Some of my forecasts

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Well-Known Member
LTT, it's ironic, but my forecast for the AUD/USD in my Weekly Forecast is going to fall in line with what we talked about concerning "conflicting ideas".
Watch out for it.

The AUD/USD is always the 6th market out of 11 that I do in the Weekly Forecast, so I'm over half way there in an effort to get done on time.
Wow, seems fun :)

In the weekly charts for Aud/Usd, do you feel that a reversal from the top of the weekly cloud - around 1.05x area, will yield a 1-2-3 pattern, and a good move south?


Well-Known Member
LTT, it's ironic, but my forecast for the AUD/USD in my Weekly Forecast is going to fall in line with what we talked about concerning "conflicting ideas".
Watch out for it.

The AUD/USD is always the 6th market out of 11 that I do in the Weekly Forecast, so I'm over half way there in an effort to get done on time.
Sir, if there is a conflicting idea about Aud/Usd, will that have effect on Aud/Chf too?
Can you please add Eur/Aud, Aud/Chf and Chf/Jpy to your weekly review please.
Weekly Forecast--121111

EUR/USD: There is a reason this pair is having trouble making its move south. That is because it has not made its move north, first. Having said that, it is possible for the WS2 at 1.3273 to be hit. Needless to say, the WR2 at 1.3497 should be hit, and if this is the week of the strong breakaway north, then look for the WR3 at 1.3591 to be hit.

USD/JPY: There is now cluster R at 77.95. If that is broken, then there will be a very strong thrust north. That level matches rather nicely with my WR1 at 77.91, which suggest that could be containment for the week or the means for a strong breakout. Watch for reaction at the WS2 at 77.10 on the downside.

GBP/USD: The WS1 at 1.5611 has to hold this week or things turn ugly. Like the EUR/USD, it is necessary for the strong move north before it continues its MT move south. As long as the former scenario holds that virtually puts the WR2 at 1.5782 on the radar. Very strong R will be seen at 1.5868, and it looks impenetrable this week.

USD/CHF: This could be the pair to stage the upcoming weakness for the USD that will break all the crosses out of its funk. If so much as the WS1 at .9189 is hit this week. That could be all that is needed to signal the reversal that will take this pair back to the top of the daily cloud at .8930.

EUR/CHF: The point to look for on this pair is 1.2262. We need it broken or things stay tight.

AUD/USD: A couple of different possible scenarios are now unfolding for this pair. Key R is 1.0273 and allowing for a spike north to the WR1 at 1.0309. As long as this holds, then the strong move south that we witnessed on Thursday and the beginning of Friday was the real deal. If it is broken, then there is a possibility it could head to the next cluster event at 1.0578, and then from that point it will lead into some consolidative activity before we get the next strong break south. The best way to gauge the price action for this week is to watch the reaction at the former level. It will be accompanied by some strong price action.

USD/CAD: This week will start off with the continued move south as the pair heads to the WS1 at 1.0111. It is even possible to see the drop continue to the WS2 at 1.0053. This pair is still vulnerable for a deeper MT drop. If the recent dip at .9891 is taken out, then that puts the focus back on .9707.

NZD/USD: This pair made an impressive drop to end the week, but just as impressive was the recovery in the last 12 hours. Things are now subject to some volatility because the pair is in a wide open range. It is still practical to see the move continue to .7938, but we need a down move first to at least .7619 in order for proper symmetry to prevail and to add some assuredness to the drop once we get to .7938. Ideal containment this week to the north would be the WR1 at .7814, and then see a move to the WS2 at .7613 or lower. As long as that happens, then it leaves this pair open to conclude the rest of the uptrend in preparation for what should be a huge move south.

EUR/GBP: This is another of those mixed signals type. It needs to make its strong up move, so it can prepare to go deeper. It is having a struggle because of the strong downward pressure it faces, so here we go again. The MS1 at .8512 contained last week and figures to do so this week, which is also combined with additional support from the WS1 at .8508. We need a move to .8657, at least, and then the consolidative narrow range will be broken. That would fit in nicely with the WR3 at .8656. Will it be hit this week? Ill let you know next week at this time.

EUR/JPY: I hate to sound like a broken record, but this is just the state of affairs most of the major pairs are in right now. There is strong downward pressure that is preventing the recovery that is necessary to shake the funk. Once again, the downside should be limited to the WS1 at 103.38The R is growing as it heads north, and it could spark some strong breaks. Key Rs will be 105.36, 106.34, and 107.15. With the WR2 being 105.03, getting to the former would be an accomplishment.

GBP/JPY: The all-time low at 116.82 figures to hold before the recent peak at 127.29 is broken, therefore, it is still expected that circa 131.11 will be hit. The WS1 at 121.26 figures to contain, before we get the move north that should take us to the WR2 at 122.39. It will take a strong move, but the WR3 at 123.02 is within the realm of possibility.
LTT, with the narrow range the CHF has been trapped in of late, everytime the AUD moves the AUD/CHF moves. In a natural sense the AUD moves the EUR/AUD more than the EUR. If the AUD has a blowout on top, then it will propose a problem for many of its crosses. There is too much cross comparing evidence to suggest the AUD is going to have no northward blowout.
Once the CHF wakes up, it could be a sharp drop to the .8900's, so it is going to have a lot of say on the AUD/CHF dropping.

I'm running out of time, but I will do the AUD/CHF, then catch up later on the others. I got a major case of butterflies, and I need to relax before the play tonight.

Sir, if there is a conflicting idea about Aud/Usd, will that have effect on Aud/Chf too?
Can you please add Eur/Aud, Aud/Chf and Chf/Jpy to your weekly review please.
LTT, with the narrow range the CHF has been trapped in of late, everytime the AUD moves the AUD/CHF moves. In a natural sense the AUD moves the EUR/AUD more than the EUR. If the AUD has a blowout on top, then it will propose a problem for many of its crosses. There is too much cross comparing evidence to suggest the AUD is going to have no northward blowout.
Once the CHF wakes up, it could be a sharp drop to the .8900's, so it is going to have a lot of say on the AUD/CHF dropping.

I'm running out of time, but I will do the AUD/CHF, then catch up later on the others. I got a major case of butterflies, and I need to relax before the play tonight.
Hello sir I don't know what play you have tonight I wish you all the best sir :) and sir please don't forget my request to with aud/chf djia,ftse 100 forecast sir thank you hope you win tonight :)

I may have already published these before, but here goes again:

AUD/CHF 0.9652 0.9549 0.9488 0.9364 0.9303 0.9200

Consider the WR1 at .9488 containment for the week and possibly for a long time. The WS2 at .9303 should be hit this week, with a shot a the WS3 at .9200. There is also some major S at .9224 and .9210 the pair will have to deal with.
Saif, it is like a skit. I have a smaller part in the play but I'm playing Haman's friend in one part and Haman's servant in another part. The play is about Esther from the Bible. We do this once a year at this time, and we get quite a crowd. This is my 1st play I have ever been in, so I am really excited.
Many people won't come to church for regular service, but we get them to come through a play. In the past there has been a lot of good accomplished through it.

DIJA and FTSE are also on my list. I should be back around 11:30pm Sunday IST.

Hello sir I don't know what play you have tonight I wish you all the best sir :) and sir please don't forget my request to with aud/chf djia,ftse 100 forecast sir thank you hope you win tonight :)


Well-Known Member
Saif, it is like a skit. I have a smaller part in the play but I'm playing Haman's friend in one part and Haman's servant in another part. The play is about Esther from the Bible. We do this once a year at this time, and we get quite a crowd. This is my 1st play I have ever been in, so I am really excited.
Many people won't come to church for regular service, but we get them to come through a play. In the past there has been a lot of good accomplished through it.

DIJA and FTSE are also on my list. I should be back around 11:30pm Sunday IST.

This forum is not about religion and you not even should think to post any thing about it.


You are good in what you post and stay with that. You are great with that and please stay neutral to any religion and stop trying to give any comments on such stupid subjects in trading.

Thank you



Well-Known Member

He is NOT talking about religion. He is talking about what has given him butterflies in the stomach.

Paul has shared things, albeit little ones , before about his personal life. This is just an extension to that. Perhaps community building is not something you are familiar with.

I have'nt seen you object to his writing about other personal stuff , so why this. Infact I haven't seen you here - ever !! So what are you doing here ?

Lastly , this is his thread. Period.


This forum is not about religion and you not even should think to post any thing about it.


You are good in what you post and stay with that. You are great with that and please stay neutral to any religion and stop trying to give any comments on such stupid subjects in trading.

Thank you

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