Some of my forecasts

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Well-Known Member
Eagle, you are busy flying around in the mountains.
Of course, I know you know I was joking about disclosing your domain name.
Ha ha ha! You make it sound like as if I am running underground some socially forbidden porn sites! :lol:

Anyway, whenever they are up, you will be the first to know. And you know this! :)
Circa 4600 target was hit, which was the outlook since 6100. The conceptual target was 4300. LOL, many thought 4600 was a long way from 6100.
I'm telling you, the monthly is still not ready to give it up.
The weekly is getting to to OB territory as it approaches the bottom of the cloud.
Sir I am sure on this one that the bottom of the weekly cloud or 5500 which is the previous strong Span -b/ monthly kinjun should get hit and yes sir the stoch on the weekly is getting overbought so reversal could be explosive from that point! Sir I didn't know this that a few hits on the trend line would make it loose its strenght but it still contains on the upside as A resistance! Sir on the monthly there was a bearish crossover and the monthly tenken is a strong R and further could be the monthly kinjun which is almost the weekly span -b! the stoch has lost its momentum here sir so If I were to expect a reversal to 4300 that would be after the weekly Span -B please correct me sir :)?
Each hit on the TL means we are closer to it being broken. Simply put, a trend cannot go forever. EW theorists (Dave, where are you?) will tell you a trend has five legs. In a DOWN, it is one south, the 2nd north, 3rd south, 4th north, and the last south. The next hit on the TL means it gets taken out. After several attempts, price tends to go sideways, ala bungee jumping and ping pong. The GBP/JPY broke the weekly TL this week after several attempts. The TL got so wore out, it finally gave out.

This is the case for all S&R's. As a measure of equilibrium (ichi taught me a lot), once price has pulled away from the S or R far enough, then price gravitates back to it, but won't break it on the initial attempt, because it is fresh.
A look at the Bollinger Bands as an SD model can also point this out.

Like I always say, don't believe me. Just apply them from a theoretical point of view, then report the findings, especially if I'm wrong (heh heh).

Sir I am sure on this one that the bottom of the weekly cloud or 5500 which is the previous strong Span -b/ monthly kinjun should get hit and yes sir the stoch on the weekly is getting overbought so reversal could be explosive from that point! Sir I didn't know this that a few hits on the trend line would make it loose its strenght but it still contains on the upside as A resistance! Sir on the monthly there was a bearish crossover and the monthly tenken is a strong R and further could be the monthly kinjun which is almost the weekly span -b! the stoch has lost its momentum here sir so If I were to expect a reversal to 4300 that would be after the weekly Span -B please correct me sir :)?


Well-Known Member
Hey, Pips. Just read Saif's, your student's analysis. Impressive. Under your guidance, soon I hope he won't be needing so many convoluted verbal turns and twists to see the wheat from the chaff.
Best wishes to both of you.
Each hit on the TL means we are closer to it being broken. Simply put, a trend cannot go forever. EW theorists (Dave, where are you?) will tell you a trend has five legs. In a DOWN, it is one south, the 2nd north, 3rd south, 4th north, and the last south. The next hit on the TL means it gets taken out. After several attempts, price tends to go sideways, ala bungee jumping and ping pong. The GBP/JPY broke the weekly TL this week after several attempts. The TL got so wore out, it finally gave out.

This is the case for all S&R's. As a measure of equilibrium (ichi taught me a lot), once price has pulled away from the S or R far enough, then price gravitates back to it, but won't break it on the initial attempt, because it is fresh.
A look at the Bollinger Bands as an SD model can also point this out.

Like I always say, don't believe me. Just apply them from a theoretical point of view, then report the findings, especially if I'm wrong (heh heh).
Sir, this was something new to learn about trend lines Thank you sir! with new learning comes new questions :pP :) I will keep this in mind while drawing them ! I don't even want to talk about bollinger bands :p after learning ichimoku, (haha) Sir after all these months I never found out what the heck SD extreme channel is and how to plot it or even I don't know how it looks !

Secondly Sir euro dollar and auddollar is still due for its correction!I have a chart to show sir It is holding well inside the channel line could be applied as elliot wave theory which I have drawn in its way for its last way wave 5 !Sir I have another question the red trend line whch I drew originally for the daily and when I switch to h4 it shows the peak of the next candle which completed the correction which I have circled on the left side! This was the question I was asking that On a daily trend line if we require a daily correction can we switch to the h4 to see if it was completed? if yes here it looks done sir? ?

Hey, Pips. Just read Saif's, your student's analysis. Impressive. Under your guidance, soon I hope he won't be needing so many convoluted verbal turns and twists to see the wheat from the chaff.
Best wishes to both of you.
Hello eagle sir, thanks :) Its been 3 months since your last comment on my thread I wonder how much I changed since the opening of my thread :pP ! I am more like a step grandson than a student :p !Yes my teacher has gone through a hell lot of a horrible time with me :p explaining me and teaching me but with the personality and patience Paul sir showed I would say I passed :)
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In the initial learning stages while developing a methodology and the money management that goes with it, I found it was best for me to centralize my think on only my indicators of choice. Even since 2004, my methodology has been a building process. During that time. I've had the privilege of studying many different indicators. I found out there is not a huge difference between them, but a discernible difference in how they operate. That has allowed me to use some of their attributes as an example, such as the BB.
I mention MA's a lot as measurement of diverging from the mean.

The SD channel indicator does not accompany the MT4 suite of indicators. It is an indicator offered on the internet. I can send it via e-mail, even though I feel hesitant about mentioning my e-mail here.

You can't draw a TL off the daily, then scope it down to the 4-hour. I already showed the example on the AUD/CHF what happens when you do.

I'll have a clearer view when I get everything set up for my WF, but it appears the EUR/USD, at least, is going to take on more of a consolidative move within the due process of the correction finishing up. The correction is not finished. As I see it now, the 4-hour DOWN TL is about to get taken out, and the correction will continue to the top of the 4-hour cloud.

Sir, this was something new to learn about trend lines Thank you sir! with new learning comes new questions :pP :) I will keep this in mind while drawing them ! I don't even want to talk about bollinger bands :p after learning ichimoku, (haha) Sir after all these months I never found out what the heck SD extreme channel is and how to plot it or even I don't know how it looks !

Secondly Sir euro dollar and auddollar is still due for its correction!I have a chart to show sir It is holding well inside the channel line could be applied as elliot wave theory which I have drawn in its way for its last way wave 5 !Sir I have another question the red trend line whch I drew originally for the daily and when I switch to h4 it shows the peak of the next candle which completed the correction which I have circled on the left side! This was the question I was asking that On a daily trend line if we require a daily correction can we switch to the h4 to see if it was completed? if yes here it looks done sir? ?

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