Some of my forecasts

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Saif, respectfully, let me say you are laboring too much over one pair.
The posted chart shows that you can switch to a lower TF, but look at the result it yields. You would have gotten whipsawed out of the trade for a losing trade, and winning is much better than losing.
The daily shows the TL has not been broken, and that is all you have to go by.
There is a cluster event at .9237, so we are due for a breakout on the pair.

Another point. Trading is not about wishing and hoping. It is simply trading the moves. As per the TL conversation about this pair, you are still a long way from initiating the trade if you are going by per said rules. After all, you are waiting for the break, then the correction.
Sir thank you :)
I mentioned earlier in the thread about the correction that will take place from circa current level. That's the week next week will begin, but I'll go more in depth once I have the weekly levels in front of me. I can only do the weekly levels for the Indian markets right now, because the markets are not closed for the rest of the world.

Hello Sir need your view on XAU

As per request:

Unless there is a strong move to end this week, this market will start next week heading north. The pair is ready for a huge move south, but does not appear ready yet. Next week's S&R's may give me a better idea. This week we had the perfect bounce off the MR1 at 309.27, and it could be ready to challenge the MR2 at 312.90.

At least the expected down move was not missed. When it comes, it will be huge.
Hello Raj bhai I stepped out of this trade on 50 pips profit! I plan to follow my money management rules to only look for 20 pips(2% of equity) daily but the target of the h4 tenken-sen should possibly hit but we are still due for correction to the upside :)
Good one Saif.. I like it when u really follow ur trade plan and get out as per your plan. It shows your discipline and it will be with you throughout ur career.

Finally weekend.. Wow feeling very relaxed.

LOL, the weekend is here, and I'm feeling jazzed. I enjoy doing the Weekly Forecast.
It is another busy weekend. I will get the WF done....somewhere between the end of the week and the beginning of next week.

Good one Saif.. I like it when u really follow ur trade plan and get out as per your plan. It shows your discipline and it will be with you throughout ur career.

Finally weekend.. Wow feeling very relaxed.


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I'm posting this chart because there has been a lot of conversation concerning it lately and to make a point.

There are 2 TL's drawn on this chart: 1. dip to the 1st swing low; 2. 1st swing low to the 2nd swing low.
All though week, the break of the 1st TL was made, the correction made, and then the ensuing down move. When all 3 parts have been fulfilled, it is no longer needed.
Next, price keeps moving north, thus, the 2nd TL is drawn. It was broken, but moving sideways. There is no getting around it. The TL is nullified.
The 3rd TL (not drawn) is the one we have been talking about. It has not been broken. The favored move is still further north, and until the TL has been broken, that is the view.
The weekly TF still has the momentum implications of the move to the top of the cloud which is now at .9373. If I have room on my platform when that level is hit, I'm jumping in.


Well-Known Member
Hey, pips, how is it going?
Long time since been on your thread. What's going on? Have you rented it out to Saif and Aditya? God, they were busy bees page after page! :D

Take care, mate
Eagle, you ain't kidding. I'm amazed you found a place to be able to swoon in on my thread.
"Some of my forecasts" has turned into a "Potpurri of everything in sight".
Back there somewhere I did ask for some input and interaction. We got it!
Thanks for flying in. Always a pleasure!
BTW, whatever became of that thread you said you were going to start?

Hey, pips, how is it going?
Long time since been on your thread. What's going on? Have you rented it out to Saif and Aditya? God, they were busy bees page after page! :D

Take care, mate
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