Some of my forecasts

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Well-Known Member
Isn't the XTB Demo limited to 30 days? Atleast my demo account was restricted to 30 days.
Someone asked me for the kiwi, among other currency pairs. I should be bale to get to them, but these fingers are moving fast.

Okay, LTT. I don't think we are looking at anymore pullbacks. I think a strong enough base has been formed. The euro right now looks really strong against many currencies.
Posted is the daily chart. The 4-hour TL was taken out yesterday, and even though I could be wrong, this appears to be a broad constructive correction, which means we could head up to 1.3811 before the TL gets corrected. In essence, this could mean some strong one-way moves.
It appears by looking at the daily, we have a clear shot at the bottom of the cloud, 1.3811.

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For that move upto 1.38xx to happen, should we expect the pair to come back near 1.33 levels?
Or will the strength continue from current levels - 1.34xx?

Is this visible through charts? If yes, what time frame do we see to understand this?


Well-Known Member
Re: Nzd/usd

All requests are coming up.

This pair should be headed even higher today. It looks like it has a clear shot at the DR1 at .7871, and then the DR2 at .7938. Solid R will wait at the bottom of the daily cloud/ TL combo at .7956. The u-turn could be sharp.
The Eur/Nzd has been going lower for sometime now.
COuld you please suggest.


Well-Known Member
Re: Nzd/usd

What a coincidence! I must have been writing the report on it right after you posted your question.
:) I noticed that it was time that the pair returned to the north, but wanted an expert opinion from you before I entered.

Thank you.
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