Some of my forecasts

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I got only one thing to say about this pair, Sigma and Sta know how to find them.
This pair is ready for a huge reversal (I guess that is 2 things.)

I was talking about a possible move to 312.90, but that does not look like it will happen.
Watch for a reaction at the 4-hour kijun, 306.01. If it doe not contain, then 307.03 present a low risk shorting opportunity. Just in case that is broken, then watch for a reaction at the WR1 at 307.62.
The weekly tenken at 295.09 is on the radar, and then the kijun at 285.66. 283.40 will propose a strong cluster event on the monthly, and we could also see the top of the weekly cloud hit at 277.28.
Re: Crude Oil

I thought the bottom of the weekly cloud would be at least temporary containment for this market, but on Oct. 24th we had a strong move that took out the bottom. Any move south this week will be contained by the WS2 at 91.15. The market now appears to be headed to the top of the cloud at 101.07.
You must be working for Congress(I), trying to justify the petrol price hike.
S&p 500

Look for 1290--1320 to be MT containment. That should bring on a correction that will take us down to the MT cluster event at 1180. The thing to be aware of there is that it appears the longer ter trend has switched. The reccent dip formed at 1093 appears as if it will hold for a long time. This market took it on the chin the last 3 months but now appears poised to return the favor. as 1437 should be challenged.
Re: Crude Oil

LOL, actually Timepass, I was thinking how ugly this chart really looks.

I'm sure you know that the commodity price on oil is not what is actually paid per barrel but is a conceptual idea of how much oil is. Gas prices are correlated to the price of oil, and the oil prices is what Congress has no control over.
Control does have control over the hype and excuses they use to try and hike the price of gas such as global warming, and blah blah blah. It seems sure that over coming weeks higher prices will be paid at the pumps because of what will be a further rise in commodity oil prices.

You must be working for Congress(I), trying to justify the petrol price hike.
But the price shouldn't be affected much in terms of rupees because when crude goes up, the dollar goes down, generally. Ultimately it has to be stated in terms of rupees, so I think that Oil companies are fooling the public about the prices.
My level of knowledge on the price interactions between commodity prices on crude and the prices at the pump are limited to what I see in the USA, so I made to broad of a statement concerning that considering the general audience is Indian. Sooo, my apology there.

Oil companies aren't fooling anyone. This is also based on a simple formula I came up with to predict gas prices. One time some college students put me on the spot, with some playful ribbing. They didn't think I could tell them the price on gas over the next 2 weeks. At that time it was clear oil prices were on the rise. Then you get the normal responses like, "I don't believe you did that!!!" LOL, my comeback was I look inside my head, rather than inside your college books.
LOL, I got a lot of respect for college kids, so you guys go easy on my if you are going to take me to task on that.

Timepass, I got to share with you another story. My wife is still a shopper. She cracks me up. She can go to the Goodwill and find wonderful clothing, and all I see are tattered garments. She just has an eye for it. That includes gas, and believe me, I still won't pay more for it than I have to. Any rate, I was telling her the next day gas prices are going up 25 cents per gallon. For me, once I'm in for the night, it takes a major development to get me out of the house. She jumps in the car heads to the gas station and fills up. It took until circa 1:00 in the afternoon the next day for the price to finally rise, so I could have done it myself.
What gets to me is she has no idea how to read a chart. She just takes my word for it. Yep, she'd never make a trader.

But the price shouldn't be affected much in terms of rupees because when crude goes up, the dollar goes down, generally. Ultimately it has to be stated in terms of rupees, so I think that Oil companies are fooling the public about the prices.
Waiting for a pullback to go long in Gold.
Looking very strong. I doubt whether any signs of pullback. Looking around 1761/ 1749 as entry points.
Shorted GBPUSD..

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This is pair we had been talking about. One of the topics was the issue of the daily TL, and the fact it was not broken. The move on the weekly shows the bounce off the TL had some teeth, and is beginning to fulfill the view of it finding its way into the cloud, and then to the top. This week look for signs of a strong reversal .9366, maybe a little higher.
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