Some of my forecasts

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Well-Known Member
Hey Paul...i rode the A/CHF short its retraced a lot... still in profits tho ( down in profits by 66%) good to carry it for the weekend?

leme know asap..pls..
Hills, I'm glad it is doing well. The strong bounce off the 4-hour cloud was predictable as the pair became very OS. There was nothing to do but retreat. They are now the 2 most divergent individual currencies on the 4-hour and could be back on the 4-hour radar, and it remains that the AUD remains being the most OB and CHF and EUR are now the most OS, and so the AUD/CHF is still a good way to go for a short next week, along with the EUR/AUD going long.
Getting back to my personal methodology, the pair is extreme on the weekly, and perfectly rip for a reversal on the daily. The completed cycle within the year's trend is .9531, and the peak was .9536. The daily cloud is extremely bearish into the future. Recent dips of .8884 and .8671 should be taken out.

Hey Paul...i rode the A/CHF short its retraced a lot... still in profits tho ( down in profits by 66%) good to carry it for the weekend?

leme know asap..pls..
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