Some of my forecasts

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Mubzaveri, I have been posting exactly to that effect.
My previous post confirms what I had been saying concerning the EUR/USD, and the fact it is headed higher.
I made a post concerning the USD Index earlier in this thread about how it is going to drop.
My Weekly Forecast features reversals on all crosses against the USD.
That is also why I kept stubbornly hanging on to my long on the EUR/USD in anticipation of the move.

dollar fell like dead rock any take on that...................


Well-Known Member
That's the move I was talking about. The cluster event on top is obvious. The next thing we wait on is for it to be broken, and then we head to 1.3811, and probably higher.
For that move upto 1.38xx to happen, should we expect the pair to come back near 1.33 levels?
Or will the strength continue from current levels - 1.34xx?

Is this visible through charts? If yes, what time frame do we see to understand this?
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