3100, and then the reversal back into the UP is also going to be huge, as this pair heads to circa 1.5500. Especially, the latter 2 levels will be updated as this pair goes. That final leg to 1.5500 is going to take us well into next year. Watch for the YR1 on that one. It might end up being close to that mark.

OK my mistake. Was talking of the GBP/CHF . Heading Southwards ?
Nifty monthly S&R's--1111

Nifty 6108.88 5761.97 5552.98 5135.02 4926.03 -4579.12

Pardon me for mixing everything up, but someone sent me the data for the 3 other markets via e-mail. If whoever you are and you are reading this, if you send me the daily data, then I'll be bale to do the monthlies for those as well.
Re: Aud/chf

There was some talk about this pair in Saif's thread.

The pair, even though camped under the weekly cloud appeared vulnerable to break through and heed to the top. Significant momentum has been lost, at least intraday, and the pair is also camped out at my WS1 at .9160. I'm now looking for a move to the WS2 at .9087. This move could also lend itself to some additional momentum that would take the pair to the daily kijun at .8986, and then then daily top of the cloud at .8884.
Regardless of the outcome, a much more sure and powerful move would have been gotten if the pair had broken through that thin weekly cloud then reversed. At that point, we would be talking radar to .8356.

Re: 3 for 1 special

We'll have a red carpet welcome for you.

It's kind of funny you mentioned that. I've been wanting to visit my friends in Andrha Pradesh. I just don't know if I can make it happen. If that does happen, we can wave at each other in the air as we are headed opposite directions.
Which part of Andhra pradesh are you planning to visit? I am from Andhra only :)
I am going for a holiday to Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam in the month of Dec.

Re: 3 for 1 special

As I mentioned, money management is a deep subject.
I got one live account that I use for hedging that I'm willing to take more risks on than the more traditional account. After all, I'm always protected if the initial trade goes against me by winning in the wrong direction.
I also have an account reserved completely for MT--LT trading. I make a trade on it, and literally shut the platform up. Margining is much more conservative there.
As a rule, I use 10%, which is 1 lot per $10,000 in the account. I've adjusted my margining practices over the years as my confidence has grown.
As far as stops are concerned, I think outside the box there too. Stops are always place on the other side of cluster events giving no account for the amount of the stop. OTT, I don't want o get to deep into in in an open venue like this one. Simply put, many people read this, and then they want to copy what is being said, without giving account to their own methodological approach.
Bottom line give conservative valor the benefit of the doubt. You seem to be doing very well in your trading. Make sure when you place a trade you can just walk away and feel good about it. Have no regrets. As long as you are winning consistently, which means a net profit gain over a substantiated period of time, including the losses, then you are doing very well.

If I'm still sound vague, I have to be, because of this being an open venue and trading is so personal.
Thanks Paul. I can walk away and feel good about the trades most of the time. I am trying to acheive it. This is my target actually :)

Re: 3 for 1 special

Which part of Andhra pradesh are you planning to visit? I am from Andhra only :)
I am going for a holiday to Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam in the month of Dec.

I have been to hyderabad and a fact was the hotel that I stayed in the second floor passage was haunted! I had horrible experience every night ! everyone always use to hear footstep of a woman wearing bangles on her leg and running back and forth but no one had the heart to open the door!
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